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What's in Store for Halo Babies? | mrsmiley { November 05, 2004 }
As you have probably already noticed, today marks the final scene in our 30-week Halo Babies adventure strip. Joel and I spent a lot of time running through the script for this over 7 months ago; and yes, we wrote the entire series before Joel drew a single comic! We even ran it past Frankie, and got his permission for Mister Chief to make an appearance. Gruntsbane and I have had a lot of fun doing this, but it has been a lot of work for both of us! The next couple months will mark some big changes for Halo Babies!
Smelling the Roses
It is from all this that I am announcing Gruntbane's 2 month vacation from drawing new Halo Babies strips... starting NOW. Joel has informed me that he needs some time to finish up school, and to take care of other things in his life outside of Halo Babies! This does not mean that Halo Babies is over with, not by a long shot! Even with GB out of the picture for now, I will still be posting plenty of fan art, and holding a couple really cool contests in his absence. In fact, Joel will probably still be around, but for this period, he won't have the stress of making a new strip every week! He will still be working on upcoming projects while on his vacation. However, having this time off will allow both him and myself to play Halo 2, and to gather some good ieas for when we return to the usual "random topic" format. (No constant storyline.)
Guest Starring...
So what will we do for our strips? Don't worry, I won't make them! I have sent out a call to several artists in the Bungie community who I believe have the skills to "take over" strip production while Joel is gone. So far, Stunmutt, Jaxx, and Akba are just a few of the awesome Halo artists who will be adding a unique flare to our comic section here at HBN! There are already some really funny ideas that have been used/thrown around from these artists, so stay tuned!
Artist Interviews
I think that it is important to learn from each others' experience. Over the next few weeks, I plan on interviewing many of the very artists that will be creating strips for us. I'll get inside their head, like only logically annoying AI can! (Huh?)
Halo Babies en Franais!
This has been an ongoing project for a while now, but it wasn't until yesterday that it was finally released., France's largest Halo website, has translated all 64 Halo Babies strips into French for us! Not only that, but they provided their own comment system, and did a great job organizing the strips to cut download times for 56k users. The team over there did a great job, and a HUGE special thanks goes out to the translator himself, Tanuki Kitsune!
The project started out as a fan project at this site, but after careful consideration, the rights were given to the qualified team at, as their translation methods and resources were far greater than we could have imagined! The official and complete translated Halo Babies comic archive can be found here! You can also get to it from our own comics page. If anyone out there has the urge to make a quality translation of Halo Babies in a language aside from French and English, please contact me!
Forum Refinement
Over the next couple weeks, I will be molding our forum to run smoother, and to offer more for our users and administrators! There is a lot of work to be done, and a lot of messes to clean up, so please have mercy if you sometimes have trouble while browsing. I will announce the times that I will be working on the forum, so you will be warned!
New Contest!
I will be announcing this tomorrow. Let's just say that both a 2004 Halo 2 calendar and a limited edition Halo 2 OXM mag from E3 2004 will be on the table this time... and you won't find those on ebay! (At least as of me writing this!) Halo Babies may be one of the last places you can find a free giveaway of these two items, so stay tuned!
Finally, a Halo Babies Store!
I had to save the best for last. Our fans have been asking for this ever since, oh, the day we first opened! Well it will now be a reality. And check this, it will be open to the public by December! That's right, just in time for all your holiday shopping (for yourself, of course)!
This has been a brief outline of things to come here at, so be sure to check back in for more specific details on all of these upcoming events!
31 comments so far (leave your own)
1 | TheComet says:
This is great, a good handful of good updates and STILL you have backup plans for the comics and such :)
Don't forget me for making comics! I've only been here about 5 days but I've already posted a hadful of them!
2 | evil guineapig says:
man.......i hope these artists are as good as joel.......or at least know what they're doing!
3 | halo2fan20 says:
cant wait tell halo 2
4 | Xeroh says:
You let us off easy on the last two strips.
5 | Elessar says:
awesome! can't wait for the store
And to halo2fan20, we are very close now. At last, we are in the final days! Peace, brothers!
6 | Pvt. Tucker says:
Man, I hope the changes to the forum won't be too big.
7 | Mista_B says:
Yeah, getting burnt out = bad. Here's hoping Joel get's a chance to recharge, and come back, with a vengance!
And I'd like to throw my vote to an eventual return of story stuff - lots of potential there if it's worked right.
8 | Zero says:
Awesome, it's good Gruntsbane is getting a well deserved break. When Halo babies is back up, it will be a fresh start. I look foward to all the goodness!
9 | Ripper 714 says:
man.......i hope these artists are as good as joel.......or at least know what they're doing!
What!? Jaxx is Tina Leyk, the uber artist! Stuntmutt, is well...Stuntmutt and he can help with the backrounds...well, it might get repetitive after a while, lol.
Anywho, its good to see our favorite site mods are going to get some needed R & R!
I need some. Tuesday, preferably.
Cool! Contests! And a store!
BTW, you don't need to read the books to find out Sarge lives, hes in the E3 (single player) Trailer.
10 | Ripper 714 says:
Isn't it
"d'une vacances?"
I'm not sure if you need an "a" in front of Vacation, even though its used in english. Hm..."a" is not used in from of "I have job" so never mind.
I'm sure you know more french than me. I'm just a lowly French II student.
11 | Master Chief Petty Officer says:
I'll miss joel writeing the comics, but with any luck the new artists will be ok.
12 | Bob (psst. thats not my real name) says:
To be Honest, once Halo 2 comes out, I won't have time to come to this site anywayz! Joel and Smiley need to join the rest of us in the Halo 2 fasting season, and I don't mean fasting from Halo 2, but fasting from everything else but Halo 2. :)
13 | Falcon says:
Great updates! You guys even have a backup plan! AWESOME! :)
I just can't believe that the comics are really over... (sob)
...for now at least... ;)
When will the store open up?
14 | ALEX-292 says:
i'll miss u guyz..i really loved halo babies.Hope u guyz will make anotr comic!w00t!!^_^
15 | tina says:
16 | tina says:
halo mein neim ist tina
17 | stephanie!!! only 11 years old says:
i love halo and halo2! whoever hates it is gay! they should go to hell!
18 | dylan only 9 years old says:
i love halo and halo2 but who hates it is damn retarted and gay but i shall take over on making halos when im older!!!!
19 | dillon rocks says:
i hope when i'm older i can make halo 121732187983792179387928 or whatever halo is next! its my favorite game in the world! truly! i cant wait! if i cant work for halo i will make games for all the people that will play them !
20 | red demon says:
i love halo2 i wish halo 3 will have a big flying thnig made by humans that is mega strong and u can weild 2 rocket luanchers so halo 3 will rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21 | soccer and halo2 luver!! says:
i love soccer but you know what takes up most of my heart? HALO2! yup thats right! halo2~ i'm gonna beat the hell out of whoever hates halo2! by the way i'm only 11 years old! i love blood and gore!
22 | soccer and halo2 luver!! says:
oh and i beat halo2 almost.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1231 times or was it123? i'm not sure but i thik it was 123? how about you? how many times any of you beat halo2?
23 | red demon says:
oh the strong flying thnig u can pilot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
24 | soccer and halo2 luver!! says:
me too but how many times have you beated halo2 red demon?
25 | red demon says:
i have beatend it like 9,999 times but erased it all to start again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
26 | soccer and halo2 luver!! says:
i highly dought that! halo2 cant be earased!And i dont think you can play that many times without getin' bored you lie! well here is another question! are you still on legendary or...........what?
27 | red demon says:
i deleted my profile duh and i go only on hard!!!!!!!! duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28 | soccer and halo2 luver!! says:
OMG! you cabt delete a prof. and hard can be legandery medium! i donno whatever is hard for you! OMG!IN THE WORDS OF YOU DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by the way! who are you? huh?
29 | red demon says:
im your dam cuzin and i ment not deleting starting a new game!!
30 | soccer and halo2 luver!! says:
31 | Daniel says:
beat it like, 10,000,000 times. O_o