A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Gruntsbane says:

Hahaha that crazy sarge.

2 | WayneEnterprise says:

That is so me after thanksgiving!!!...

3 | sausages says:

Weeeeeeee 3rd post!

Haha you know, my friends and I always wondered about that...

Does he eat and do his buisiness during the loading periods?

And if so, Halo 2 screwed him over lol

(Cause it has no loading periods, in case you didn't get that)


3rd Post! Woooooooo!

4 | 5N1P3R says:

lol, less funny than others, 'cause I'm in Australia and we don't have Thanksgiving. Keep up the good work.

5 | Mak_Attack says:

Cooland lol=P 5th post this is my best =D

6 | spartan 117 says:

like it a lot

7 | Firelode says:

Funny, I'm British and have only been around for one thanksgiving, usually there's enough food to feed an army, including a seven foot tall super soldier.

Cortana is still very opaque in this one is that her new look then?

Sarges'expression is great as well, good work!

8 | the grunt that doesnt wanna die says:

wooohoo! save the turkey and put up the mash-taters! ITS TANKSGIVIN!

9 | Zyrra says:

GB we know recycling is the thing to do these days but really, you didn't even change the last slide from the first one! You could've at least shut Johnson's gob so he wasn't still talking or show more interaction between him and Cortana.

10 | icewagon3000 says:

hehe. i want to see that. he could be sooooo fat.

11 | DarkDemon says:

It's funnier when you have someone that is in love with Halo, goes to this site, and is fat (AKA___ FEIL). You can actually take that person and just slap on some fake armor, TADA! It's MC after Thanksgiving. My friends and I call this guy "Master Feil", it's an inside school joke... ^^ (He's also known as PBDemon)

12 | mrsmiley says:

come on Zyrra, GB gave you a strip on freakin Thanksgiving weekend! Cut him some slack!

Anyways, I laughed just as much at your first comic than the strip! ;P Great job man.

13 | A Kid named Ricky says:

That was good.

14 | =Distiller= says:

I guess this is for americans, im in CANADA nd we all ready got fat of turky. But for what its worth it was pretty funny. ?Is sarge stoned? And you changed cortana look.... it nice.......she sooooo dreamy.....and damn is she fine. Oh crap i just typed that all in!! Oh well Great comic GB keep on cracking

15 | sputinik says:

lmfao!!!!!!!!!!! poor sarge he must of wanted to go shopping so bad. HOW COME YOU HAVENT SAID ANYTHING BOUT THE XBOX 36O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

16 | GruntLord117 says:

Betterstart runnin Sarge if ya wanna see his face!

17 | the drone says:

sputink is right