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When Art Updates | mrsmiley { March 08, 2005 }
Although these art updates tend to take quite a bit of work on my part, I always love the results! As always, we have tons of great art in this week's update. We also have a bunch of cool new Halo fan strips for you to check out!

This week there a few great non-Halo related pics. I love when I see people doing other characters besides Halo. Don't get me wrong, Halo is great, and there are certainly a lot of good pics, but every now and then something else is rereshing! =)
Gallery Art
"Angelic Arbiter" { comment } Where would we be without the usual creative/awesome stuff from Sparkie?
"Halo Welding Helmet" Sparkie decided to take her skills to a new canvas... a welding helmet! She somehow manages to pull anything off well, even with only an X-acto knife as a tool! -
Raptor 27
"Nightmare" and "Sheol" { comment } Very cool and unique Conevanant characters! -
"Crazy Master Chief" { comment } This just plain rocks! New artist alert!
"Old Stuff" Gallery - - Some great gaming work; a slant towards SSBM.
Akba/Sparkies Boyfriend
"Veritech Sparkie" [color, original] { comment } Sparkie guest stars in a sexay Veritech pic! -
"New Style MC" { comment } Just when you thought MSP couldn't get any better...Sketchbook Art
"Feminine Elite Character Sheet" { comment } She is "leaning" towards a feminine looking Elite; seems like several artists are doing this nowadays. -
"Elite Sketch { comment } Sweet sketch - over some other cool sketches... XD
"Spec. Ops vs. MC" { comment } If only the MC could do that in the game... ;) -
"Tachyon WIP" { comment } "Megamanesque"
"Mario is a badass" { comment } Wow, he really is! Lookin forward to seeing this finished! -
"Hunter Sketch" [color, original] { comment } Very intricate drawing, and good job on coloring. (No shading, but still feature-worthy!) -
Master Chef
"Master Chief Again" { comment } Wicked cool style for this WIP. Done in MSP, too! -
Halo Fan Strips
I'm organizing this section a bit different, since there a bunch of new quality strips that have popped up. Hopefully this will be more convenient for you to navigate! Here is a break-down of the new categories:- Forum Series: An established comic series on this forum, that ranks relativly high in artistic quality, activity, and is well-received among members.
- Feature: A one-time comic, or a new series that catches my eye; whether for artistic, or comedic purposes.
Forum Series *updated this week* - MC and Cortana: Session 3.0 - Part 4
- Journey to the Covenant Homeworld - Part 15
- NEW SERIES! Leet and Masta. This is a hilarious new series by long-time forum member, MechaRaum, with a unique artistic style. It has been around for a bit, but it is now a Forum Series!
- Midnight Flare Chronicles: Part 3
- Pimp it, Smiley!
Already, as I finish up this update, I see at least 4 or 5 new features for next week... GOSH!
18 comments so far (leave your own)
1 | MechaRaum says:
Wo0r, first post! Nice art guys!
2 | Dead 2 Brutes says:
Woot 2nd post I like de FEMALE ELITE EN THJE 2 N3W COVVIE
3 | Master Chef says:
WHoa! Something I did made it into an art update! Nice!
4 | A random mad halo fan says:
W00t 4th post!
another W00t for so great art update!!1
W00t w00t w00t!!111
5 | Sabata00 says:
5TH that crazy master chief one rocks!
6 | Sparkie says:
*is embarassed at the veritech stuff* Stupid BF...LOL Just kidding. Wow I was hoping my helmet would make a feature! I'm thinking of giving MSP a try sometime...
7 | RedRaptor says:
Sparkie...your BF's lucky. I don't know ANY hard-core gamer girls. I remember looking at your old MW stuff (Go Clan Jade Falcon!) and thinking: Man, what I wouldn't give to get a GF who does stuff like that! Crapp, Akba's here! RUN AWAY!
@The others: nice pix. Keep em coming!
8 | Sparkie says: I know you from somewhere....the Origional Mechbay that kept crashing perhaps?
9 | sk8tergurl says:
im a hard core gurl.
im a serious punk and i skateboard
so i guess you know another one
10 | lysergic says:
Yay I'm in the update again!I really like the stuff in this update... w00t!
11 | RedRaptor says:
*thumbs up* Bingo. Mechbay was good, but the server wasn't.
12 | Sparkie says:
Hey redraptor, IM me sometime. My IM info is on the forum tho...are you on the forum, and as who?
13 | RedRaptor says:
Not on the forum...yet, but it'll be under this name. Better do it before MrSmiley bans me for spamming here. :)
14 | l-lalo Live and Reloaded says:
Ok... Lets get some thing straight... But first. Nice... Contiuing, you shouldn't use thing like, n3w,de,en,thje... Cause... That just proves your a nerd dude...
15 | Spartan51592 says:
the Master Chief ROX!!!
16 | spartan-128 says:
i make art bye free drawling they are good but can use some "spaz"
17 | eden says:
make master chief hijaking a cufudidt ship.