A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!

artwork { submit }

Submit Fan Artwork

General Rules

  1. Artwork must use a JPEG or GIF extension. (You can 'save as' one of these file types in any graphics program!)
  2. Artwork must be your own. Using other people's images is fine, if they have given permission.
  3. Artwork must be related to Halo Babies. (We won't post Halo fan art on the site, but it is welcome in our forum!)

Desktop Submission

  1. The file must be sent as 3 different images dimensions: 800x600, 1024x768, and 1280x1024. (If you want to send larger images, that is fine.)
  2. The original image dimensions need to be at least 1280X1024, so that no stretching occurs.
  3. If you use other people's artwork, tell me. If you don't, and I find out, your desktop will not be posted.
  4. Desktops must have a Halo Babies theme. All Halo themed desktops can easily be submitted to HBO.
  5. The pictures must be of good quality. In other words, we don't want grainy, stretched, or poorly edited images! Spend time on your work!

Fan Comic Strip Submission

  1. You may use any official (drawn by Gruntsbane) Halo Babies images in your strip - including official released comics. Please e-mail your Halo Babies fan strips to "artAThalobabies.net (AT=@)"

How Do I Submit My Non-Halo Babies Art? (Non-Strips)

It is very easy! Simply post your finished artwork in the Gallery section of our forum. Every week, we will pick some of our favorites to post on our main site! The forum is an easy way for the staff of HBN to review all of the fanart at one time, so that we can properly pick out pieces to post as features on HB.Net. Do not e-mail us your non-Halo Babies artwork as it will not be posted!

Keep in mind that the HBN crew reserves the right to accept or deny any piece of artwork that is submitted to us. Your Halo Babies artwork WILL NOT be posted in our site's fan art gallery if you do not e-mail it to art(AT)halobabies.net! (At=@)