news { gruntsbane }
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Looking for answers? Send in your questions. | Gruntsbane { September 27, 2005 } has asked me to participate in an online audio interview but they need your help! Basically they want most of the questions to be from fans of the site, so if you have one send it to before Saturday. We'll be recording the interview, release it, and post it here when it's ready. Looking forward to it.
In CASE you didn't know... | mrsmiley { March 25, 2005 }
See? Even our news headers can be funny... sometimes. Anyways, I almost forgot to let people know that Joel "Gruntsbane" Casebeer's resume is now online. Many of the featured pics are from a 3-D animated film he and his class are working on (we will release it here when it is finished). For any game companies *cough*Bungie*cough* that are looking for a fine new artist to add to their team, give it a look! (I mean seriously, he already lives in Seattle!)
Copy, Paste, Repeat | mrsmiley { August 05, 2004 }
In honor of Stuntmutt's 200th "One One Se7en" comic strip, our very own Gruntsbane created a tribute strip just for him! It is exceptionaly funny, and can be found at HBO!
No Comics for a While | mrsmiley { April 01, 2004 }
Just this morning I received some terrible news via a telephone call. Joel "Gruntsbane" Casebeer (our artist) called to inform me that he has been hospitalized. This morning a group of people camped out side of his house, and attacked him on his way to school. He came away with 2 broken ribs and a major concussion. He told me they were shouting stuff about him stealing Halo Babies from Bungie. One even vowed to hack this site and destroy it. I assure you we are taking all precautions to avoid this. I can't imagine who would have the nerve to do this, but I am very sad that Joel's artistic skills will be put on hold for a while. On the phone, Joel was weak and could not hold the conversation long enough to tell me anything more.
If Joel's home address is circulating around out there, I would appreciate it if I could be informed. I need to know who is spreading this personal information so it can be stopped! I know that he has had wierd fans in the past, but this really crosses the line. Anyways, I apologize to all you fans out there, but HBN will have to wait for a Gruntsbane recovery to post any new comics.
P.S. Joel will be able to check his e-mail at the hospital, so leave him a nice note in the comment section!
The Joy of Giving | mrsmiley { December 26, 2003 }
As a late Christmas gift to all of our awesome fans, today we have a new comic for you! But wait! There's more! Gruntsbane has been working on an incredible Halo 2 picture for a while now, and it is finally available - as a desktop! Go check out this amazing new work of art in our (MOXC) desktop section!
Gruntsbane Interview | mrsmiley { November 22, 2003 }
Gruntsbane was recently interviewed by MSXL staff member, Yoozel. The interview was just released today, and can be found (at MSXL) here.
Holler at your Boys | mrsmiley { November 17, 2003 }
Just wanted to give you all a friendly reminder that Gruntsbane and I love to hear from fans of Halo Babies! If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for the comic, e-mail Gruntsbane at ! If you have a site-related comment, e-mail me at . Don't be a stranger now! ;P
Domainating Halo Babies | mrsmiley { November 04, 2003 }
As I am sure most of you have have already found, HBN has been a little lacking in the "activity department" lately. Basically, I switched the Halo Babies domain to a new web host. This means that I had to redirect all of the subdomain links on this site, as well as some file paths. If any of you were having problems accessing sites within HBN, this is why! Please if you experience any more site errors.
Also, I was unable to upload new data due to the server switch. Gruntsbane wasn't able to get a comic to me last week, but even if he did, I wouldn't have been able to post it! (I guess things worked out, right?) Anyways, I apologize for the lack of activity, and I promise we will give you at least something every Friday! To make up for our down time, I am not only releasing a new comic this friday, but also a sneak peek at the new Halo Babies chapter theme for the 7th Column! I may also have some other goodies for you all, so swing by Friday! ;-)
Smileys get Angry | mrsmiley { September 26, 2003 }
Gruntsbane told me today that he was not able to complete a strip for this week's release. "Not able," huh? Well this is what happens when Gruntsbane doesn't have a strip: I MAKE ONE! Go check it out! Gruntsbane, please stop this travesty from ever happening again! =P
Poor Grunts | mrsmiley { September 12, 2003 }
After a short vacation, Joel (Gruntsbane) is back at the drawing board! He presents us with a funny little flick this week titled Daredevil. Check it out!
No Comic this Week = Lotsa Sketches | mrsmiley { September 05, 2003 }
Because Joel is currently in the midst of a busy school week, and has been working his ass off for the last few months to bring you all a new comic every friday, he is taking this week off. However, I have added a bunch of new Sketches! With these you can see into the planning and detail that is involved in every Halo Babies comic strip.
In the Spotlight | mrsmiley { August 22, 2003 }
Both Gruntsbane and I have been spotlighted at the Junkyard Click the link below to view mine. UPDATE: Gruntsbane's is now up as well!.
- Matt (Mr. Smiley)
- Joel (Gruntsbane)
Artist Info Open | mrsmiley { August 08, 2003 }
Halo Babies artist Joel Casebeer has written a short background on himself as well as a Halo Babies-styled self portrait! Check it out at Artist Info!
New Comic | mrsmiley { August 01, 2003 }
As promised, a New Comic has been released! There are already more on the way, as well as more extra content! Currently, Gruntsbane is working on a little something for the Artist Info section. (Right now it is blank.) Swing by next Friday for #4!
Contact Us | mrsmiley { July 31, 2003 }
I added e-mail adresses for both myself and Gruntsbane to the Contacts section.
New MOXC Content | mrsmiley { July 29, 2003 }
I have just added 2 of Gruntsbane's kick-ass wallpapers to the Desktop section! Membership is required! (and free!)