{ Smiley's PAX Adventure - Episode 2 | Archive | Exclusive New Halo 3: Recon Footage!!! }

You CAN has Recon... in 2009 | mrsmiley { October 09, 2008 }
Put down your fake plastic guitar, and check out Bungie's next project. NOW.
16 comments so far (leave your own)
1 | iceking003 says:
I can haz Recon?!!?
I'm gonna go cry in a corner now...
2 | Aaron says:
My X Box 360 Gamer Tag Is Pure Assaul97
3 | Sasha says:
Could you guys please help me get Recon? Maybe if I had it it would be awsome, and also guys might give me some fricken repect while i play halo.
4 | Sasha says:
Could you guys please help me get Recon? Maybe if I had it it would be awsome, and also guys might give me some fricken repect while i play halo. GT: Black Hand237
5 | Ethan says:
Ok,could i have Recon? It's really stupid,i unlocked the katana and security helmet,and i got the lightswitch achievement and lost it,and i had that armor for only like a week. my GT is: xGCCx Renegade
6 | Ethan says:
OK,for some reason, i don't know if my comment came up or not,but I'll just retype it again just in case because every time i come,it's not here,but,i recently had security helmet and katan for about a week and i waited forever for that security helmet. But i thought i would get some new armor if i got all the vidmaster but when i got my last one,my security helmet disappears. I don't know why,but i can't get it back,so,could i please have Recon,all i want is the helmet. My GT is xGCCx Renegade
7 | DONLG says:
can i haz recon i have over 1000 gs but no katana or security helmet :( only you can help me -recon- :)
8 | DONLG says:
On any information regarding my problem my gt is oOII DONLX IIOo
9 | mrsmiley says:
Wow, no offense, but you guys are morons (except iceking, who was joking). This was a post about the Halo 3: Recon expansion coming out for Halo 3. Nothing to do with the Recon helmet. However, just the fact that you guys asked for Recon, means you don't get it. Don't you read Smooth.
10 | Elite3000 says:
Jeez, 2 years, and these idiots have found this site. Where did all the cool people go?
11 | roflcopter123 says:
:O life 4 ReConz
12 | roflcopter123 says:
ReConz 4 life <<33333
13 | MASTER GRUNY says:
One word.IDIOTS its how halo 3 came to be and some what.Duh
14 | dmd3000000 says:
Ok,Ladies and gentalmen.I got the security shoulders but guess what......IT`S GLITCHING!!! So I want recon.I`m not being a baby or nothing but without my security I`m a wreak! To all the people out there.My gmt is dmd3000000.{gmt meens gamertag.}
15 | dmd3000000 says:
Ok,Ladies and gentalmen.I got the security shoulders but guess what......IT`S GLITCHING!!! So I want recon just the helment.I`m not being a baby or nothing but without my security I`m a wreak! To all the people out there.My gmt is dmd3000000.{gmt meens gamertag.}
16 | booger says:
please give me recon my gamertag is GoatCheese999. fart.