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Eye Candy | mrsmiley { February 22, 2005 }
We have some more great stuff for you this week. No, I mean some really cool stuff. Read on and give your eyes a treat!

First off I want to say that I have been slacking big time the past few months. In case you didn't know, this site has an official Halo Babies Fan Gallery. I have been totally neglecting this section! Great Halo Babies art, such as the one you see above, deserves a permanent place on this site. I will be making an update to this database over the next week or so. It is a lot of work, as it bascially means going over every art update we've ever had, and finding the best Halo Babies fan art to post. We have had a lot of great artists in the past, and have even more now! I want to give them the recognition they deserve for their Halo Babies contributions! So anyways, expect that soon... now on with the art!
Gallery Art
"Halo 2: Ambush" { comment } This is by far one of the coolest fan pieces I have seen in a long time! -
"Jackal Terminator" { comment } As if they weren't scary enough on their own! Check out the thread for a second version as well! -
"ODST Chibi" { comment } A very cool "babyfied" ODST Trooper. -
Sketchbook Art
"Commander Keyes" { comment } Another *ahem* "bust" of a Halo 2 woman. I wish he would finish one of these!
"A very 'Skinny' Elite { comment } Woah, definitly a first for me! -
"Valjir" { comment } I didn't know Elites could be so sexay! Sparkie does it again... -
"The Balloon" { comment } This has nothing to do with Halo, but is a very cool pic! -
"Manga Elite" { comment } Very cute manga elite!Fan Strips
Got a couple new strips up this week. Check out "Matta Chief vs. Goldy the Elite" by she_at_my_bus_accident, and an absolutely hialrious comic by Sparkie called "Innuendo!" Ryley217 also brings her homegrown art style to life again with a new strip of her own.
That's all for this week. It's now time to get started on the fan art update... *groans*
40 comments so far (leave your own)
1 | Nala'Zorodee says:
O.O My drawing is on this update?! YAY!! *feels loved* ^_^
2 | Rival says:
nice comics and nice gallery
3 | Michael says:
Nice Arbiter.
4 | Sparkie says:
*silently curses the Norton Antivirus program* It's eating my computer alive! AGH! I probably won't be able to add any more art until Norton quits trying to kill my comp....>.< Nice art tho!
5 | Jon says:
Very nice all of em
6 | Machinedog says:
That arbiter is just so cute.
7 | Dirge says:
*hugs the Arbiter* soooo snuggly and cute!
8 | Falcon says:
Wow! An elite Skeleton! Amazing!
And the Ambush painting...(speechless)... O_O
OOOhhhh! Valjir is one of the sexiest elite pictures that I've seen in a while! (Drooling) Kidding! ;)
Awesome Job, Sparkie, and all of you great artists out there! Your art work is absolutely breathtaking! I love you guys so much! Keep the awesome artwork coming!! :)
9 | evilguineapig says:
I'd hug it too, but the thing behind it's back.....Well.....It dosen't look too inviting... *slowly backs away*
10 | Energy Sword Samurai says:
wort wort WORT!!!! That Valjir could make a lekgolo in tridium armor drop dead! Too bad she's married to the Arbiter.....
11 | l-lalo Live and Reloaded says:
Nice pic... but maybe next time u should make him fighting the Mc!
12 | puny grunt says:
ambush pic is AWESOME!!!
keep up the good work guys!
13 | Sparkie says:
Oh yea...harder...harder...YES!More! More! Oh yes! Oh yes! More! Don't Stop! Don't Stop! Yes! Yes! Yes!
14 | Mr. Hobo says:
*Dirty Thoughts*
15 | Mr. Hobo says:
*Dirty Thoughts*
16 | Bart Simpson says:
Dude you're one f-uped pervert.
17 | A random mad halo fan says:
so cool,SO COOL!!!!1
18 | Halo Babies fan says:
He's soooooo cute! I want to huggle him!
19 | Spence says:
Oh my God Its me When i was a babey
20 | alex says:
oh my gosh that elete has a sward *taking out rocket launcher*
21 | Jammerfer says:
That Jackal... Those eyes! Those EYYYYES! Nice, all of them... That plane, could be a SkyHawk...
22 | Nala'Zorodee says:
Nah, its not a SkyHawk, just a random jet that popped out of my brain. So its a hybrid/mutated jet of doom. :]
23 | WFT says:
I awear, if I see another goddamn "chibi" Halo character, I'm going to fucking puke all over the Halo babies server, and take this crap permanently off-line.
24 | Bobbie Dahl says:
25 | fu says:
f*** you bobbie dahl f*** you
26 | Bobbie Dahl says:
27 | fu says:
you spelt GAY and GAYER wrong
28 | Bobbie Dahl says:
I now?
29 | fu says:
Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you
30 | Bobbie Dahl says:
31 | fu says:
32 | HB Manager says:
Bobbie Dahl and fu are baned forever
33 | HB Manager says:
Bobbie Dahl and fu are baned forever
34 | fu and Bobbie Dahl says:
ffuucckk yyoouu
35 | kaizer bun says:
that got out of hand...
36 | mooching sack of death says:
wow that little incident there was interesting, umm the arbiter is cute but i'm not sure i'd want to "huggle" him. and valjir. hmhmhm *evil laughing* sexy
37 | boommama says:
valjar is SO HOT I woud suck here boobs then fuck here to death muhahahaahh
38 | wizard-lord says:
you sparkie keep going keep going beacuse your good =J
39 | arbiter 117 says:
Keep it up!!!!!!!doing great
40 | Spartan 161 says:
Arbiter FTW btw maybe one day Ill strike a deal with bungie and make a halo 4 movie[though its gonna be REALLY hard} probabbly about the search for the Chief