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Personal Art Galleries are Here! | mrsmiley { May 24, 2008 }

That's right, a feature that I've longed for since the original conception of this web site is now fully functional for members of our forum! As of last night, we now feature a fully functional image gallery. Here are some of the features:
- Imagescan be both commented on and rated
- Separate section for most viewed and best rated photos
- Each member has their own personal gallery
- Public galleries for Halo 3 screenshots, and more!
- Create up to 10 sub-albums to keep your work organized.
- Ability to password-protect a forum, or only allow HBN friends to view it.
- No image limit. Upload whatever artwork you want the world to see!
I'm really excited at the possibilities of this feature, especially with the Bungie Favorites event that's coming up. Please leave me any feedback you have on the galleries, as they are currently in the very early stages of development. Check out the forum announcement for more info. :)