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Planet Halo Babies | mrsmiley { September 29, 2004 }
W00t! Rams of has just informed me that the current Halo Babies strip will now be viewable from the HP main page! This is something that has been in the working for about a month, and has just now been released. HaloPlanet has always been a strong supporter of this site (since the "3dActionPlanet/halo" days!), so go check out the new feature!
6 comments so far (leave your own)
1 | Mista_B says:
More Halobabies locationage = good.
2 | Tina Leyk says:
Awesome! Congat's. :)
3 | the grunt 1000 Cali carter says:
I <3 halobabies!
by the way this <3 is a heart
4 | Spartan Apple Pie says:
Huh, always thought <3 was ice-cream, or a butt.
Oh, and w00t, HB's cool.
5 | doodoocaca says:
mesa likey alot! Hughghgh! huuughgh!
6 | lizardman says:
i just have one thing to say....WOOT!! :) ?????????????????????????????????