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Fans of the Artful Persuasion | mrsmiley { July 05, 2004 }
We seem to have quite a few! This week I have posted a bunch of great quality fan-creations for your viewing pleasure. Starting off, is the return of akba and his vectorizing campaign on our sketches section. There are six new pics featuring Halo Babies vehicles and an Elite thrown in, just for kicks! We also have two awesome submissions from Grunty Boy - this guy actually mailed these to me. They rock! I've never seen a Grunty Chief before! ;P Finally, in response to last week's comic, "Ripper" made a little something for us.
Check 'em all out in our fan art section!
1 comments so far (leave your own)
1 | Jayk_carson says:
yay first comment! weeee! ripper's work is fuuny. yo