{ 91. Buyer Beware | Comic List | 93. High Hopes }
92. No Running { July 01, 2005 }
Comments closed
1 | gruntsbane says:
first comment, suckas!
2 | Lost|nHell says:
3 | Ne04 says:
lol! nice one! stupid grunts...with the xboxes..yeah...
(second post yay)
4 | Sh4dowSn1p3r says:
wow! 5th post at 12:56 Pm HA HA HA HA HA great job grunts banner or whoops I mean gruntsbane althought the expression on his face could have been better in the last frame
5 | The An7i Flag says:
Wow Sixth, unless someone else posts. Good strip. 1:02 Am PST...
6 | XIthShadow says:
lol i love grunts, they're so funny
7th post w00t!
7 | a gumdrop says:
w00t seven7h pos7.
if {{[[{youDo}not}+1}==like]strDonuts] then [[{have]a]bagel}
8 | donut says:
Modders suck ass! Id love to go beat one silly with a 'Ban Hammer'
I used to like Warlock because i usually own at it but now it seems that 1 out of 4 games i get modded in there it sucks!
Oh and btw: bagels suck too... whats not to like about Donuts?
9 | Connor says:
10 | Connor says:
Yeah hide dat XBOX for I pop u with a shotgun and steal it. {LOL}
11 | beebegun91 says:
lol good one.
It always seems that the little 7 year olds are the ones modding, and the grunt voices would explain why they sound so young. lmao
12 | Runtylime says:
Ya, i hate modders or anyone that cheats!Good one Gb
13 | Spartan 067 says:
BOOM! HEADSHOT! HAHHAHAHAH! That video was hilarious, and GB made it into the comic, hahahahahahah!
Nice comic, all moders should die.
14 | me says:
Sweet, freakin modder. and why must you say things like 1st post, you know most people can read the little number up by your name.
But back to the comic. WOOOOO, I hope that happens, because I hate modders. Although it is fun to taunt them.
15 | Minigun Wormer says:
Can anyone tell me what the joke is? Is this joke supposed to be sophistacated humor or not? And whats with the "Banhammer" thingys?
16 | Poli says:
17 | mooching sack of death says:
ooo banhammers. sounds like a cross between a banana and something radioactive. awesome.
18 | Oo; says:
A banhammer is a secret goveronment organization that tracks modded xbox users, kidnaps them, and gives them a little cut on their arm and then makes a dirty hobo pull apart the cut while pouring salt into it.
19 | Crosso says:
One Nuaghty grunt down, thousands more to go.
and why is ther grunts front armor red and the backpack armors yellow? it ain't right.
probably the odd ones out.
20 | Drew says:
Awesome Comic. BanHammers are used on people who Modify Halo 2 or Cheat. We're Grunts and We're happy to be Grunts!
21 | red snow says:
lol, noice one gb
22 | LOL says:
Lol me Like comic!!! Yay!!! It Funny!!! Yay!!!
23 | Yayap and Zuka says:
I'm just surprised the grunt didnt mod the xbox to allow him to bite your kneecaps off! :D
24 | MrE Ki11er says:
25 | The real Arbitress says:
HAHA I get it!
26 | PlasmaFire says:
Heh...there's been way more than enough of it; I totally agree with MrE Ki11er. Another rampage of humor for the Friday--w00t!
27 | Spartan-055 Pete says:
Lol Funny
28 | Shady says:
Haha great one darn modding grunts lock them up!
29 | Spartans On Fire says:
sry posted this on the last comic but ment to on this one....
It's really funny....on another note i think bungie is doing a great job baning cheaters and hackers for that matter...
30 | Sparkie says:
PAHAHAHAHA! GB you wanker. Tehehehe funny! That Grunt is so busted...n0ice.
31 | Wind-Mane says:
OMg thats hilarious
32 | Xenomorph64 says:
i dont get it..... some please tell what it is.
33 | yo mama says:
whoooho 1st post !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.........................what i man can dream......................wort wort
34 | Jaxx says:
We can dream can't we... *sigh*
I hope they hurry up and deal with that garbage soon... it's keeping good, HONEST players away from Match Making.
35 | Zquad says:
lol thats really sucks to be that grunt. nice comic
36 | Baineblade says:
37 | ZR CRACKER says:
OMG! 38th POST!!!
People who care about stuff like that need a life...
Great job, gruntsbane!
38 | VII Toast says:
Uhm, 39th?
39 | the great pie says:
xr cracker must be pretty dumb if he thinks xbl modders are isignificant. sure, some mods (like blue needlers and smiley faces on wartogs) are ok, some fools get flying wartogs, one hit kos with a plasma pistol and the scarab gun (dribble....) so xbl modders SUCK!!!
40th post. wort wort wort.
40 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:
well, well, well....people brag about first post for so long and now look... Grunstbane takes the cake that was never there and you first post hoggers are left with the "HA HA!!!"....anyways, good comic as usual, grunty is gonna get it hard, unless he can pick up a system bigger than he is somehow....
41 | Lord_Halo99 says:
Once again GB you make me laugh
42 | mitch says:
43 | LegendaryThunder says:
All haxxorzorz must burn in the fires of inferno!
They should be gutted and their entrails sent to the four corners of the galaxy.
44 | vader maker says:
........SuperDragonYoshi u r an ubsest gamer giving us other game a bad name......nm...... cool comic
45 | vader maker says:
........SuperDragonYoshi u r an ubsest gamer giving us other gamer a bad name......nm...... cool comic
46 | ?Zyrra? says:
Woot, finally covenant!!! Even better, A GRUNT!!! Now just add the cake and a plasma grenade and...*rattles off a few other comic ideas* I would do my own but I can't draw covenant ='(
47 | jpupbob says:
i dont get it. bring more covonant back like elites, hunters, jackels, brutes, more grunts, and mabey a prophet. same with Zyrra i cant draw covonant.
48 | Noob-killer says:
Only Noobs mode
49 | Maniacxxl 069 says:
hahaha it'd be better if he was running w/ his xbox or had a better expressionin th last frame
50 | Atonik says:
NOT ALL MODDERS ARE CHEATERS, for one is a place for smart creative people to show off their mods, which DO NOT entail cheating, there are only a few out there who spoil the image of the modding community by cheating, halomods has been tempoarily CLOSED, because of cheaters who use our forums to learn how to cheat. the modding community are doing our best to catch out those who mod to cheat on xbl, and so can you guys
51 | Minigun Wormer says:
Hi guys! I'm back this morning! (7:20AM) Right now I shall thank Oo;, I mean Drew for answering my question.
52 | Spartan058-Halogeeky says:
wo,nice one. it took me while to see that grunt-dude here had a controller in his hand, but it was very very funny. not your best though. keep it up! Weeeeee!
53 | The real Arbitress says:
heh it is funny!
54 | shishka clone#42 says:
hahaha very funy indeed.also i agree with spartans on fire,bungies doin a good job
55 | 24#enolc akhsihs says:
great work gruntsbane 8 more to go untill you hit the 100 mark muhahahahaha
56 | lambzilla says:
very nice gruntsbane only 8 more
57 | Spartan_112 says:
lol that grunt better hope his knees dont fail him XD
58 | grunt lovr says:
get him grunt muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha 59 ant so bad
59 | SupeDragonYoshi says:
Vadar Maker, what the HELL are you talking about?? I'm only trying to be kind, you know, & whatever the hell have I did to you? whatever... YOSHI!
60 | Jodry says:
lol /chicken on you noob lol
I really like teh reference. BOOM! HEADSHOT!
61 | SPARTAN2P1 says:
WHAT!? SOoOooOo thats the guy who ran me over with the flying warthog! CHEAP GRUNT!!! lol just kiddin' funny!
62 | Necromas says:
And I thought it was the Jackals that were using modded xboxes!!!
63 | Spartan-107 says:
Ive also seen flying warthogs. Arnt they called wartshees lol.
64 | Turok says:
I wonder who (or what) has the banhammers?
65 | The Arbitress says:
I hope more Covenant comics are made, especially ones with the Arbiter in them.
66 | SinisterMonkey says:
Awesome. HAHA so true
P.s. It's been almost TWO MONTHS since the last art update. MORE ART UPDATES!!!!!!!!!!
67 | SinisterMonkey says:
Anyone else think?
68 | SinisterMonkey says:
Grunts are like Jar-Jar Binks. Ya either love em or ya hate em
69 | evilguineapig says:
W00T 70th post at july 5th 11:35 pm est.!!! !!!!!! ok, i'm sorry. dont take me out of the clan. haha the comic is so true. i remember when me and dark halo got modded in a clan match. good, well, actually bad times.
70 | The Ex-arbiter (deceased) says:
I agree with everyone in the modders issue... DEATH TO MODDERS!!!!!!
71 | Aeronot says:
I love it-- Funny, keep it up!
72 | MP says:
I do say, the comic is quite funny. It is really terrible that the mods are taking over practically, it ruins fun. But...
An applaude from me to Gruntsbane, wonderful work, lad.
73 | PPA says:
Actually, some mods are quite fun.. (for example a plasma pistol that spawns objects; little bolt creates those explosive thingies and full charge a bus) But in the long run, you get tired of them..
74 | tron2005 says:
i think for the next comic, we need to see more comedy... GB, your sluffin'with the jokes son. step up your game.
75 | Atonik says:
PPA and MP maybe you should try actually playing proper mods, rather then assuming that everyone gets tired of them, or that it ruins the fun
76 | Gruntzilla says:
Save the grunts! KILL THE BRUTES, JAKALS, DRONES, and MARINES! Just cause theys cooler than pie
77 | Jack Long says:
it was a crappy peice of crappy shi* it is a discrase to halo u geeks who made this crappy thing.
78 | evilguineapig says:
well dude its what we do. we could call u a geek for stuff you do, but u probably wont tell us cause u know its true. geesh....we just like the site. well goood comic guys, keep up the good work
79 | The Commander says:
Puahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! U no whut would suck?????? A Pack-oGrunties with Energyswords and overshields!!!!!
80 | VideoGamer0331 says:
Hmm... a flying Warthog... that could prove useful! Not that I can do anything like that, cuz I have no idea how to hack and all that good stuff. I'm just saying, that would be quite interesting.
81 | Hurricane Tiger says:
Whenever I fly a warthog its always because it was hit by a rocket. :(
[Gruntsbane] Sorry, Tiger, the rest of this was waaay too long.
82 | Yo Mama says:
Well.....this warthog leaves the banshee out. I mean the banshee sucks! You cant fire at other people in highspeed! I have been in a flying warthog before and that was when i was stuck while someone blasted me to the sky with a Scorpion.....anyway.....i think the flying warthog would have been great!
83 | poseter says:
84 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:
Sorry I've not been commenting for a while... I knew the gurnts would like XBOX, thats why the we invaded Earth for the Xbox! We'll be back for 360.
85 | A.I. Durandal says:
So, if I understand this right, the grunt is in the middle of pwning a bunch of ppl when he's suddenly discovered by.....who?
But maybe I'm way off and it has absolutely nothing to do with that.
86 | A.I. Durandal says:
(my mistake, pwning ppl with mods. Meant to say that.)
87 | Ice WaGoN117 says:
I like the banhammer. Although flying warthogs,matrix type players, and rockets coming out of sniper rifles is cool...they still lose 50 BUCKS
88 | Rocketman703 says:
I agree with ice wagon117
89 | Sieneko says:
Oh I'd love to get me a Banhammer! Seeing flying Warthogs and speedy MCs on crack was funny the first time... but it got old FAST. Wish the kiddies would leave the mods to custom games and stop messing with us real players.
Great work Gruntsbane, well done. :)
90 | dany says:
yo dog that is tight if u no wat i say right
91 | teh arbiter says:
hackers or modders SUCK
92 | Predator110 says:
haha kinda reminds me of when me and my pals play costom games...i get them soooo angry soo fast... but not ALL modders use their mods for matchmaking...i do agree with what you said tho Sieneko.
93 | Zach says:
lol i have to do that some times when im sneaking on my X-box:)
94 | TinHead6 says:
Nar the master should be able to fly the space jet the core has
95 | Prophet you should Regret says:
Ghost man Ghost any way hide your self not Xbox.
96 | anonymous says:
I hate modders, but this one made me laugh. Great job GB!
97 | Masterchief evil says:
poor grunt=(
98 | anonymousgrunt says:
If this is true, then this one guy I saw on Xbox Live should be banned. He had some kind of mod that killed me and all my teammates at the same time, and made us fall into dogpile-moshpit-like positions. That's why I find this comic so funny. Way to go, Gruntsbane!
99 | anonymousgrunt says:
If this is true, then this one guy I saw on Xbox Live should be banned. He had some kind of mod that killed me and all my teammates at the same time, and made us fall into dogpile-moshpit-like positions. That's why I find this comic so funny. Way to go, Gruntsbane!
100 | anonymousgrunt says:
If this is true, then this one guy I saw on Xbox Live should be banned. He had some kind of mod that killed me and all my teammates at the same time, and made us fall into dogpile-moshpit-like positions. That's why I find this comic so funny. Way to go, Gruntsbane!
101 | anonymousgrunt says:
Whoa, sorry about the triple post! Please delete all but one, thanks.
102 | bungie says:
wow!!!!!!!!! grunts have an xbox he must of got it at EB gurnts cooool!!!
103 | MasterC says:
A Grunt with an X-Box sweet