{ Last Minute Shopper | Archive | Merry Christmas from the Babies! }

The Nightmare Before Christmas | mrsmiley { December 24, 2005 }
Turialim, founder and artists behind the Comics of Randomness series on our forum, decided it would be fun to right a Christmas poem, and have a bunch of artists draw pictures for the different verses! I even decided to do one. If I only knew how wierd this Christmas story was, I may have declined... =P Read on for a fully illustrated, and fully demented Christmas story. Merry Christmas everyone!
Because some of the image files are bigger than others, I decided to post them up in order with links, rather than posting all the images in this post. That way it's dial up friendly, and you can also see who drew each section.
*WARNING: This could be offensive to some people. Contains violence/mild adult humor.
Be sure to view the story in order so you know what's going on!
Verse 1: Part 1 | Part 2 by Zyrra Da Phirra
Verse 2 by Inferiorsenseofhumor
Verse 3 Turialim
Verse 4: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 by Zyrra Da Phirra and Shay-monyou
Verse 5 by HaloGod
Verse 6 by Damatee
Verese 7 by Crazy Mofo
Verse 8 by Inferiorsenseofhumor
Verse 9 by The Comet
Verse 10 by 2Phast
Verse 11 by Trix
Verse 12 by WayneEnterprise
Verse 13 by mrsmiley
Verese 14 by Turialim
And there you have it. I hope you have all been thouroughly violated and confused through this bizarre storey during this fine holiday season!
34 comments so far (leave your own)
1 | Elite Tucker says:
Lolz that was awesome! In teh spirit!
2 | Turialim says:
I would just like to thank everyone who contributed to this, and made it an excallent Christmas special!
3 | mrsmiley says:
it was a great project man! glad to help! =)
4 | VertigoGamer says:
that really britened up me christmas eve thanx guys! u rok!
5 | Crazy Mofo says:
Woo....I was in it too! Roxxorz. Happy Jesus day everyone!
6 | spartan001 says:
uh huh well i guess i liked itsw it was a bit random and hard to read at spots but still i liked it good job
7 | [HTX]Jebus says:
I really enjoyed this one. I thought it was hilarious.
8 | TheComet says:
aaaaaaaaahhh mine looks like crap compared to all the great ones around mine lol....btw 2phast...freaking classic! Might even be my new desktop :P
9 | Tipperman says:
That was so sexy.
10 | Lord_Halo99 says:
People who make fun of Christmas have a strong creative talent that i wish i had. Good job guys.
11 | The_Eliminator says:
Well done, everyone. :)
12 | Loknar64 says:
Awesome work guys! I wish I had found the thread early on and had signed up!
13 | SinisterMonkey says:
*ROFL* *dies laughing*
That was Hilarious. Probably better than anything ele this year. But does this mean no MC's Christmas adventure?
Oh well, gr8 job everyone. I loved it.
14 | Vector says:
I loved it, I got to give to everyone who did a part in this. Great job. Though I think the funniest verses have to be a tie between Mrsmiley and 2phast.
Have a merry christmas everyone.
15 | Etoli says:
Oh my gosh, 2phast's santa rocked. This was funny as heck, guys!
16 | darkninja says:
i feel confused and violated haha yah 2phast's satan was awesome to bad the ones at the store didnt look like that ha....
17 | Dragonclaws says:
I love terrorist Santa in 10. Brilliant in a stupid way.
18 | MrAlexZander says:
That was great. I didn't know that MrSmiley could draw that well, considering his work in MSXL MOA. ;)
19 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:
WH0oOA that was weird. 2Phast really outdid him self this time... awesome. I lika dat commando Santa ;P
20 | WayneEnterprise says:
I'm proud of having part of this unique idea. Everyone's strip came out perfect...Turialim hope your proud
21 | Serenity says:
ROFL! 2Phast's Evil Santa rocked! The whole thing worked out very well, congrats to all who worked on it. Excellent jobs. :D
22 | Your mom says:
whats with the sword
23 | Alex says:
My God, its more beautiful than I ever imagined
24 | Spartan700 says:
*sniff* so beautiful
25 | it says:
omg! LOL! that was funny as hell that i almost shout. LOL!
26 | Fanorntikgul says:
That was hilarious, good job!
27 | Someone-Somewhere says:
3 words; KICK ASS..... wait I mean 2!
28 | Sheikurl says:
evry1 i wrote the twelve days of halo:On the 1st day of Halo, my true love sent to me, a spartan in a banshee.
On the 2nd day of Halo, my true love sent to me, two smgs and a spartan in a banshee.
On the 3rd day of Halo, my true love sent to me, three jackal shields, two smgs and a
spartan in a banshee.
On the 4th day of Halo, my true love sent to me, four combat flood, three jackal
shields, two smgs and a spartan in a banshee.
On the 5th day of Halo, my true love sent to me, five guilty sparks, four combat flood,
three jackal shields, two smgs and a spartan in a banshee.
On the 6th day of Halo, my true love sent to me, six beam rifles, five guilty sparks,
four combat flood, three jackal shields, two smgs and a spartan in a banshee.
On the 7th day of Halo, my true love sent to me, seven arbiters, six beam rifles, five
guilty sparks, four combat flood, three jackal shields, two smgs and a spartan in a
On the 8th day of Halo, my true love sent to me, eight fuel rod guns, seven arbiters, six
beam rifles, five guilty sparks, four combat flood, three jackal shields, two smgs and a
spartan in a banshee.
On the 9th day of Halo, my true love sent to me, nine frag grenades, eight fuel rod
guns, seven arbiters, six beam rifles, five guilty sparks, four combat flood, three jackal
shields, two smgs and a spartan in a banshee.
On the 10th day of Halo, my true love sent to me, ten sentinels, nine frag grenades,
eight fuel rod guns, seven arbiters, six beam rifles, five guilty sparks, four combat
flood, three jackal shields, two smgs and a spartan in a banshee.
On the 11th day of Halo, my true love sent to me, eleven plasma swords, ten sentinels,
nine frag grenades, eight fuel rod guns, seven arbiters, six beam rifles, five guilty
sparks, four combat flood, three jackal shields ands a spartan in a banshee.
On the 12th day of Halo, my true love sent to me, twelve scorpions, eleven plasma
swords, ten sentinels, nine frag grenades, eight fuel rod guns, seven arbiters, six beam
rifles, five guilty sparks, four combat flood, three jackal shields, two SMGs and a
spartan in a banshee.
29 | crash091494 says:
This freakin...Comic stippy thingy sucked a**
30 | crash091494 says:
This freakin...Comic stippy thingy sucked.
31 | crash091494 says:
This freakin...Comic stippy thingy...Was..Okay
32 | oscar says:
yt suickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
33 | jmo says:
that sock naruto is best
34 | halofromhell says:
HAHAHAHHAHAHA!! *gasp* LOL *gasp* that is a funny comic