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Incredible Art! (New Info Enclosed) | mrsmiley { September 06, 2004 }
We have a bunch of new artwork and updates for you guys today! So much, I had to use the "extended entry" feature. Wow...
New Art
To start it off, Gruntsbane and akba have collaborated on an increidble new official desktop. It is quite amazing, and is my current choice! Akba also gives a classy new fan desktop to gaze at using the same MC pose he vectored for the official wallpaper.
Bigcortana returns with another... well, "big Cortana" themed fan strip! Check it out!
Forum artist, Kira submitted an absolutely phenomenal "baby elite" picture to our forum Gallery. As a natural progression, I posted it in our official fan art section. Speaking of our forum Gallery, there are TONS of cool new art posts there to check out. A couple that stick out in my mind is a cool Halo/Fight Club crossover by Gruntsbane, and a frighting helmet-less chief pic by Vendau! (It looks like Shishka!) ;P
Art Submission Info
We finally have an official page describing the artwork submission process of this site! The link can be found at the top of all the official art-related pages of this site. Please note that all fan art submissions will now be channeled through our forum's Gallery before being chosen to be released on the official site! Please do not e-mail us your submissions anymore! For more specific info on our Gallery, click here.
1 comments so far (leave your own)
1 | alex says:
lets get it on