A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Xerro says:

As obvious as it was something was going to be wrong with the armour it was still funny lol. At least he'll be able to speak to Mendoza without a problem...er it is Mendoza who's the Spaniard right.

2 | Sniper01 says:

holy s***! that was funny i luved that won a hole lot xerro theres this site u can register to go to www.mcandc.com

3 | Lord_Warlock says:

At least he doesn't have a switch you-know-where...

4 | BloodBlade says:

Not bad!

5 | KRACKA says:

Wonderful...fantastic...absolutely great. I love it.

6 | Cab00se says:

next thing you know hes going to be shooting of the Marines toes and stuff lol.

7 | Grunty Boy says:

man that is funny best comic yet.

8 | SpetsnaZ says:

Awesome. Simply awesome.

9 | Mr. Elite says:

HAHA!!!!! ITS LOPEZ!!!!!!

10 | Marine Force says:

"Hes going off to fight the enemy hand to hand, mano e mano...."
"Shouldnt we help him?"
"That'd just ruin the moment."

Great job guys!

11 | MasterToad says:

I personally didn't like this one, more one of jokes like that greande jumping water balloon set.

12 | Murph MacManus says:

WOW! awesome stuff!

13 | Spartan088 says:

sweet comic smiley! but isnt is "Vamanose" not "vayamos"?
either way its a great comic. keep up da good work!

14 | Mista_B says:

Heh, that marine's got sack.

15 | Somebody again says:

Um, wha? i don't get this one. I got all of them, except comic 35 and this one.

16 | Gruntsbane says:

Somebody Again: Do you know they are supposed to go together? Either way, things will pick up soon.

Spartan088, sorry if I butchered the Spanish I but according to the Google language translator its vayamos. And by the way, I make the comics so now were even ;)

17 | MC0096 says:

WWWWWEEEEE!!!!! GRABBABABA PICKLES IN MY FEET!! don't ask... Great comic!! Of course only Noobs wouldn't get it... *laughs maniacly* (this serouisly needs spell check...)

18 | Kanman-075 says:

Great Comic, seems that his transilation software got screwed up when the Marine assembled it. Haha! Keep up the good work HB!

19 | hunter hunter says:

i get it but it really wasent that funny to me...

smiley you can do better i just know you can

20 | rallyman says:

that was fcuking awsome i doubled over great work guys. And for the people who havn't seen red vs. blue see it then u should be able to understand it.

21 | Murph MacManus says:

Yes, only fans of RvB will really get this one. I love how Hunter Hunter gives credit to Smiley for the comic. Poor left-out Gruntsbane...

22 | SPARTAN-117 says:

hahahahaha its Lopez

23 | Darth Warpaxx says:

Well having a switch down stairs could be a good thing,
next time he lets Mendoza drive.

24 | Spartan088 says:

I care no for the buchering of the spanish...cuz i know only 1% of it...i am just one of