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Talk Like a Pirate Day! | mrsmiley { September 19, 2006 }
Just a friendly reminder to ye land lubbers that today be Talk Like a Pirate Day! Grab yer wenches and hoist the mainsails!!
5 comments so far (leave your own)
1 | Donut says:
bit late but... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh mateys! etc.
2 | Ace says:
Are you sure this is talk like a pirate day? Shouldn't you be working on the comic? All my other souless e-buddies have commited e-suicide by having their main attention to penny arcade and others. WHEN WILL THE COIMICS COME BACK?!? WHEN?!?
3 | turok says:
pirates are cool
4 | Etoli says:
Beware of keelhaulin me oysters!
5 | austin says:
halo ruses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!