A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!



MSPaint God | mrsmiley { October 16, 2006 }

I normally don't feature single forum art submissions on the main page of HBN, but this is the single most amazing piece of MSP art I've ever seen. Be warned... you may need new pants.

UPDATE: Apparently I've had the Pro Gallery set so that art can only be viewed by registered members. I never intended for it to be like that! I've changed it now so that all of the artwork can be viewed publicly. Sorry!

41 comments so far (leave your own)

1 | first post says:

i went to the page but can't see the pic.

2 | vIsitor says:

You may be having trouble with your browser or your connection. If the former, you will need to adjust your settings (probobly filter related). If the latter, your only viable option is to get a better ISP.

Trying to help,

3 | Donut says:

Yikes! Thanks for the feature Smiley! :D

4 | Siege says:

You need to register and be logged in to see the picture.

5 | master_chiefette says:


Donut puts a whole new meaning to MSP master. <3

6 | Damatee says:

Donut... you are the Lord of all MSP, godlike work man

7 | first post says:

im on another comp. and it works. HOLY CRAP thats amazing, and ONLY in MSP? OMG

8 | mrsmiley says:

that's because i accidently had that forum set to reg view only for images. so yeah. it's fixed now. :)

9 | MachShot says:

Donut's art killed my artistic self-esteem. D:

10 | PlasmaFire says:

Donut's set a new standard of HBN's MSP art through this piece. I don't think anyone else here is going to raise the bar again for a while...great job, man!

11 | Ace says:

Comics... Need funny pages...

12 | Krayt'heili says:

WOW! That's amazing! I can't believe they even put the reflection of the ring in the water (well, I can't believe that they remembered too, lol)

13 | yayap says:

hooooolllyyy cow!!! that is made in the paint program on a computer!!! hard as heck!!! any way.... we want comics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14 | arbyter says:

motherf... that is the best msp picture ive ver seen. brava ragazza!

15 | arbyter says:

the pictures gr8 and all but when are we gonna get some more comics!?

16 | MachShot says:

How did I just know this wouldn't survive over 20 posts until someone asked that... -_-

Honestly, no one really knows. Gruntsbane came by to say hello, but disapeared back to work afterwards.

If you guys really need to have a fix of Halo related comics, I'm sure you'll find something amongst the Fan Comics section in the Forums.

17 | Ace says:

Well, I had had rouble looking at the picture before, but I finally got it...
Now, admiration.
Plain incredible.

18 | Firlink says:

HOLY *all four letter words*! the most awsome thing EVAR!!! awsome donut! 15 million kudos for donut!!

19 | Waky Campr says:

I'm speechless, I never thought it was possible to draw something that amazing on paint.

20 | ODST chief says:

Seriously Donut. Better than anyone. Yes. But 2Phast may have something just as good.

21 | turok says:

it's Thanksgiving 06 and their isn't a new comic....... what happened?
did someone die?

22 | arbyter says:

im bored... bring back the comics...

23 | earthworm jim says:

Why arent there new comics? This really really sucks since its november 25, 2006.

24 | arbyter says:

did anyone hear? the halo movie has been cancelled because of disputes over money, peter jackson says they might continue again one day.

25 | Michael Archer says:


I thought the purpose of the Halo Babies sight was to show the comics.

:( You guys said you were only taking a break for a month.


26 | turok says:

the halo movie was not cancelled, but postphoned.
some pplz r goin insane.

27 | COMICS PLEASE says:


28 | Anonymous says:

seriously, mrsmiley, are you even still here? this is getting boring, i visit here every once in a while just to check if you've decided to bring back the comics and you havent. please, do the comics, please.

29 | turok says:

christmas eve........ no comic in sight........
seriously, did someone die? r u not telling the fans? did you forget about the sight? blah blah blah?
by the way, Happy ChristmaHanaQuanzica everbody!

30 | turok says:

zombified...... no comics....... brain........ shutting down........... need.......new.......comics.......for........
by the way, it's Christmas 06. Merry Christmas everybody!

31 | Anonymous says:

Please, I don't want to have to resort to profanity. Please bring back the comics.

32 | Captain Obvious says:

Gruntsbane is gone... the comics are also gone. The comics will return when a new artist is found. And I am sure there will be a great big notice on the front page too when the time comes. So shut your goddamned cakeholes!!!

33 | turok says:

2007..... maybe Captain Obvious is right.

34 | Hyp3r grunt says:

Where's Gruntsbane?, did he die?, if he's dead please bring him back from the dead because we need comics.

35 | arbyter says:

Will 2007 bring any good news? Hey Hyp3r Grunt.

36 | turok says:

the world is coming to an end! *chuckles*

37 | Ace says:

I'm guessing they all died, as it's been AN ENTIRE F---ING YEAR!!! WE WANT COMIX!!!WE WANT COMIX!!!WE WANT COMIX!!!WE WANT COMIX!!!

38 | Some Guy that Posts Stuff says:

LOL! Need new pants! Heck, I peed in all my pants after seeing this beauty! I even bought new ones at Kohl's and Gap!

39 | Hyp3r grunt says:

Actually, now. I think Gruntsbane IS dead. He's not making any comix! :(

40 | Master Chief Petty Officer says:

What's happened to this site, no more comics? :(

41 | Captain Obvious says:

Comics are gone, stop your whining!