Hey all, welcome to the new Halo Babies forum!
First off, if you experience glitch or any other forum issues, please post them here. Thanks!
So this is the new forum system. It's quite magical. Seriously though, there are a ton of new features. A TON. Unfortunately, most of them are on the end that only admins can see... plenty of upgrades to better control and manipulate the masses! BWUAHAHAHA!
So anyways here are a few things to keep in mind...
- this is PHASE 1 of the forum upgrade. as in, this is all i had time to do before i went off and got hitched. new graphics and such will be coming soon. in fact, there may be a way to submit user templates that can be used by all... hmmm...
- things like your User Control Panel WILL take a long time to load... the first time. several other things are like this too, so please be patient. over all the board should be speedy once you've been on it for a bit and all your lovely browser caches are updated.
- there are plenty of new features to check out, so feel free to play around with your user settings ("friends or foes" anyone? eh?)
- things will not be perfect. this is literally brand new forum technology. in fact, this isn't even the final release. it's the pre-gold release, which is almost as good. i'll update to the final version when it comes out.
- our staff will be working hard to maintain normalcy here, especially when i'm gone. please respect them and be on your best behavior!
If other staff members want to add anything to this, please feel free. I'm off to bed. It's late, and I have a wedding to be at!