A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Raptros-v75 says:


2 | Xerro says:

I agree with Raptros

3 | Jairo says:

i agree with Xerro

4 | justin says:

I guess i agree with Jairo

5 | TheCheif says:

What they said.

6 | Stalker1 says:

Awsome comic i almost craped my pants on that one lol

7 | Rinon says:

Now there's a funny one! I totaly think that cortana needs to shut the F*** up. Seriously.

8 | Zorkan says:

Ah. Master Chief don't care! He doesn't seem to care in the game, too.

9 | HaloChicka says:

LOL! ill bet the cheif cares, man, if i was the cheif id like unplug cortana or delete her or something...

10 | Cameron says:

lol. That's the best comic yet

11 | Nathan says:

okay first I would chuck cortana outside and then hook up the Xbox and have one hell of a game party

P.S. covies are invited just no killing

12 | Tyler says:

At least Cortana isn't 343 Guilty Spark. U can't destroy him. I agree with HaloChicka, Cortana would have been gone along time ago if i was big ole' MC.

13 | conman_782 says:

i suppose someone has to, so i agree with justin

14 | T-140 says:

i did not get that at all

15 | Someone you sholdnt talk to says:

that planet sort of looks like earth.....

16 | Raptros-v75 says:

i think it's funny
it reminds me of this tv my mom got through a frequent flyer program

17 | Yayap and Zuka says:

Yayap: i wondered the same thing

18 | ummmmmm...... says:

they make master chief look so stupid in these comics. but in the game he's so serious.

19 | sup? says:

yeah, but he usually never talks though

20 | PocaL says:

A very great one there!

21 | Chrispy_Pata says:

that was funny i wonder if they make anymore like that i would like to play four players on that screen

22 | Halo fan...natic says:

man, i wish I had a screen like that! it would be better than playing on my grandparents LCD screen.

and by the way... i agree with conman_782

23 | Isna Noselee says:

I want a screen just like that.

24 | halo boi says:

heh VERY funy

25 | Spartan_117/