A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | comrade mikhailovich says:

W00t first comment... i think awesome it was totally cool and stuff... vodka for everyone!!

2 | pressure says:

Wow, I must be lucky..
I keep getting a significant post.
'And go and change your armour!'

3 | jab says:

finally someone else notices it

4 | Athan the Paladin says:

ha, i didnt notice that either. Nice artwork

5 | Spartan-055 Pete says:

Good Comic,
Sort of reminds me of my armor as I have always kept my red armor. Lol never changed.

6 | sausages says:


Finally Sausages gets a
prestigious place in the first ten comments!!!


Been reading for a long time, just never was devout enough to get on 12 in the morning, but I was up anyways, so WOOOOOOO!!!

Okay I'm done.



7 | Basnash says:

the comics of "halo babies" are getting less funnier than they use to be!

8 | Zyrra says:

That one was a tad 'on the nose' wouldn't you say? LOL, sorry, I had to say it before anyone else did... wow a whole year... Happy B-day Halo 2...
I'm surprised Chief doesn't have any chafing issues with all those liquids and bad smells in that suit..

9 | the marine says:

i have seen better but it was still good

10 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

I was wondering where that smell was coming from. My friends have been blaming me all week :D

11 | THEWaGoN117 says:

speaking of a change of armor. *ugh* XD

12 | THEWaGoN117 says:

Speaking of a new change of armor.*ugh* XD

13 | Kritz says:

I loved the way you did MC's armour, but ironically in the last panel Cortana said he needed another pair..

Ah well.

>> Kritz

14 | the grunt that doesnt wanna die says:

woohoo! good show mc! but seriously get some Deoderant

15 | squeak117 says:

Hehe. I loved it.
The way the armour was coloured is superb. Gives it that stinky look. Another job well done Gruntsbane.

16 | the late Crazy Cow ( M()()()()()()...) says:

great one man.
wonder how's halo3 armour gonna look though...

well at least Arbie ain't needing a change.His one,he only just got after getting fried.

17 | the late Crazy Cow ( M()()()()()()...) says:

oh ye, umm 16th post. :I

18 | Creativename says:

hmmm.... how would you clean metal armor ?

19 | Pred1ator says:

mabye a carwarsh hahahaha

20 | AlphaAndroid25 says:

I hope he takes a shower. I'd hate having to fight the covenent with the smell...

21 | MaDsNiPz says:

WOO! 21st post... im almost to