{ 05. Friendly Fire | Comic List | 07. Warthog Jump Revisited }
06. Warthog Jump { August 29, 2003 }
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1 | KroW says:
lmfao!!! Omg..after seeing that video i tried that stunt soooo many times, and it works nicley xD, i wish i had waterballoons though xP
2 | someone you shouldnt talk to says:
Ha!! I've done it and had at LEAST 10 seconds.
3 | Gholsbane says:
10 seconds? Weak!
4 | Yayap and Zuka says:
Zuka: im glad they did it to him!!!
Yayap: do you think his suits rust proof?
5 | Masta TJ says:
I done this before. It was AWESOME!!
6 | Suka 'Ramamee says:
So THAT's what that big explosion was the other day...when i first heard it, i thought one of our hunters had broken wind again. You don't want to be behind them when they do that.
7 | Zorkan says:
I actually don't get the last panal. No clue. By the way, are Yayap and Zuka covenant or something? Just curious...
8 | someone you shouldnt talk to says:
well Zorkan, when you blow up a warthog you go flyn right? so what hes saying is that MC was in the for only 8 seconds before he hit the ground and the marine thinks that 8 secs. is pathetic.
oh! and Zuka and Yayap are two covenant from the book Halo: the flood.
9 | Ryan says:
dude thats tizzight ive done that for only like 11-12 seconds
10 | ansomble28 says:
I did this one time with my lil bro. We managed to finally get one warthog on top of the cliffs (after about an hour and a half) and then we did the little jump ontop of the cliffs with the help of the second warthog. We then took turns driving full speed off the edge of the cliffs with several plasma grenades attached to the warthog. I must say, the entertainment value was very high... teehee.
11 | Sandwich Grunt says:
This one was GOOD! Me and my little bro usually do this in AoTCR. He dies in a area with a bunch of grunts, i drive in with a worthog over his stockpile of gernanes...... next thing you know, a grunt throws a plasma gernade, and i'm flying!!!!!! my brother has dubbed it "the explosive stockpile"
12 | hunterkilla says:
Ace Comic. I did this on Silent Cartographer with my brother and we got 15 seconds! No joke.
13 | Xerro says:
I could never ever get this to work. At most i could get be up in the air for two seconds.
14 | turbopumpkin says:
my longest was 22 seconds...
15 | masta_chief89 says:
how exactly do you do that. Is it were your in co-op mode and you kill eachother for grenades and put the warthhog on top???
16 | Cpt. Keyes says:
Me and the Chief didn't even get to 3 seconds! Oh well, we didn't really want to scratch the warthog it was brandnew.
17 | Jason P says:
I managed this for three minutes and fifteen seconds, I think I hit some kind of soft patch in the game programming (on Two Betrayels) and After three minutes and fifteen seconds I got fed up and reset the Xbox
18 | SPARTAN-117 says:
i did this and it never came back....wel actually it landed on the top of the level of SC
19 | FUELRODGUN says:
20 | Isna Noselee says:
Eight seconds is actually pretty good (Poor Chief, *sniffle*).
21 | Newfoundlander 1988 says:
The only time this happened to me is the first time i seen a covenant flick a plasma grenade under the warthog and it flipped and nearly landed on me ... it landed flying like a rocket more so than a space jet when the clockdown hits zero!
22 | halo boi says:
i thought those balloons were weak but god, the blasted the chief into the ocean
23 | Blue Glowy Thing says:
Heh, my friend and I tried this with no warthog once, he just stood next to the pile with a rocket launcher, jumped directly over and fired.
I watched his body and the rocket launcher go flying up untill it dissapeared out of my view. by that time he had respawned and we both watched the sky. Now, we weren't counting, but I was walking around looking for the rocket launcher when all the sudden this body just hits the ground right in front of my face and freaks the hell out of me... launcher never did come down
24 | Riddick says:
I got a best of at least 15 seconds. I didn't think the warthog cameback.
25 | Elite-Boi says:
Well to tell you the truth, i have never done it before. Well except this one time one of my gay marines threw one at me by accadent. (MAN THOSE STUPID MARINES!)
26 | schwan schwan scheven says:
yeah well, beat this...
wait for it...
eat it, bizzatch
27 | The Random Guy says:
I would be really mad if that happened to me. You know i think they need to do something about the water its like MC can breath underwater i mean iv held him there for like 8 mins and nothing happened. also when u go underwater it looks like ur going in some really thick fog that needs to be fixed in halo 2.
28 | Halo Fan...natic says:
I tried that once. I got it up for like, 30 seconds... The marines never came back down though. (Bwuahahahaha!)
29 | Me&My Shotgun Bob says:
I did that once and I was never able to find the warthog, even after I searched the whole island again.
30 | Yayap says:
how do they put all the grenades under there?
how do you do that?
odd warthog.
31 | Marines&Engineers says:
... lol i tried it, but when ever i tied to get on a hog mc pull me out an squish me ... that bastard ...
32 | hunter040/unit 12 says:
To: Prophet of Regret
From:Hunter040/unit 12-captain of main defense against the demon
Re:The Demon's death?
While on guard on the human's "Silent Cartographer" mission I noticed one of their "Wart Hogs" fly through the air with what looked like the Demon inside. I would like to request permisson to send a search party to find the corpse.
-Hunter040/unit 12
33 | The Loser says:
I have no clue wat those dorks r sayin.
34 | goofy 01 says:
how do u do the wartty jump? let know email or xbox live goofy 01
35 | Hot n' sexy Elite says:
I did this before in the game... the first one.
36 | Hot n' sexy Elite says:
I did this before in the game... the first one.
37 | Thi Thi says:
You people need to get lives
38 | doooomedddddd says:
a marine threw like 4 grenades at me and fired the rocket launcher up in air for 4 mins 45 sec warthog came down on top the evil marine idiot body squashed me mate
39 | leo says:
this is cool ;)
40 | David says:
i used to do that, and still do lol
41 | Wacky Camper says:
Another fun way to spend a Saturday morning.
42 | vivek sharma says:
i tried to do warthog jump with 3 mates on halo 2. we put like 30 grenades there and the warthog didnt even jump properly. is it just me or halo???
Can't wait for Halo 3!!!
43 | Yayap8 says:
im sure nobody's read this thing in a long time but, all you guys r weak. my friend and i got the hog up there for like, ever. it got so high we could't see it.
44 | Masterchief evil says:
marines, time to watch yourselfs die
45 | Slade8 says:
I only have 3 things to say, and all of them are 'ha!'
46 | N/A says: