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Sorry, the site you requested is temporarily upgrading... | mrsmiley { January 22, 2004 }
First off, I would like to apologize to everyone for the incredibly long downtime we have had for the last week and a half. Basically, we got over 4,000 hits in less than 2 days, and used up all the rest of our monthly bandwidth allotment! I realize that this happened before, and am working hard to ensure it doesn't happen again! If fact, I would like to ask all of you to only visit the site once a month, so we can save bandwidth...
Just kidding! ;)
All I am really asking you to do is be patient with me. Gholsbane and I are working hard to get the necessary files transferred to our new servers ASAP. The new site is running, fully functional, and waiting to be released! With the help of our awesome sponsors, we have been able to purchase twice the amount of bandwidth that we currently have. We will also be able to look into making that merchandise everyone is requesting. I am hoping to have a meeting up at Bungie studios in Washington soon, where I will talk business with the creator of Halo Babies, Lorraine McLees.
Unfortunately, because we are in the middle of moving, loading, adjusting, tweaking, and creating our new servers to custom fit with the new site, there may be patchy and unexpected downtimes. Please bare with us, as the end result will be worth the wait! Please click here if for information on donating to the HBN Donation Fund!
Your Humble HBN Web Guy,
Matt Dunn