A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | pressure says:

wtf. seriously.

2 | [T!GER] says:

OMG like ttly, green is sooo last season...
Sweet job on the blonde there GB.

ZOMG! First post!

3 | Kritz says:

As much as I love to say it but deny that I love to say it by saying the opposite, I didn't like this one.

One One Se7en have already taken most of the -blam!- out of the DOA4 thing.

Keep on trucking,

>> Kritz

4 | WayneEnterprise says:

mmmmmm... love your work, nice strip kepp'n comin GB

5 | Spartan-055 Pete says:

Nice Comic.
458 should beat them in a match!
Nobody Says this armor makes me FAT!

6 | gruntsbane says:

Stuntmutt has covered the DOA 4 a lot recently, but this is a different angle. It's not like I'm going to ignore the news just becuase he's already given his take on it. The more the merrier, says I ;)

7 | donut says:

lol, maniaclly overstyled hair. I like it!
great strip guys... keep up the good work :)

8 | the grunt that doesnt wanna die says:

hahaha if thats a sweatsuit then you will sweat ur brain out! 8th post! nice work!

9 | Andrew says:

That rocks. For all you nbs that posted wtf, in the october Game Informer magazine it had a preview for Dead or Alive 4. And a Spartan was in it. Sparan 458, a girl, and a red one too. F-ing nbs!

10 | Andrew says:

I meant to say November GI magazine. O well.Nice comic GruntsBane

11 | Turialim says:

Awsome work GB, awsome!

12 | THEWaGoN117 says:

wow i never got between 20th post. and the comic is creative nice job

13 | sputinik says:

well this hilariouse! OR HOWEVER YOU spell it. thanks guys. never stop halo babies forever!

14 | Firelode says:

Nice work the characters are well coloured and the script is pretty funny too.

15 | Stuntmutt says:

Like, Oh. My. Gawd.
(Nice job gents)


16 | i pwn n000bs says:

i could see spartan 458 whipping out an energy sword on completely demolishing them!!!!! that would be freakin HILARIOUS, LOL!!

17 | i pwn n000bs says:

what i dont get is why bungie would approve of anything halo related to launch on any console other than the xbox or the 360, i mean for crying out loud, the game is going to be for ps3!!!

18 | DDRmaster says:

That was... strange... but good.

19 | creativename says:

That's awesome, and I wouldn't want to mess with a genetically altered woman in green metal armor, thats just bad ethics

20 | Dead Rabb1ts says:

Nice comic. =)

21 | SinisterMonkey says:

My brain just died laughing and came back to life... or something but it was hilarious anyway. Great job GB.
P.S. *Whistle* *Whistle*

22 | GirlySpartan says:

pfff. She could even win WITHOUT the armor!

23 | Sheikurl says:


24 | Sangheili Deity says:

@ i pwn n000bs; Yeh, that explains why DOA3 wasn't on the PS2...idiot.
Even if it was multi-platform, ya don't think they'ed take out 458?

Great comic Gruntsbane, as always.

25 | Snarf Da Grunt says:

Oh, like, my God, I like, totally See, like, sooooooo many like other people wearing the like exact same like thing!!! it is so like totally overrated. You are like, such a slut. Word.

Awsome strip, guys. Spartans dominate Halo, and now they are taking over other video games...THIS IS THE SECOND BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!(the best day was when Halo 2 came out...)

26 | The Grunt Army says:

Tee Hee.
ASG(awsome strip guys)

27 | Juan_Ansel, says:

lol, that was good, but perhaps you should have given another armor model to 458.

28 | GooFBalL says:

reminds me of my high school days and makes me glad im not there any more. thanks GB

29 | ash says:

they`re just jealouse spartans ROCK!!

30 | 456 chrtobi says:

Hey its not their fault they aren't kick- butt spartans, man! That was pret