A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


Comments closed

1 | Nickos says:

that's a sweet illustration, pity theres no words...

2 | Gruntsbane says:

It says a thousand words.

Sorry. That was corny :P

3 | tylium says:

uhm is it just me or is it like the ending of HALO 1 but than in covie style

gunts where is chiefy

4 | Flash-Dance-Ass-Pants says:

The eternal holiday was due for a time at the sperm bank cafetiria. The fruits of life bought a turkey dinner and a side of cask wine to the table of horrors. The Belief system of poragatives could not contstrain the dukebox-bombshells. Midnight vultures complete the photo of the portait of minds........kudos on the imagination

5 | Kanman-075 says:

Good job Gruntsbane! Nice picture too!

6 | Seargent_Big says:

Don't worry. The title carries all the pun.

7 | Yayap and Zuka says:

it wouldve been cooer if there had been some words

8 | elitesniper says:

the name is kind of funny

9 | spartan says:

i don't get it.....

10 | Eibe 'Niquaree says:

duuuuuudddddeeee ;D
that is a SWEET looking BOOM!
tenth post, YEAH!

11 | hminn says:

Stop complaining about the lack of words!
Did the background image come from somewhere else? It's gorgeous.

12 | no_117 says:

kinda good, but you gotta be runnin outta ideas for somethin like this

13 | rabid08 says:


14 | Church says:

Nice explosion. Really quite detailed, and blue!

15 | Xerro says:

Yeah illustration cool, but i also think something needed to be said. Not much needed to be said just a one liner by the chief which shows the stupidity that you've given him in this comic. Something simple like "oooO, pretty" Anyway can't wait for next weeks comic.

16 | DeathsPaleHorse says:

oh, do i luv it when things go BOOM! very nice job gruntsbane!! and here i thought that bootifool explosions were the work of sfx guys. SWEET!!:o

17 | Why Bash Halo Babies? says:

For those of you who somehow don't understand the joke.. The game Battleship should ring a bell.. "You Sunk my Battleship!"

And for those that say that some of these comics are "bad".. I want to see you make a "good" comic. Because not only are these comics great, but gruntsbane is doing them for your entertainment, and he's not asking forcing you guys to donate or give him cash, so why not just the few who have stupid comments, keep em to yourselves?

18 | Alphaville says:

That's a fantastic picture, reminds me of the end of "First Strike", when the MC is making his way out with his team after f@$king up the Covenant reactor.

19 | Spartan Chick says:

Nice pic!...but it needed words... ;) but it's still a very nice picture...lots of blue.

20 | Halo Fan...natic says:

Wow... That is so awesome... wow.......
Hey, wait a second! That backround is way too beautiful to be drawn in flash or whatever. Just guessing here, but... Might that be a screenshot from Halo2? Hmmm... Oh well, it still rocks.

21 | Elite Leader says:

WORT! im sorta thinking that the title has to do something with homestar.... 20th post!

22 | Bio-Hazard Audio says:

Great comic, looks like a desktop image, but it fits perfectly. I think, in keeping with the halo BABY idea, there should be a yellow contrail coming from the middle... think about it :)

23 | mrsmiley says:

This strip kinda builds up for the next one.

24 | Ripper 714 says:

Out of curiosity...Why are all of Human explosions yellowish, and covenant explosions blue?


25 | squattingb says:

plasma, most high heated gase are bluish in hues. I'm guess they use hydrogen which is blue. and since UNSC ships use fusion for particles, it's usually just a big nuclear fireball which is fire which is yellow and stuff.


I like how the Covnenant use plasma instead of lasers like every other steriotypical alien. Plasma is awesome, and a LOT more beleivable as a military weapon than lasers.
Just my 2.489734050384785 cents.

27 | Wannabe Sgt. Johnson says:


but howd they get the Banshee? oh well....unfortunately tho it's not going to kill the monitor, we all know what happened last time....

28 | blinxhunter says:

And this ends the sivilization of the covenant.(next a group of grunts finds shelter under a tree where they find monkeys and mate with themcreating creatures that look much like humans).Chief:so thats how my mother got to be so ugly.

29 | MarineSniper says:

The Covenant ship looks real, whereas the Banshee is cartoon.
How does that work out?
Might be a screenshot...

30 | mrsmiley says:

I would like to let everone know that all the art in ALL of our strips is completely original. No screenshots.

31 | Spec Ops Elite says:

The comic rocks

I know this sounds strange coming from an Elite but in November, could ANY of you in Eruope put the mini set one with MC and the Jackel on E-bay (primitave yett effectaive), 'cause I like Grunts and Jackles and Elites (Brutes suck!). Please only on Nov.

32 | Ace says:

I don't get it.

33 | Random Elite says:

Nice artwork there Gruntsbane.
Any clues to next weeks strip?

34 | grunts for president says:

Why Bash Halo Babies? says:
I want to see you make a "good" comic.

gemme your email adress and i'll show u one

also it looks really good but i dont think u made a the exlosion

and for plasam being a blueish hue, wut about the plasma pistol? its yellow

35 | Morpheus says:

Wow...How beautiful. Almost arousing...No words needed...sexy.

36 | Mista_B says:

Heh, guess that's a problem when you're just that talented, eh?

Not a bad problem to have, btw.

End of one arc, on to the next! (story-arc, of course)

37 | Wannabe Sgt. Johnson says:

grunts for president, a) he most likely painted the explosion, very well i might add, though there is no need, and b) plasma pistol shots are GREEN, not YELLOW. ADJUST YOUR MONITOR OR TV SETTINGS. OR GO SEE AN EYE DOCTOR, WHATEVER. anyways, onto the next strip, what shall befall of our heroes? AND NO HALO BABIES BASHING!!!!!

P.S. good choice of words Morpheous......cept the last ones kinda.....yah

38 | Gruntsbane says:

For those of you wondering, yes it's digital painting (photoshop) and no it's not a screenshot. But I'm glad you think so ;)

39 | =HB=Alex says:

HOLY BASHIBLES!!!!! nice artwork gruntsbane. way to end with a BAM (literaly)

40 | Scandelousman says:

Dude this shot is awsome! the artwork is very... Arty!

41 | gruntish elite says:

hate to say it, but I was expecting more *shrug* awesome artwork though. And what's a 'bashible'? Is it anything akin to Bashable, the adjective? o_O

42 | Sgt. Johnson says:

can this even be called a comic strip? just wondering cuz dont see any words... but hey nice title and nice pic! u sunk my battleship! lol

43 | Spartan-287 says:

Well drawn..

44 | yayap and 'ontomee says:

yayap:HEY!! my cruiser! T.T
'ontomee:ahhh shaddap

45 | elitesniper says:

srry to do this, but smiely, is my ban permanent, just wondering, because i still try to go to this forum every day for some reason

46 | tijuana says:

Beautiful illustration. And the title adds the laughs to it!

Poor Mister cheif

47 | RaNcIdPsYcHoJoSh says:

Haha. I dare you to debunk this, you stupid covies. >:

48 | Yoozel says:

Missed this one, beautiful art work!

49 | Death of Kenny says:

OMG YOU KILLED 10058515854588K OF GRUNTS EN 5842968895748998K O ELITES!!!!!!!!!!!!
You bastard!!!!!

50 | Shiro says:

W0000000T!!! PHOTOSHOP!!!

ya gotta have the best to do the best ^_~

51 | Raptor Uniter says:

I wish I could draw like that. that would be cool.... Brutes vs wookies would be cool too....

52 | sheng says:

quisiera saber como puedo tener los comics de halo 2 en el correo si alguien sabe mandemelos por favor..()

53 | Halo-Master says:

Beatiful. Oh, and there's one more thing: be-e-e-ee-a-a-ti-i-i-ful!

54 | o_o says:

I though banshees were for ground ops. o_o get a covie dropship or phantom

55 | eliteghost01 says:

Uh, MC there's a wall there....

56 | Hawkeyefile says:

nice simpson's joke (from the edpisode where bart goes to the old folkes home).

57 | emily says:

do you have any more art?