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Get Well, KRACKA! | mrsmiley { February 08, 2005 }
Due to a recent injury, one of our beloved forum mods, KRACKA, will be taking a couple months off from the site. Gruntsbane drew a special Art Pad message for KRACKA here! Hopefully all that time away from Xbox Live won't take away your 1337 5k1llz too much! ;)
13 comments so far (leave your own)
1 | Gruntsbane says:
For those of you too lazy to read the thread, it was a wrist injury ;)
2 | REBELJON says:
To bad to hear about that, get well soon! we need u!
3 | Sparkie says:
Aww poor KRACKA. Get well soon man! I'd send ya a card But I don't have yer address heh. Hope the healing process goes well!!!
4 | Junpei says:
Sparkie, what about E-Cards? :)
Get well soon KRACKA
5 | blinxhunter says:
Get Well Kracka ^_^ We'll miss you on the forums
6 | Zero says:
Yea, get well Kracka. BTW excellent work everyone.
7 | Xashe says:
nice. hope you get better KRACKA!
8 | Spec.Op.Elite says:
get better soon KRACKA! and, just for the fun of it:
Refu-ah Sh'lemah! (Means get well in Hebrew)
Vizdrovlai Skorah! (ditto in russian)
9 | chris brown says:
The halo babies is the best web site ever because they are funny to read and I hope you send me a message thanks
10 | Falcon says:
Ouch! :(
I hope you get well soon, KRACKA! We need you to amuse us to death with your KILLER artwork! ;)
11 | Machinedog says:
Get well soon!!!
12 | halo bab says:
13 | Turok says:
HOLY CRAP DUDE!!!!! That is some awsome art err.... fingerwork!!!