A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!



Googley Eyed | mrsmiley { November 19, 2003 }

Halo Babies has been officially "Googled"! In other words, we have been listed under Google - one of the the web's most popular search engines! This is a proud moment in HBN history! =P I also noticed that we have been listed under , MSN, Dogpile, and a few other search engines!

There is a good and bad side to this. The good side is that we get tons of hits (averaging about 1,000/day) and new members (getting close to 900)! The bad side is that we have limited bandwidth. Right now, HBN has used almost 80% of its available bandwidth, and the reset date is over 2 weeks away. This explains any problems people have had (or willl have) when trying to access this site towards the end of the month. I apologize for the low bandwidth, and will do my best to get some cash together to buy more!