A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


Comments closed

1 | Gruntsbane says:

Blasted double post....

2 | Kritz says:


Damn me being Australian.. March the 2nd. What kind of cr.. err.. insanity is that?

Well, I liked the cross refferences in this comic, but the graphics weren't as good as your normal ones. (Plus the Background was kind of.. generic.)

.. wait. Why was there green sperm floating in the background?! (*cough*)

>> Kritz

3 | sausages says:

I get 3rd post again!!!


That was suggestive...
Oh well, I'm not complaining...

Except for that my parects say I'm too old for games and I cant play any video games at all anymore...

I'm so sad...


Oh well...

There's always Halobabies!!!

4 | Turialim says:

Nicely done GB...
Looks like I'm gonna have to play with the modded thing for some more time though!

5 | Gruntsbane says:

Yes, I deleted the second post but it seems to be smarter than I am.

6 | The Marine says:

not enough games out for the 360 so i wont get till halo 3 maybe

7 | Earthling says:

I don't get it. What does it mean?

8 | Zyrra says:

Wow.. I knew Xbox 360 was teh best but to snob a core xbox? That's just wrong...
Have a heart 360's one day YOU will be in the same boat when microsoft brings out the next Xbox (if ever there will be one)
*pondering* Xbox 720 perhaps?

9 | I have many names but you can call me Death By Munchkins says:

I like xbox as much as the next overly obsessive halo fan but.......the comic was good though i laughed.......thats all that counts right?!?!?

10 | Creaqitvename says:

good comic, and im gonna get a 360 next year when their a bit cheaper

11 | sQuEaK says:

Awesome comic. They always make me laugh.

The xbox360, as Kritz said, comes out on March the 2nd here in Australia. But I remember how quick the price of the original xbox went down. And when it did I got a free controller and two games. I wonder if the same thing will happen this time around.

Great comic.
squeak117-always awaiting xbox 360.

12 | the grunt that doesnt wanna die says:

woohoo! the xbox who picks up chix. you dont see that every day

13 | Sheikurl says:

what the hell is going on!? all the strips recently aren't making any sense 2 me

14 | mrsmiley says:

hey GB i managed to outsmart the news, but it wasn't easy! i had to to it's demands of higher bandwidth and less RSS feeds. damn.

anyways great strip man, it turned out well! oh, and since no one else is saying this for some reason...

0MG t3H C0Py 4ND p45T3!!!11

15 | Tiger_Tyrant says:

ur right 'the grunt that doesnt wanna die' u dont c it every day (well not where i cum from)

i fink dat Halo 3 shud b on xbox as well as xbox 360 coz deres ppl out dere hu cant afford it til 3 yrs after its bin released...

i recken mr smiley, gholsbane n gruntsbane shud make another website like lord-of-da-rings babies or matrix babies dat wud b cool hu agrees?....

16 | unelite elite says:

as for me, the 360 can wait, no money, and i was dissappointed at the local gamestop putting a lame graphics game in th 360, i must see proof of its greatness. Mainly im mad at Gamestop.. grr..i mean .wort.

17 | =Distiller= says:

ooohhhhhh burn. well she may be hot but the word on the street is that she may be to hot for her own good
i.e overheating. And what kind of freak xbox wants to lan with a freak i mean 3 procecers. before i heard that my drive was a purin but 3 of them. eww. Good comic loves the backround on the second frame (sperm)cough! CANADA NUKED U !!!!

18 | PlasmaFire says:

I see a Stuntmutt-esque pun in there...heh. Awesome!

19 | Loknar64 says:

Yep, I do <3 puns!

Great, but suggestive.

20 | anonymous says:

It is a bit like Stuntmutt, but it is funny.

21 | Halo2 Fan says:

Ha...I can't wait till i get my 360 for xmas so like...23rd post!! gettin closer sweeeeet...

22 | sex addict says:


23 | Nappy says:


24 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

Shame on you 360. You're standing on the X-Boxs shoulders, you do realize.

25 | Pred1ator says:

is it my eyes or does the XBOX 360 have a bored face on it?

26 | THEWaGoN117 says:

that MODDER! that deserves a timeout.

27 | Michael Archer says:

Are you supposed to stand you Xbox 360 horozontal or vertical?

28 | s4d 4nd d3pr3ss3d says:


29 | spartan001 says:

heh heh heh thats funny

30 | Yayap n' Zuka says:

I wanna LAN you up behbeh...

31 | ecko87 says:

Funny suff. I wish my comics looked as awesome as these...
GJ HBN Team!

32 | A random mad halo fan says:

Well...ummm, don't know what to say with this. Any covenant/ex-covenant comics coming?

33 | comrade mikhailovich says:

hey hey!!! awesome im not the only aussie here sup kritz! any hoo, great comic stupid horny xbox. see a ps2 woulda got the chick so back away!! PS2 RULES!!!!!

34 | A Man Called Demon says:

hahaha funny comic but not as funny as the others.
p.s poor people suck! haha

35 | DoctorEvol says:

Xbox 360 has been fun so far. Glad to see MrSmiley still goes online (although like 12am EST, which would be why I thought he was inactive). I'll have to catch up with you sometime and play a few rounds of halo 2.

36 | Masterchief evil says:

i've seen all the comics and this one is good and all of them are cool in a weird wway exept for some!

37 | brad says:

saame with my brother lol

38 | carrot of the west says:

oh man that is a burn, dude you just got burned. BURNED DUDE! burned... -'intelligant' quote from donut.
lol good strip...but was that sperm in the background o.O

39 | Lord_Halo99 says:

Come on 360, show some respect to your elders. EEEEK T3h SPERM!11!111!11

40 | yo momma says:

Tucker from RVB must be controlling that Xbox!!!! Great comic.

41 | bubbleboy says:

the 360 is crazy I loe it, call of duty is great on it, can't wait for halo 3! great comic. ( the 360 does cost a shitload of money though)

42 | Twojaw McGee says:

..HM. Creative, but I can't honestly say I got a titter out of it.. But then we never modded our XBox.

And I agree with.. uh.. that person up there. Do ex-covenant strips. Like the opinions of the (ex) Covenant after the prophets dumped them for the new Brutes and Drones or something. I don't know, but it just seems that your comics lately, while still good and creative (and pretty) are having less and less to do with Halo. o_O Though I know it would be challenging to keep something fresh for so long but.. still there are plenty of Covvie PVO's you can go through. n_n;

Random, un-related comment: I had a nightmare Pamela Anderson was playing Cortana in the Halo movie. DDDD: I'm never sleeping again....

43 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

Um... What's up with the weird background in the second panel?

44 | Hyp3r grunt says:

Go to www.halonirvana.co.nr. p.s Don't delete this Halobabies creator, what have you got against me!!!

45 | Ninja_Wookie says:

WooT!!! gettin closer.....hehe I need to read these sooner...Nice comic...

46 | Shay-Monyou says:

Eh... not a bad one... if you know what LAN is... we had to explain it... which in turn took the funny out of it... MORE COVENANT!!! >.<

47 | half russian kid says:

all the frames were the same cept the backgrounds great comic gb

48 | Ninja says:

yea the frames were all the same but there isn't much u can change when two systems are talking

comic was that funny.......

49 | Ninja says:

Wasn't that funny sry

50 | a random mad halo fan says:

I've noticed that the quality of the comics has been going lower, same screens with different texts and not so much new. Maybe the Gruntsbane's on something big Christmas Special, or just tired 'cos of this season.
But seriously, any arbiter-related comics coming?

51 | Aaron Chang says:

i wonder whats the diferences

52 | Heywood Jablowme says:

hopefully the xbox 360 isnt the kind of sytem that will glich out, there r rumors that sum thin iz wrong with it

53 | Resident Ranger says:

Who says the 360's a girl? Or is it just gay?

54 | Thundero says:

this was funny i give it a 8.5 out of 10

hopefully the rumors of the 360 are wrong

55 | bungie says:

OOOOOOOOOO!! its funny man!

56 | sammyb123 says:

Yeah... I'm in Australia too... March 3rd? Why would it take 4 months for it to ship it here? I feel so isolated. Anyway I really wanna get it but im gonna wait until halo 3 comes out, as it will probably be cheaper by then.

57 | sammyb123 says:

Oh, March 2nd, my mistake. Well it's still a while to wait. Lucky Americans with your 360's already...

58 | Sheikurl says:

5 days later, no comic strip. y!?

59 | Benson says:

that background in the second panel is ....idk...scary

60 | }{acky says:

lolololthis is funny

61 | Jaxx says:

LOL!!! Great strip guys. X3

62 | Evil Force says:

This new comics are boring!!
I liked the old 1ns with the covie en the mc funny adventures!
This ons goes about game en jokes that arent funny!!Dissapointed gruntsbane dissapointed

63 | Ninja says:

yea bring back whenthe mc has advenutres like how u made the halo ce story make a halo2 story comic

64 | grimreaper says:

ouch...dropped by the babe... what a great one liner

65 | master chef says:

there on buttons look like eyes

66 | ross says:

this comic has nothing to do with halo. boo!

67 | orna_fulsamee says:

lol! he he... funny but now iv'e been thinking that the 360 is like the PS2 where you can stand it up or lie it down vertically...

anyways great comic GB great comic

68 | ventagroe says:

man this is so funny i printed 3 copys of it

69 | turok says:

some of the people comenting on this comic are sick and nasty o.0 i don't have a 360 yet... and my Xbox's power button stopped working.but i can still play, all i have to do is press the disc drive button instead. ( o yeah.. and to turn it off, i have to unplug it.) Halo2 looks better then Call of duty 2 to me.. QWERTY! ( another thing, u guys should make a comic where the Chief is playing Animal Crossing. That would be sooo awsome. =)

70 | Spartansniper211 says:

i wish i could afford an X-box 360 but there way to expensive darn microsoft and their high prices

71 | Alias says:

Heh, i could see that happening- but i dont have a 360, stupid people lining up 250 people at one store... CURSE YOU MICROSOFT!! Anyways, nice comic, and the "matchmade in heaven" might not happen- because of those idiot modders...

(*PS: 72nd post!! WOO! :*)

72 | arbiter says:

wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort means:i think the comic was cool but a scale 1to 10 i give 10 out of 7 becasue it sucks

73 | A Halo Possesed Monkey says:

this is an okay comic and 360's can be modded too so...

74 | Vash says:

that just plain out creapy. plus i don' get it...oh now i get it the xbox is hittin' on da 360. LOL LOL LOL!

75 | Morpheus says:

Now THAT'S funny!

76 | Larian says:


77 | Spartan192 says:

lol but poor regular Xbox system its going to b like in a garage sale or something.