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An explanation... | 2phast { October 18, 2008 }
Hello my friends. As I'm sure most of you have seen, I have not updated LtM since the early part of September. And I'm sure most of you are anxious to see the new comic. Life has thrown many, many exciting, and regrettably upsetting, things my way these past few weeks. College studies have been grueling, art has been fantastic, money has been scarce, and life has been up and down. I'm getting involved in quite a few projects these past few weeks. My current art endeavors involved me collaborating on a MASSIVE collaborative mural, with several other artists. That, along with my other series of paintings that I have in the works, have been keeping me quite busy. So busy that I've faultered on one of the things that I loved doing most, being apart of this community, and making great comics for everyone to enjoy.
So, here's the plan... If all goes well for me, in the following weeks you can expect an update with FIVE COMICS. Along with this, I have many compositions worked up for backgrounds, avatars, as well as various bits of Larry-related artwork. I know this is a lofty goal, and I've made promises that I haven't delivered on before, but trust me guys; I love doing this comic series, and I appreciate your support very much. You've all been patiently waiting for the newest release these past few weeks, but I must beg you be paitient just a little longer.... You'll be rewarded soon.
Aside from that, wish me luck; these next few weeks will test my ability to maintian a career in art. I'm turning in several resumes and portfolios of artwork to studios and design services in my area, so I may be soon getting an entry-level job in art. Also, I will post images of my newest projects soon too.
6 comments so far (leave your own)
1 | mrsmiley says:
hmmm i was starting to wonder... ;) do your thing man. your fans are waiting (even if they aren't commenting on this post!)
2 | Chanchu Mohan says:
fan #1 in da house!! i can empathise 2 phast. Sometimes life doesn't let us do things that we want. lookin forward!!
3 | yarkaz says:
The wait has been long, and thoughts have abounded. But here, 2Phast has returned with a promise of more LTM!
Anyways, I understand that your future in art is way more important than your Halo Webcomic. Take all the time you need, buddy. I'll just keep occupied with LFG and Crtl+alt+del until you're good and ready.
All the same, I'm looking forward to the comics!
--Yarkaz (because you couldn't have found that out on your own)
4 | LarryIsAwesome says:
Wait, you ARN'T dead? YAY!
And hope u do well. Take ur time.
5 | dachiakia says:
Wow....your ALIVE...-hides the dibs on 2Phasts stuff-
6 | ShmaeGirl says:
take your time...i cant wait for the new comics ;]