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Halo Babies Have Arrived! | mrsmiley { July 25, 2003 }
The official launch of the Halo Babies website is now! We currenty have 2 new comics available for viewing with a new one coming next week! Also, in our Members Only eXclusive (MOX) section we have various character sketches, and will be releasing a wallpaper soon! If you haven't already, join the Forum to discuss Halo Babies and other things. Finally, Bungie's Lorraine McLees (the founder of Halo Babies) is currently searching for some original Halo Babies material! We've got a lot going on here, so be sure to drop in now and then!
16 comments so far (leave your own)
1 | Kev says:
This site is the best for halo fans. WEEEEEEE, first comment!
2 | Kev says:
This site is the best for halo fans. WEEEEEEE, first comment!
3 | red elite says:
best site ever!!!! elites rock!
4 | Blackhawk003 says:
It's now been a year and 3 months, and only 3 comments?
5 | Eibe 'Niquaree says:
Well, I don't think everyone in the Halo community is gonna find out about this. And the many people who know about it now probably just don't want to look at news that's a year and 3 months old... but thats my theory...:D
6 | Huki 'Unamee says:
this is sad. Kinda. only 6 posts including me...... this is a good site
7 | SPARTAN 868 says:
Join my clan( only for Spartan's)
It's called SPARTAN RANKERS....
8 | SutekinaArbiter says:
Woot! This site rawks! I saw the address at the ending credits of halo2...GO HALO!
9 | JTF183 says:
10 | Its all lies says:
11 | Its all lies says:
toasted pancakes on rye, dya know what i mean?
12 | bebop117(my gamertag) says:
11/16/05. Twelfth comment.
13 | Spartan gone evil says:
13 isnt a real nice number but it will have to do (think of these words but a dark master cheif voice.) if u do that everything sounds awesome and no (Spartan-117 voice!) i'm no little kid oh yeah i'm gettin my $400 xbox 360 in a few hours
14 | Dark Spartan bad chemical mistake says:
WARNING: (Spartan voice) you can only play halo2 or any other xbox game only if u have a harddrive so get a $400 Xbox instead Thats an order and u not normal elites up there what the f*** r u thinking
15 | haz45 says:
*LAUGHS* Ahem...NO
16 | klaymanbill says:
i love halo babies, i wish i could draw some comics, i can, but i can only do stickmen ones, and they looky krappy :-(