A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!



HBN: Too Much New Stuff. | mrsmiley { July 19, 2004 }

Due to the fact that we have such a big site update today, I am going to be forced to use the "extended entry" feature of our news system. OOoo... you know there must be something cool going on! ;P

New Fan Content
Before I get to the main announcement, you should know that today we have a total of 6 new pieces of fanart for you to check out! Big thanks to HBN vets akba and Rogue Elite; as well as a beginner artist by the name of No_117. In addition to these pics, akba has graced us with yet another excellent fan desktop! It seems he is mastering his vectorizing technique more and more every day!

New Fan Strip Section!
It is obvious that we get plenty of fan art here at HBN. However, only recently have we started receiving fan-drawn, and fan-edited, comic strips based off of Halo Babies! Both Gruntsbane and I both enjoy these strips quite a bit, and are always open to people who bring fresh ideas, and unique artistic styles to the table when it comes to Halo Babies comics! That is why I decided to open a new Fan Strip section of our site for business! This area can be accessed via the usual "comics" section of the site.

This new feature is a good way for talented artists/Adobe editors (=P) to put their artistic and comedic abilities to work - and get recognized the same way Gruntsbane does for his comics! The format for posting will be the same, with the 5 most recent comics appearing as thumbnails, and the rest being archived for later viewing. There are currently 4 strips for your viewing pleasure in this new area; 3 are re-releases of older fan strips, and one is brand-spankin-new!

Do You Have What It Takes?
I want to make it clear right now, that NOT EVERYONE WHO SUBMITS A FAN STRIP WILL GET THEIRS POSTED! The HBN crew reserves the right to not post submissions if we think they are poorly done, not funny, inappropriate, etc. However, if you do think you have what it takes to create a quality Halo Babies fan strip, have at it!

Gholsbane RoX!
If you don't know already, he's the guy who built this lovely site. He is also the kind gentleman who got the new fan strip system working for us! Gholsbane is one of those unappreciated "behind the scenes" kinda guys who never gets the credit he deserves. (Like mnemesis of HBO...) Anyways, a big thanks to Gholsbane and all his hard work! =D

***Please e-mail all fan strip submissions to ***

3 comments so far (leave your own)

1 | Polarbear says:

At last. Well, they're good ones. Clearly mine didn't make the cut..I suggest, in future, that you just SAY so, rather than making people think their stuff is worthwhile.
Could have saved me a lot of work, y'know..

2 | Asina says:

3 | Asina says:

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