A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!



Spreadin' the Love | mrsmiley { September 19, 2004 }

Louis Wu of Halo.Bungie.Org has just informed me that Tina Leyk (an awesome artists specializing in Halo furry art) has posted a piece of Halo Babies fan art on the site! There is also a cool sketch to go along with it. They are really well done; I would love to see a fan strip or two from her!

13 comments so far (leave your own)

1 | Polarbear says:

Incredible. Photo realistic! And funny too..it's just how I imagine a battle between the Babies..

2 | canadian_sniper_god says:

Awesomeness! Wow! What talent!

3 | Shadowbane says:

Astounding. Absolutely perfect.

The flood plushie scares me, though...

4 | Mista_B says:


Covenant Carbine = High-powered Water Pistol?

It'd work for Halo 2 Babies.

5 | Crede says:

Aww, poor Ice Cream elite

6 | David says:

I love them! These should be made into Halo baby cartoons! (altho it could be confusing to throw in a fox/bat girl)

7 | Maskel Grunt boy 15 says:

Nice! I've always loved her Fur-lo comics and other Halo art! It's nice to see her do one based on my favorite Halo comic of them all.

8 | you_stupid_grunt says:


great work
im stupid too

9 | Tina Leyk says:

Oh my.....you're all to kind!

10 | Maskless Grunt boy 15 says:

But really you are great! One of the best I've ever seen. No joke.

11 | Okay ? says:

what the fuck do those rodent pictures have to do with the kik ass halo guys?

12 | Stephen H says:

That one w/ the ice cream Elite? That was just sad. Love 'em anyway

13 | Stephen H says:

That one w/ the ice cream Elite? That was just sad. I feel sorry for that little Elite. Love 'em anyway

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