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Change of plans | 2phast { June 30, 2008 }
Howdy guys. I regret to say that there will not be a new Larry comic today, as I'm having to change the release day to Thursday, instead of our usual Monday comic releases. Why the change, you ask? Quite simply: work. Summer hours for my job began this week, so I get to work early, and come home late. On top of that, I have a variety of art-related projects that MUST be done. So I'm constantly having to balance those with work. I have little time in between to post new comics, as well as make them. Thursdays are my days off, so rest assured that you'll have a fresh new comic waiting this Thursday!
Sorry for the inconvenience guys. See ya later in the week!
As for me, I'm off to work now. No rest for the weary, haha!