{ 93. High Hopes | Comic List | 95. An Old Relic but Still Erect }
94. The Return of Superchief { July 15, 2005 }
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1 | ShadowSniper says:
LOL he so show off e Wooot 1st
2 | Gruntsbane says:
Ahh. Good ol' lens flare.
3 | The Arbitress says:
Sergeant Johnson must be in a world of pain. By the way, I wouldn't mind playing a round of hopscotch with the Master Chief.
4 | LegendaryThunder says:
lol, Way to go chief!
Finally he gets to be the hero!
.....I mean other than saving humanity.
5 | stopthavoices says:
Hehe, nice. Why DO you guys thinks it's cool to get first post? Well maybe it's cool, but why do you only go "FIRST POST"? It's a waste of a post...
6 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:
NNNOOOOOOO!!!! NOT JOHNSON!!!!!! lol, nice anyways, you should start a side strip, BUT, it is your comic so I'll shut up now......
good comic BTW... wait I said that...
7 | Noob-killer says:
Look on the bright side sarge is invulnerble to anything .
8 | Torgar Hammerstriker says:
Funny but why was Master Chief going to play hop scotch?
Maybe Cortana had something to do with it in the previous comic.
9 | Spartan-055 Pete says:
9th comment kool
Good comic remember the x button
10 | Hells Sinner says:
Yeouch, poor sarge.
11 | ScruffyNerfHerder says:
LOL, well done, the X button can sure come in handy in game like Halo (Especially Ninja Gaiden as well), hurts to be Johnson though. I'll be going on vacation soon, & probably won't be around for later strips, just hope something good's on next week, later...
12 | Kanman-075 says:
Ouch, i feel sorry for sarge. Good comic Gruntsbane!
13 | The Misterchief says:
LOL!!!that was so freakin funny!i liked when sarge got totally splattered
14 | ak47_lover says:
That happened WAY to often in the first Halo for me. Those poor, poor Marines.
15 | Cpl. Perez says:
heheh a job well done indeed... RID THE WORLD OF SARGE!!!
16 | GopherGuts says:
Just count on the Master Chief to throw cars off kids!
Great comic!
17 | Stuntmutt says:
Of course, that won't kill Sarge...
A man capable of surviving the destruction of Halo whilst actually standing on it has little to fear from a falling car!
18 | shankmaster says:
dude that is beautifull keep up the good work.
<3 your athletically challenged friend
19 | Alex says:
Lol.. just press X. Now wouldn't that be useful in the real world?
20 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:
Lol... just becuse Sarge is invulnerble doesn't mean he can't feel pain, and he got a "warthog" load of it.
21 | Spartan058-Halogeeky says:
IT RYMES!!!! catch phrase that's what chief was missing...once again...
"MY BABY!" line
Ha LMAO!!!!
great one...superchief rocks!he's got the pose, now where's the cape?!
22 | Tryan Shootamee says:
is that...hopscotch?!
chief found a new hobby. nice one. and how come sarge is always the one to get superchief...what? he can't press "x" in his own time!?!?!
ahhahaha very good of your best keep it up!
23 | 41 Chief's says:
man, he's gotta have the EXACT pose everytime you do a superchief comic...i hope they'll continue, they're the funniest!
i'll beat you at hopscotch chief...i will...i will!!!!Whahaha!
24 | SinisterMonkey says:
LOL... Great comic
MORE ART UPDATES there hasn't been art in TWO months... Please some one agree with me we need an art update
25 | Runtylime says:
I love it that you made chief making a hopscotch path. What place is the background?
26 | ice wagon says:
i feel your pain sarge. usually every time i press 'X' the warthog just lands on me.....well some times its intensional
27 | blade4824's great uncle willy says:
I loved that one.
LOL; ..Just press X..
28 | Drew says:
Fantastic man! Loved it!
29 | Ice wagon says:
fantastic man? he is the Fifth fantasic? well besides that I loved this comic. Keep them commin';p
30 | Adams06 says:
The chief is finally showing off his little needl..I mean, big guns, hehe.
31 | Tuanta Quiro Miancay says:
[sarcasm]Yeth, I get the 31st comment! Oh joy![/sarcasm]
Seems to be a bit of an attempt to get the comic back to should I say With the chalk and all. Marvelous art, as always, though the far right panels have been cut off a bit for me as of late, which is probably just something on my local PC.
32 | Sparkie says:
Poor sarge! LOL....that was awesome...
"just press X"...I need that on a shirt.
33 | SovietSam says:
How many times have I heard that in my life. Those babies get everywhere.
...Hey! Get off my face. *is glomped by baby*
Great comic. I would also like that on a shirt.
34 | ODST1125 says:
WOW niccce
35 | misinformeed grunt says:
I've done that before...
36 | Buguba says:
lol, nice. Why are you guys mad at the first post dude? I was actually kind of happy, because he actually said somthing more then "WOOT 1 post!". It's annoying if they waste the post by only putting "woot 1st". But this guy actually said somthing of value. So dont put him down for that.
37 | Dork Force One says:
Ohhh, sarge got smashed by the hog. Nice one.
38 | Spuzz says:
Haha, very funny!
Um, how did the baby get under the Warthog in the first place?
39 | Omega068 says:
Lol, I wonder how hard his handshake is.
40 | Rob says:
haha nice! just like the real superman. he has to save people from inexplicable situations.
and yeah,what is it with the 1 st post stuff. its like the occasaional idiots over at red vs blue
41 | Vampyric Turialim says:
Nice. Love it man!
42 | Grizzled Ancient says:
ouch...sarge look out!
yeah whenever i flip a warthog, i always move the joystick forward so it goes flying far far away...then i have to run sixteen miles to get back in it. I REALLY WISH THEY HAD A SPRINT BUTTON!!!!WHY!!???
nice comic!
43 | red snow says:
HAHA! noice one GB
44 | ASDF says:
lol, hop scotch
45 | mooching sack of death says:
46 | Jaxx says:
LOL! That was great. XD
47 | The Commander says:
DAT WUZ DA FUNNIEST COMIC EVER!!!!!! Great work!!!!! Sarge has had a mooshed day
48 | Zyrra says:
LOL poor Sarge, now he's the baby trapped under the Warthog... You keep impressing me guys keep it up! (Covenant lover wants to see more Covenant)
49 | loknar64 says:
See how the baby has no face? It just PROVES that babies are evil!
50 | tron2005 says:
Rest in peace Mr. Johnson. You will be missed. More Ovaltine please!
51 | The Anonimous Man says:
now if those are tiny needlers...what can the big guns do? great comic!
52 | The Misterchief says:
lol sarge got superchiefed on
53 | Flug says:
COOL! exept, in the last panel, cheifs finger looks kinda funny. *shrugs* o well. Aswome comic.
"Just press X to-
A- lift
C-punch that cat over there
Or D- kill me
Answer- D!!!!!!!!!!!
54 | Blue_Corpral says:
heh, it funny
55 | The Misterchief says:
in the last panel it looks like chiefy is flicking someone off dont it?
56 | A_Covenant_Grunt says:
Its a bird! Its a banshee! Its SUPERCHIEF!!!
57 | HaloNemesis says:
Woo! We missed you Superchief!
58 | Switch 9 says:
I'd like to see sarge do THAT!
At least he knows how to handle his sword!
If you haven't seen that strip (the adventures of Superchief) you should. And the one where she gets that pink buttsock, it sort of ties it together.
59 | chunky monkey says:
that was so friggin' funny this is one of my favorite comics
60 | Element29 says:
hahaha.....anyone up for some mashed sarge? mmmm im gonna have me some of that with grunt on a stick
61 | Lord_Halo99 says:
i love the Superchief comics
62 | mrsmiley says:
Joel, hilarious comic this week. I have been so busy here in Czech that I forgot to swing by the site! =) Be back soon.
63 | Yayap and Zuka says:
Masterchief! Super guy! 2 da rescue!
64 | AnXplayFan says:
I wish I was that strong.
65 | Mendoza says:
66 | the late Keyes(Captain) [rank does not matter in heaven though ] says:
HAHAHA!! When Sarge gets out, he's gonna go " Supperchief, you WILL regret that" Great one though. (JUST PRESS X...need it on a shirt too man. NIKE's in trouble)
67 | Pressure says:
That would be a good shirt.
Halobabies clothing. I like, I like.
68 | needlers says:
ok, but it reminds me of Superman
69 | Cheesemaster64 says:
Wow a Halo babie saving another smaller babie?
70 | Tug McGroin says:
Fuck all of you miserable rat bastards!
71 | the longest forum post name youve ever read in your entire life. smiley. :-) says:
Wort wort wort, that's nothing. Part of the lekgolo training process is to lift an entire Wraith and hold it for an HOUR.
I'd like to see the accursed Mastur Cheef do THAT. I heard some unngoy talking about how even the Arbiter did it.
72 | Dev says:
AHA. I love these 'Adventures of Superchief' xD!!!!!!!!! In my opinion, they have been the best and funniest.
But yeah, that also happened to me a lot in Halo 1. o_o; And. Maybe. A few times in Halo 2? :);;
73 | Spartan058-Halogeeky says:
I agree they are the best
74 | wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee says:
who wants mashed sarge with gravy?
75 | M3RC says:
X? thats funny
76 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:
ya gotta love that spartan armour!
77 | Kritz says:
Why does MC have 6 fingers in the last frame?
Meh. Not the greatest comic ever. The joke's been done.
I think these people are too much of sheep.
>> Kritz
78 | the great pie says:
silence, kritz.
I did that to my teammate on xbl once on no shields. (oops!).
Keep 'em coming gruntsbane. and get a place at the london gallery!
79 | Tryan Shootamee says:
He doesn't have six fingers...he has five. four are folded and one is up...
wonderful comic!
80 | Ryley217 says:
omg that is awesome "just press X" heh if only things were easy like that!
81 | Ryley217 says:
omg that is awesome "just press X" heh if only things were easy like that!
82 | pregnant n proud says:
what up with the "YAY 1st post, yay 2nd post?" i dont get it. what is the big deal? at least dont waste the post and say something like, one of the funniest stips youve made in a while
83 | xenomorph64 says:
hahaha, thats great
84 | Tristan says:
It would be funnier when he said "press x" he didnt move and it flipped itself
85 | MstrChief117 says:
This comic ROX!!!!!!!!!!
86 | Mr. chief 117 says:
Show off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
87 | Jaconwes says:
heh this one made me think why doesnt he do that all teh time.
and reference to a earlier post.
he was only a boy! (copyright of killzone for the line)
88 | Fushiigi Udon says:
Yup, that's the way I used vehicles in the game. Screw driving them, much more fun to toss 'em at people. =)
89 | tronic2005 says:
hey guys you wont believe what happened. i took a 3D class the other week and i saw GB in the class. i didnt realize it was him till later. hes a lot smaller in person.
90 | randomness says:
mc is playing hopscotch....
91 | bumn187 says:
92 | Crosso says:
lol and if only you'd showed the babies face. probably be a grunt.
93 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:
well, 'the great pie', that's killed me before on the campaign, and another time, my friend had forced his way into one of the bunkers in blood gulch and was killed by the guy he was chasing. he dropped his rocket launcher and fired it at the warthog to get it out of the way when i was right behind it!
94 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:
lol, and Kritz is right... in the last panel, MC has six fingers
95 | ash says:
he`s my idle
96 | fart says:
97 | SPARTAN 001 says:
Cool comics, I like'em they're funny. I hope u guys make more of them!
98 | colossus says:
luv the sketch keep on goin
99 | Dragon says:
That was realy good and I agree with CoolElite, 'fart' should shut hit trap and keep it shut.
100 | halo-fanatic0001 says:
You know, this strip is really funny. but it looks like master chief is holding up the middle finger in the last panel...
101 | killa cool says:
That happenend to my friend once. Poor poor Jimmy
102 | Mr Stinky says:
Good joke but how did the baby get there
103 | Predator110 says:
hahaha that was great...but to awnser your question Mr Stinky, im not sure either...maby its a covie baby sent to eliminate the MC. we may never find out ;D
104 | halo2maniaman says:
way far out side the box (just pres x) send me a tee shirt 2 if u makem
p.s. look for me on halo 2 on xbox live my gamertag is halo2maniaman
105 | A.I. Durandal says:
That's one of the few that cracked me up more than the one with "Frogblast the Vent Core!!!" in it.
106 | SPARTAN 108 says:
107 | bob says:
When r u guys going 2 make halo 3 ????
108 | Xentrion says:
Heh, Bob, lemme tell you one thing.
We are NOT Bungie. How are we supposed to know? We don't even know if it's actually going to come out. Patience my friend. Patience.
I actually made it in the 110's!
109 | Eliteghost01 says:
you know Sarge is still alive, right?
110 | kalani gayagas says:
ha! ha!ha! thats really funny hes playing hop scotch u guys rock/rule
111 | girl halo babie says:
lol that guy was gay for playing hop scotch
112 | halo monkey says:
You guys are the best
113 | secret says:
this 1 kiks virtraler jass
114 | secret says:
this 1 kiks virtraler jass
115 | .kaboose. says:
this 1 is super kool
116 | Honor gaurd James says:
Finaly! Cheif is the hero! I mean after saving humanity TWICE.
Hehe, keep up the good work
// BIG Halo/halo2 fan
117 | LT.starkiller says:
sargnt Jonson may want to look at his Helth Insurnce, no clams bonus standig on Halo when it blew up may be one injury to much
118 | jordan says:
119 | Morpheus says:
best last panel ever.
120 | Sputnik says:
funniest one yet
sargent johnson deserved it
121 | Prophet you should Regret says:
They do get squashed.
Are you telling me theres a man making a game out of theyr and X on a scorpion the Marines still end up as elite tamato juice.
LOL 10/10
122 | Masterchief evil says:
123 | bungie says:
My hero!!!!!!!!! not. nice one chief way to go man or dude what ever good one hehehe.
124 | General Krim says:
It's great and all, but, I don't get one thing... If they are babies... how did he save a baby from under the warthog...
125 | SPARTAN-104, Frederic says:
the baby was probably planted by an elite or evil grunt! DONT TRUST THE SPLIT LIPS THEY ARE EVIL!!!even more so are the ones with guns pointed at you.
I was just wondering why nobody else uses names from the books or other spartans, they play a big role too! And johnson, just report to the infirmry, youll be aight, peace!