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Art Update Part 2! | mrsmiley { October 26, 2004 }
We've got a bunch of great fan images, a new 3-D desktop, and a movie... AND A SPOILER!!!!!11
OMFG TEH SP0LI3R! Hehe, just a funny lil image from the newly created! (Image by c0ld)
And now on to all the featured forum art this week that is NOT by 2phast! ;)
Forum Art
The Real ODST { comment } An awesome drawing of and ODST shock trooper! -
Courage { comment } A very well-done MSP drawing, with a great quote! -
Fire Downrange [Forum Post] Compass never ceases to amaze with his incredible flash work! He does great things with the Scorpion tank! -
Master Chief { comment } A very well drawn colored pencil, er... drawing!
Dead Elite { comment } Drawing of a dead elite using the same style. (You may also want to check out his MSP Halo logo!) -
MC Hamster and Grunt mouse { comment } SOOOO CUTE!!! -
Forum Movie
Whencowzattack posted a hilarious "stop-go" movie featuring Halo/Halo 2 action figures. It is very well done, and has been getting great feedback in the forum. Check it out!
- (Right click and 'Save as' to download) Halo Figures | 6.43 MB | Windows Media | Hosted by Mythica
Fan Desktop
We've got another 3-D desktop by nrek today! Check it out!
Woah! That was a big update! Enjoy!
6 comments so far (leave your own)
1 | Spartan-287 says:
nice work
(oh ya #1)
2 | Falcon says:
Wow! These pieces of artwork are absolutely AWESOME! Great work guys!
Yay! Comment #2!
3 | DeathsPale Horse says:
sweet! i seriously like nreks wallpaper.:> what else can can this guy do that isnt GENIUS!:>
4 | TheComet says:
I got a laugh out of that spoiler one :P I havn't checked out all the art yet, but they all look pretty good.
check back a few news posts, I put the link to an animated version of a few of the site comics I made :)
5 | tupac says:
man that stuff is horrible, go to art school guys, seriously
6 | mrsmiley says:
We all have a right to our own opinion, but I recommend showing us some of your own artwork before trashing others.