A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!



Comics back online with downloads + extra content! | mrsmiley { May 27, 2008 }

Due to an issue with an update of our content management system, the official HB comics have been offline the past few months. I had worked for hours trying to find a resolution, and eventually humbled myself and contacted the mighty forerunner of this website, Gholsbane! It still took him a lot longer than expected, but he got them up and running. You rock, man!

Read on for more info, extra content, and more news!

By popular demand, I have finally added both a full comic archive download, as well as a download for just our popular story-driven series. Included in the series download is the original script we used when Grunstbane and I wrote it! In it, you will find unused punchlines/scenes, as well as a brief introduction by yours truly.

Finally, I re-enabled commenting on all of our HB comics, so take a trip down memory lane, and let us know if they're still as good as they were back then. ;)

Check it all out on our comics page!

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