A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


Comments closed

1 | Xerro says:

lol this ones gd, exactly the kinda thing i'd expect from a grunt, though i don't think they were as funny in halo 2

2 | belllboy says:

so funny but i thought jackals were 'higher' then grunts (cant wait for 100!)

3 | LegendaryThunder says:

Wow, funny Gruntsbane!

I don't think people really understand how important you are.
Number 100 will be one to remember I am sure.

4 | The Mafia says:

Yay, 4th post. Wish, bungie put that in Halo3

5 | someone called donut says:

Grunts PWN Jackals... i hate jackals!
Nice strip GB! Woot! no 100 comin up!

6 | KrizP says:

Nice comic, I can definitely see a grunt doing that...

7 | Scotty J says:

Yeah, can people stop being rude when you post on this? It would be a shame if the comments on Gruntsbane's 100th comic was nothing but "W00t! 1st post!! WooT! 273th post!!" Show a little respect

8 | Zyrra says:

YAY COVENANT!!! THAT IS SOOOO CUTE!!! WOOT go Zamak! Bye bye Jik! Finally we see some grunts and jackals! now all we need is plasma grenades and a piece of cake. CAKE CAKE CAKE!!!

And i got earlier this time!

9 | Kritz says:


I liked it.


>> Kritz

10 | halofreak44 says:

LOL!!! thats soo cute!! I love grunts!!This strip was an excellent way to tell people that grunts can "adjust to their surroundings"!!!

11 | Redwall says:

"so funny but i thought jackals were 'higher' then grunts (cant wait for 100!)"

Technically yes but grunts and jackals have a not-so-friendly rivalry between them (as seen by their opposing sides at the end of Halo 2).

12 | ArbiterLover/BFF#1 says:

Funny. Grunts shall overcome jackals!!!! GO GRUNTS!!! WWW, anyways, yeah funny.

13 | Wind-Mane says:

lol grunts they are the most craziest things i ever saw

14 | Lovable Werewolf says:

LOL! stupid jackal XD XD

15 | spartan-055 pete says:

LOL grunts should have shields

16 | Light Kurita says:

YEAY! Kritz is not complaining anymore!!! MY job is complete!*grows wings made of paper and flys away*
....Anysway, HAHAHA, the Jakal looks funny, just like in everything related to halo.....AAWW! The grunt can steal the jakal's shield but I can't!!! I wish I could though...that would be SWEET! Running around with a shield and sword, you would be like an actual Spartan of sorts!!

17 | firehawk12 says:

good one
oh and as a responce to scotty I always thought of it as a tradition

18 | Me & My Shotgun Bob says:

The art in this was awsome (I liked how it look like the jackal could care less about what the grunt said), but what I liked most was what the grunt did that was so random and funny! Anyone who doesn't like this can face Bob.

19 | Shady says:

Haha nice one grunts kick ath!!!

20 | Ravenshaw says:

Wow its the very first closeup of a jackal in hb so far!

Great comic as usual! i wonder what's up to the 100th

21 | squattingb says:

ZING! That's brilliant, excellent use of a grunt! That's genius :)

22 | The Arbitress says:

Too bad the energy shield isn't going to be enough to protect him.

23 | Viper says:

grunts first!!

24 | yo momma says:

finally, some covenant! Now, have a jackal punt a sleeping grunt off a bridge!

25 | xxctlxx says:

lol like a energy shield is gonna be a great defense agaisnt a duel wielding plasma pistol and smg :P

26 | SinisterMonkey says:

That is one SMART grunt

27 | PlasmaFire says:

Ah, the many connotations of Garfield--A CLASSIC. Awesome work, gruntsbane!

28 | Johnnyrico says:

god I just love grunts, gotta be the funniest alien creatures ever :)
what I want to see in the next halo are grunts horseriding on hunters and grunts doing all other sorts of funny things

29 | Demosthenes says:

whens the next freakin art update, it's been months!!!

30 | Locke says:

yeah! when IS then next art update, i wanna see some art!!

31 | Napoleon says:

I agree with Locke and Demosthenes, its been forever since the last update of art, has HBN's clan matches taken the place of it?

32 | Lord_Halo99 says:

this one was funny. #100 will have to be something big and cool *hint hint*

33 | chunky monkey says:

that was a good one make more just like em

34 | mrsmiley says:

The next art update is coming as soon as I finish the rest of the site maintenance and clan changes.

35 | Joey says:

Funny strip like normal good work. Hasnt the grunt noticed that you can SEE THROUGH the shield ;)

36 | Jaxx says:

That's my kinda Grunt! lol ;P

37 | Dork Force One says:

LMAO, thats funny. I want a grunt like that. And 1 more comic to the 100th Comic YAY.

38 | fgfhg says:


39 | I'm just a guest says:

That's just what I'd expect a grunt to do. Cheap cowards. *grumbles under breath* great comix! Keep 'em comin'!

40 | Mr. Super Crappy Pants on Tour says:

RUN FOR COVER! THE SLASH DOT IS COMING. JUST NOT YET. IT WILL TAKE U ALIVE OMG ITS GON/. /. /. /. /.NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IT GOT ME RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................CHHHHHHHHHCHHHHHHHHHHHCHHHHHHHHHHHCHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

41 | HaloGod says:

wicked man thats the best

42 | Spartan-112 says:

lol ^^ grunt soooo needs shield

43 | mooching sack of death says:

thas one kick ass grunt

44 | ansomble28 says:

nice, this is a classic!

45 | Sparkie says:

OMFG I actually fell out of my chair that time. For real. I laughed so hard I coughed, so i reached for my water and fell! WHOOHOOHOO Nice one GB!

46 | gunstar2 says:

Heh, if I was a Grunt, that's what I do. But... the Covenant hires on a basis of smarts and we've all seen their standard isn't very high.

47 | xenomorph64 says:

haha. thats pretty funny. nice work

48 | Spartan058-HaloGeeky says:

not one of your best ones, but it was still pretty good.

49 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

I think the grunt looks really cute in the last panel... lol

50 | Dev says:

WHOO. Long live the grunts. ;o; Every time I play the level right before The Great Journey (last level played as MC) I always save the grunts from those stupid charging brutes. T_T You know when they're just running around waving their arms? ;o; So defenseless... so cute.

..But Jackals aren't without their charm. ^__^; *hugs both of the lil' aliens*

As everyone else has said, I cannot wait to see number 100. :3 Make it funny. AND. ARBITER-RELATED. Yes he deserves to be in the 100th strip...

51 | Tyree says:

hahaha funny. grunts r so inasant. anyway, can u make the comics more quicker? i love these things!

52 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

ha ha ha!!!! thats great!! stupid Jackal.....

53 | ash says:

good dea but it wont work

54 | Michael Archer says:

I think that the stupid thing about the Covenant is that they display their ranks in bright colors so you know what ones are the officers and you know who to aim for.

55 | xeno crackerjack says:

Best halo related laugh i've had in ages.

56 | Raptor 27 says:

Wow! This is SO hilarious! The Jackal is wonderfull and the Grunt's expressions are really well done.

57 | Hellfirefanatic says:

Lmfao! That was great. Stupid jackals...

58 | the great pie says:

that deserver a wOOt. wOOt.

59 | Thraxon says:

lol cant wait for 100

60 | darkmoon232 says:

haha nice one. i love what theyve done to the grunt!!!

61 | Yayap and Zuka says:

He's smarter than the average grunt!

62 | Mak Attack says:

Go Grunt

63 | KFC says:

lol after he takes the shield a elite ramps the grunt lol BAM

64 | HaloNemesis says:

Nice. :)

65 | sean says:

woot woot go gruntsbane, very funny and grunty

66 | mr. super crappy pants says:

im...chhhhh...sti...chhhh...alive bu...chhhhh...severly hur...chhhhh...its sti...chhhh...looking for...chhhhhhh...me...chhhhhhhh...if you get this mess...chhhhhhhhh...send help................

67 | arbiters lacky says:

that grunt can think on his...or someone eles feet;)

68 | Mendoza says:

LMAO! I'd do the same thing if I were him... but I'm not, so don't shoot me!

69 | AndrewF says:

Hey guys im glad u think its funny i thought of it. If u dont believe me e-mail gruntsbane hell tell u

70 | Cyclone says:

next comic is going to be #100! Hope you have something special planned. :).

71 | Spartan-261 says:

Stupid Jackal, sheilds are for grunts

72 | Sheikurl says:

cum on guys, 1 more, just 1 more. cum on, 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

73 | Sheikurl says:

hey, i had brainstorm, head hurting, no, u should have every1 in the 100th strip. arbiter, mc, sarge, etc. put EVERYONE in it! kk?

74 | The Marine says:

aww hes so cute i could just shot him

75 | icewagon117 says:

|_(___)___/___{(_}```------[______] they cant escape it

76 | john says:

Truly priceless

77 | JoeyAKALD says:

yet again more proof that Grunts rule. Also..
Yay, 4th post. Wish, bungie put that in Halo3

Never mind have sheild stealing in Halo 3, although it would be cool, have Grunts as playable multiplayer characters!

78 | Stu says:

I really can't wait for issue 100.

79 | sauages says:

Hey gruntsbane, exactly how long has this series been going?

I'm waiting for a collection book man...

Nice comic by the way...

I've seen better off you, but that's still better than anything I could manage...

Weeeeeee I like making looong posts!!!

Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto...

Is there a post length limit?

There shouldn't be...

This is fun...

80 | sausages says:

Sorry for the second post Gruntsbane, but I think Scotty J is right. Too many times have I seen the first post snatched by fruitcups who all say the same thing, "w00t w00t 1st post!!!" and frankly, its getting on my nerves...

Please people, don't waste the 100th comic for stupid stuff like that...

Oh and by the way, an awesome idea would be two jackals playing air hockey with a sleeping grunt using their shields...

A warning: whoever wastes the first post on an idiotic comment...

VENGEANCE SHALL BE MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

81 | iRape says:

Nice comic.

82 | TryanShootamee says:

nice comic...very funny!


83 | spartan058-Halogeeky says:


by the way, wonderful comic, once again...the jackel's hair is awsome!

84 | Grunty the Kid says:


keep it up guys cant wait for the new one.

u should have the jackal take revenge by booting the grunt off a cliff or taking off his breath mask when chief comes around again

85 | Arbitress says:

WheeHee that is funny!!!
i like it

86 | flood buddie says:

tahs soooooooo cute. i love grunts... well at least the way u guys draw them. do more with grunts.. and do flood also

87 | firehawk12 says:

almost 100 ;)

88 | XxJayk_CarsonxX says:

That's hilarious. You guys are geniouses[sp]. You guys should get a sunday comic thing in the newspaper...I think you're that good!...Really!

89 | GrizzledAncient says:

HALO MOVIE!!!!!!!!! SWEAT!!!!!

nce comic...funny.

90 | LT.starkiller says:

that is so hilarious. I bet if grunts could do that in halo 3 we all would be seing that alot. I know would would do that that if they could.

91 | LT.starkiller says:

whopps mistake

92 | LT.starkillerkiller says:


93 | random raincoat sexy dude who just luvs it when u fail and halo rulz to him cause he has the longest says:

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.,/`\,`-, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /\.
hehehhehehehehehhehehhehehehehehe SWEET
! funny funny comic gruntsbane!

94 | bublbeboy says:

hahahahahah hey random nice wierd picture of peter griffin lol

95 | "The Chances of anything coming from Mars, are a million to one" he said "The chances of anything co says:

this comic ROCKS!!!! wowowowooooowooowooowow!

96 | gruntlover says:

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa grunts RULES.

97 | Arbi gal says:

This one made me laugh so much! I love it! Like the Grunts say, "Little people first!"

98 | Foreigner117 says:

Very cute. Captured the spirit of the Grunts perfectly. Love those little critters. I hope the movie does them justice...

99 | Crossyourfingers says:

I really hope the halo 2 movie doesnt blow...Harrison ford as masterchief....brrr...(gets cold chills).

Lol grunts first, jackals are cowards!

100 | Jonny says:

so funy,cute and adorible!!!

101 | Jordan says:

Omg, this reminds me of grunt rebellion my friend is always talking about. I love it when the little guy takes charge =)

102 | A.I.Durandal says:

"Short ones first!!! We're smaller!!!"

Ring any bells?

103 | Mackon says:

heheheheheheh Freaking Sweet! ME WANTEE MORE! ME WANTEE MORE!

104 | mitch says:


105 | Devon says:

"Quick gimme youre shield"
"heck no" *moves back* "fine...howahh" *kicks other dude* "i say yes..." *marine lobs plasma grenade at grunt* "Ive been stuck...what a world what a world!!!" *grenade explodes* "owieeeeee!" "shut up" *smacks the grunt in the face with the butt of an smg* "much better" "groan..."

106 | jackel h8er says:

i could defenately see a grunt dooing that if it was strong enough to do that. but dont jackels hate grunts, so woudn't it just shoot the grunt? well i dont care as long as the jackel gets pwned i like it

107 | nick watts says:

iloved it even because i love grunts

108 | jpupbob says:

oh how i love booting... this is hilaryuos

109 | kyle says:

this is a good 1

110 | TheCodexFan#1 says:


111 | Sparten-117 Master Chief says:

lol!!!!can not stop cant stop laughing lol! man u ppl are so funny lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

112 | as says:

i would love to have a grunt as a pet and have him carry around a fuel rod cannon...i hate that guy over there...(grunt)DIE BOOM!!!!!!

113 | RedElite says:

haha that was hilarious who ever wrote this is a genious

114 | Fera says:

x3 that's good. I can just imagine a grunt doing that.

115 | gruntyking117 says:

Good to see my brothers are acting towards the Grunt Rebellion...Soon we will be fee.

116 | unkown says:

YOU guys are good very good keep it up.

117 | me and my M29 says:

GRUNTS AND CHILDREN FRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

118 | man who likes gruts says:

yahoo grunts kick ass

119 | ZS says:

Down with the Jackals! The Grunts shall form together to create a massive uprising against the rest of the Covenant, because for too long have we underestimated the power of the Grunts! Um... I wasn't relaying a message by the Grunts...

120 | Just some Regular guy says:

The Jackals r freakin ugly now but i still prefered the Halo 1 Grunts

121 | Prophet you should Regret says:

Grunts are better in shields so let more demons come then they take over.

122 | master chef says:

you know i never seen any drones or brutes except tartutus in comic77

123 | halo2 says:

halofreak44 grunts have a online free tv show called grunts are people too the theme song: is were grunts were grunts were realy not that smart but we have are own tv show!

124 | bungie says:

You go grunt take!that you trader!!!!! from halo 2

125 | bungie says:

You go grunt take!that you trader!!!!! from halo 2

126 | sgtjohnsonx says:

impersonation =o

nice one XD

127 | Masterchief evil says:


128 | Grunt Leader says:


129 | mr chief says:


130 | mr chief says:
