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If Kirby Ate Master Chief | mrsmiley { November 01, 2004 }
Woah! Halo meets Super Smash Bros...
Hehe, don't you all wish! Even though that will never happen, I couldn't help but mention KloHunt3r's Kirby Chief, even if it isn't quite a feature! MMmmm... pink and green goodness... on to the update!
Forum Art
Trick or Treat! { comment } No Halloween would be complete without at least one themed pic! Very clever camera work! (A funny second pic is available if you sroll down his forum post!) -
Spartan 067
On the Beach of Zanzibar { comment } A promising up and coming artist. Great attention to shadow detail. -
Fido-117 { comment } Wow. You'll have to see this to believe it!
Sanctum of Heirarchs { comment } Beatuful portayal of a scene from Halo: First Strike. -
Fan Strip
Bigcortana's strips seem to just keep getting funnier, and her Adobe skill is getting better! Check her latest strip in her "Grunts will Rule" series!
The last strip of our series is coming in 4 days! O_o
23 comments so far (leave your own)
1 | no_117 says:
ALRIGHT FIRST COMMENT! anyway, that would be cool to at least have the mc on ssb. Thing is they only use nintendo characters. :'(
2 | ~Trail says:
They could make an exception for the right anmount $$, and besides, Nintendo would rake it in! You know you'd want one. I'd have a blast kickin mario's backside around with MC.
3 | Junpei says:
It's "Kirby" lol.
Good stuff you got there.
4 | shanomac says:
bleeeeh poo
5 | SParTan 199 says:
I agree with no_177, it would be cool!!!!!!!!!
6 | SPaTan 199 says:
Oh, and I agree with ~Trail too, It would be cool kicki'n mario's @$$!
7 | rabid08 says:
ermm... You spelled "kirby" as "kerby"
8 | mrsmiley says:
Oops! Thanks. Suprised no one else caught that.
9 | dark_hearted_4_lyf16 says:
i agree it would b cool if halo was enterd into smash bros, now that would b FUN!!!!
10 | Eibe 'Niquaree says:
actually, they should have a Super Smash Bros. Bungie Edition! they could have the characters from ONI and Master Chief and stuff... only prob is that i dont know anything about Bungie's other games except Halo and Myst...
tenth post! YAH!
11 | mrsmiley says:
I believe you mean "Myth" lol!
12 | MechaRaum says:
Myst? Don't you mean Myth?
13 | Yayap and Zuka says:
wow kirby ate chief... i wonder where he is at now?
(deep within the bowels of kirby's bowels)
Master Chief: Man, its crowded in here...
14 | josh says:
i wonder what kirby would look like as an elete or a grunt or a hunter!
15 | Halo-Punk says:
it would be easy to see what Kirby would look like as a grunt, but an elite? For a Hunter, i think i know what he would look like. He would look like that fat Penguin(boss) in his those Kirby Games.~lol
16 | Halo-Punk says:
it would be easy to see what Kirby would look like as a grunt, but an elite? For a Hunter, i think i know what he would look like. He would look like that fat Penguin(boss) in his those Kirby Games.~lol
17 | Halo-Punk says:
it would be easy to see what Kirby would look like as a grunt, but an elite? For a Hunter, i think i know what he would look like. He would look like that fat Penguin(boss) in his those Kirby Games.~lol
18 | Halo-Punk says:
it would be easy to see what Kirby would look like as a grunt, but an elite? For a Hunter, i think i know what he would look like. He would look like that fat Penguin(boss) in his those Kirby Games.~lol
19 | Halo-Punk says:
it would be easy to see what Kirby would look like as a grunt, but an elite? For a Hunter, i think i know what he would look like. He would look like that fat Penguin(boss) in his those Kirby Games.~lol
20 | Cory says:
Who is a ho, you whos a ho you.
21 | halo master says:
the thing that bugs me is that you dont get to see master chifs head
22 | Heero Yue says:
I like Megatokyo! M3s4 wondrin if Junpei d0s3 t00! OH! and, your comisx suxors... sorry! but they are to short, and are almost inexesible, and it takes me like, 4n h0ur t0 find 0ne f---in comic, but dey 4re usually funny!
23 | Heero Yue says:
I like Megatokyo! M3s4 wondrin if Junpei d0s3 t00! OH! and, your comisx suxors... sorry! but they are to short, and are almost inexesible, and it takes me like, 4n h0ur t0 find 0ne f---in comic, but dey 4re usually funny!