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Bungie Gets Beat by Babies! | mrsmiley { June 08, 2005 }
As Luis Wu already mentioned on HBO, we played Bungie for the Humpday Challenge yesterday. Although the games were close, we emerged victorious, winning 2 out of 3! Let me clear a few things up for you to get you ready for Bungie's version of the challenge...
Game 1: BR Team Slayer on Lockout [stats]
Before I go into this game, let me first say that we had neither Gruntsbane or abka with us when we started. GB was a little late, and akba forgot about the entire humpday challenge until it was too late! As many of you know, Battle Rifle slayer on Lockout is akba's best gametype, and we were really counting on him to lead us to victory with his mad no-scoping skillz. Gruntsbane is probably our second best player, so we were also counting on him. Phooey.
The game started out very close. Bungie was really good at staying together and taking us down as a team. It was back and forth for the most part of the game, but we managed to pull ahead for victory! I think the highlight of the whole night happened in this game, where I pwned shishka (and half the rest of the team).
Game 2: 1 Flag CTF on Burial Mounds (First to 3) [stats]
Ok, this is Bungie's apparent "win" out of the 3 games. Let me explain how in went:
1. We are defending, and Bungie is getting nowhere. Granted, we were just on offense, and we didn't do anything either.
2. Someone trips over the LAN cord in my house, and I lag out of the game.
3. Once I get re-connected, I get invites from Sketch and half my team. Not a single invite works for about 2 minutes.
4. Finally, I am allowed to rejoin.
5. About 5 seconds after I am back in the game, Bungie scores the flag.
6. Two rounds later, Bungie ends the game, "because it would have taken too long."
I understand Bungie decided to make it a 4 round single flag CTF game (without telling us), but if Bungie needs us to be a man down to score, so be it! ;) (Note: I'm not saying this to insinuate that Bungie was cheating or anything, I just like to give Sketch a hard time. =P)
Game 3: Team Snipers on Coagulation [stats]
I learned something during this game. I SUCK AT SNIPING ON THIS LEVEL. Although my 4 kills may have been as much as Achronos and Sketch combined, I have no excuse for my inadequacy at actually hitting people with my bullets on this level. I probably would have had an easier time throwing my gun at them. My accuracy in this game was 12%. Ouch. However despite this, Gruntsbane pulled it together and lead us to very close victory.
Although the games were all pretty quick, I had a good time playing with Bungie. They were quite a bit better than I expected, and I think if we had a rematch, we would definitely have to work harder to win! Thanks for some good games, a racing pulse, and sweaty palms, Bungie!
64 comments so far (leave your own)
1 | Bobik says:
Wooh, go HBN! Nice job!
2 | DancesWithSoda says:
Woo hoo. Great job, staff!
And yes, sniping on Coag sucks.
3 | Polarbear says:
HBN cannot be defeated! Join us, and together we will rule the galaxy as, and forum..
4 | ??IDK says:
Yay! Halobabies finally earns (more) recognition, honour and glory!
5 | Necromas says:
I knew you guys would win :)
6 | Ripper 714 says:
Mwahahaha! HBN pwns....
Yeah....akba would of helped in some of those games, but hey, you guys pulled it off!
7 | master_chiefette says:
Woah, who would have guessed? WITHOUT akba and Gruntsbane for a while. XD Awesome job, guys!
8 | A Jolly Jaybird says:
woot woot GO HBN!!!
9 | DemonSpawn77 says:
My heroes!
10 | Ninja 0n Fire says:
It was fun playing with you guys, congrats on the wins!
Yes, we had to end the Burial Mounds match at 4 rounds, it had been going for over 20 minutes with only 1 flag capture and was likely to take over an hour at the rate it was going.
That Snipers game was close. ;)
Good job on the teamwork, keep it up!
11 | nof says:
Did somebody steal my old username?
12 | Sparten Haze says:
W00t,nice work.
13 | YT says:
Hey what program do you use for getting feed from your tv to your comp
14 | Jason_4_04 says:
What we needed to do better was stick together, and communicate more.
15 | mrsmiley says:
nof: I was wondering that too... well he's from Bungie, so who knows who had i first...
YT: I use the ATI TV Wonder II card.
16 | PlasmaFire says:
AHAHAHAHA...the HBNers have their revenge at last... :P I think the Bungie guys are about to take a head-first plunge into a losing streak. Maybe? Maybe not???
Anyway, awesome job to all of you who played! Keep it up.
17 | SinisterMonkey says:
WOOT, knew ya would win. HBN kicks ass
18 | Kap2310 says:
hooray for the Halobabies!!!!!
19 | Aznbanisher says:
haha...good for you guys
20 | MC_Elite says:
A victory of epic proportions indeed! A good fight put up by Bungie.
21 | Steve says:
What the heck! How come I didn't know about this? Oh well your loss
22 | synide says:
nice triple. when we play them, im betting that bungie ops for no BR starts vs MLG :/
23 | Steve says:
Not that I could play anywayz, since I left all my Halo2 copies and HeadSet at the Plasma Fest :).
24 | mooching sack of death says:
you would think that since they made the game they would win it too...nice job
25 | Dork Force One says:
woot go babies
26 | mrsmiley says:
Steve: What the heck! How come I didn't know about this? Oh well your loss
Well it could be the fact that you are not staff at HaloBabies... or do anything else here for that matter.
27 | milkncereal says:
lol i was pwning....i carried alot of weight that game of lockout
28 | Balefire 1 says:
If you are going to do sniping on Coagulation, you can't stay in one place. Head through the teleport, go up the cliff edge, peek out of the cave, get somewhere near the middle of the map where you have a clear view of...
A: The rest of the field
B: key junctions like the low cliff between the two caves.
as for the second game; Man, it stinks when that happens!once my Dad unpolugged my ethernet cable to put in his work laptop because he didn't know I was on. Same effect.
Team slayer BR is one of my favorite settings too.
NICE JOB TO ALL FOIR BEATING BUNGIE!!! although I do feel kindof bad for them, they can't seem to catch a break.
29 | MassHavok says:
Bungie I'm very disappointed in you. Sketch talk about how you were all training to become a better team but you still loss even without Frankie.
To Halo Babies:
w00t w00t
30 | Gholsbane says:
I feel unloved.
31 | Skipper says:
Lol, I don't Achronos is ever going to forget getting the shotgun in the face four times in a row by me.
32 | Crosso says:
Unluck bungie.
well done to the babies!
hey masshavok if you dissapointed bungie lost then i'd think you'd luagh at the results of bungies loss against GunShin!!
well done HaloBabies
33 | Falcon says:
Halobabies won!!!???
Alright!! Long live HBN!!!
34 | sparkie says:
Coagulation...I can't snipe on that level either. :P Well done, smileh. Did you ever send Shiska the link to my photobucket album?
35 | Lord_Halo99 says:
Well done all members of the HBN PWN SQUAD and a VERY NICE triple kill smiley. this is cool considering the guys for OXM got sent straight to the choping block by Bungie a few months ago. NICE JOB BY ALL.
36 | Java says:
Those are some sexy stats there! I saw the 12%, and yes, that is an ouch! But trust me, I've had worse. I'm canon fodder for the most part, I suck at BR, worse if there are shields, I suck at sniping, b/c I play with peeps who know where to look. -_-;;; I DO rock at vehicles, shotguns, anything that explodes, and any duels. BUT, seeing as everyone rocks with those, I'm not very spectacualr am I? But I was happy to get my first Killtrocity the other day! GO WRAITHS!
37 | I don't know how to quote (steve) says:
(In re to smiley) Well actually I think it's cuz I'm in longer on your clan. With the exception of Sexy..uh, I mean Grunstbane, Akba, and sometimes you, the rest of your clan just sux too bad. like 80% of the HB clan was below level 16 (last time I checked a few months ago, its been a while since i've been on).
38 | mrsmiley says:
to steve: Hehe, we are currently a level 18 clan, with plenty of high ranking members. maybe you should have checked before making that post.
39 | jay126 says:
hey halobabies I am a member of the halo 2 clan called Fullblownch4os we were ranked 15 at one point of time.We aren't playing as good now but were plaining on playing bungie in a humpday challenge soon i was wondering if we could play against you guys first to see if we are good enough send me a message on xbox live my gamertag is JAY126
40 | Ironman378 says:
Way to go!
41 | Death says:
My friends and I can take anyone on at any given time, looks us up at ORbKnights, ORbHlyknght ORbEclipse and ORblegend
42 | Spartan-107 says:
Awsome guys HOO HOO keep up the wins
43 | Death says:
Hey does any of these babies wanna good match? send me a message on xbox live
44 | Ultimea says:
Congratz on winnnin
45 | random kid from MD says:
that's freakin funny and befor xbox live u'd thin bungie player's were the best but they are geting ownt mmmm hmmmmm
46 | MARETON says:
12% Ha Ha Ha but it's not the lowest accuracy I've ever seen which is a tiny 1%.
47 | Morpheus says:
Great job HBN! I finally got Halo 2 las' week(my family kept robbin' me) AND I SAW YOUR WEBSITE ON THE END CREDITS! I WAS LIKE HOLY CRAP!! THat was so w00tin col.
48 | nutty professor says:
vitory is ours.
49 | SinZ says:
You guys really aren't good...I looked up most of your stats and 90% of it's garbage really...And are you trying to brag about an 18? Wow...
50 | hunteroftheyear says:
way tha go! and....12%?omg....
mine is always at least 80% =P...
and SinZ....go complain about someone else plz....
51 | Whazam says:
HAHA Awsome
52 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:
12%?! my respect for you has INCREASED! no, im just kidding... i could kick your posterior with sniper. nice kill with shishka though!
53 | TheComet says:
That clip there was sweet, you don't get alot of opportunities like that in other games (at least in my case). Nice one smiley!
54 | bungie rox says:
wow, you are bad at sniping... i have gotten more than twelve percent in games where i was trying to get a low accuracy... I dont know why, but i did.
55 | says says says says says says says says says says says says says says says says says says says says says:
hey bungie, you are pretty good. I thought i was gonna own you before i played you... But 25 to 6 was a freakin blowout
56 | bungie rox says:
yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage. yeah, you are fricking garbage... Wow you suck badly. You shouldnt waste your money on halo 2, it was really pointless. I dont know why you would possibly think you were going to own me, but you are really garbage.
57 | Pat MA says:
Hmm... You beat Bungie but Halo2forum trashed halo babies! No one can defeat Halo2forum! Y not write a report on that one? :)
58 | SPARTAN2P1 says:
Hmmmm....well I wouldn't feel bad about sniping,I am always the one bein' sniped.Im not really fast with sniping, I usally sit around waiting for someone who sniped me earlier..which is a stupid tactic, but It makes me happy.But im also a horrible shot ,even if I had an Out-of-the-Level area I would be easily picked off.Im also a spaz jumper so when im being shot at I jump continuisly so its like a open target saying "I'M RIGHT HERE!!" .Well great job anyway.Bungie had it comin'.
p.s. Am I the only 1 who misses the Rocket Lunge?
59 | 24#enolc akhsihs says:
awsome nice hbn i knew youd win"im psycic" also whats with bungie rox ,that was way to long!!!
60 | played 38 lost none says:
talk about when halo forum kicked ur ass
61 | darksteeple13 says:
How do you sign up for humpday challenge, dont tell me im an idiot if you cant, or its like retarded of me asking cause im a totall noob ok? So tel me if you can sign up or whatever plz.
62 | STraIGht Ki11iN says:
Nice HBNers, bout time sum 1 takes those guys out.
63 | iRamboii says:
wow 12% thats amazing
64 | Inferno says:
you guys rock!