A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Darkcloclo says:

It have always intrigue me, to see cortanna going in the covenant battlenet without being connected directly , like when MC has his first warthog ! It's definitly the best wifi system I've never seen ;) !!

2 | Mista_B says:

Heh, showoff. Great showoffy poses. :-)

3 | jiimay says:

wow, it never ceases to amaze me how funny these comics are.

4 | Gangster No.1 says:

The two previous strips ("Sheep in Wolf's Clothing" and "Hello, My Name Is Elly...") were utterly awesome. But this one is somehow ... well, disappointing. After those previous strips I was looking forwards for something like a big glimax, but considering their brilliance, I guess it's hard to top that. Keep it up! :-)

5 | Isna Noselee says:

Cortana rocks & this comic proves it!

6 | Torque says:

I agree, A.I.s are AWSOME! Deja, fix my car, please.

7 | Riddick says:

If only I knew it was that easy before...

8 | Kanman-075 says:

Good comic, and a very good title for it too. The comics keep getting better and better, keep up the good work Gruntsbane!

9 | Mr. Elite says:

Showoff >_>...

10 | says:

Theese past strips have been great, and this one is no exception... i can imagine MCs face in the second one... keep up the good work!

11 | Claw says:

Ah, wireless internet (battlenet). Nice comic.

12 | Rawnblade says:

lol, nice one.

Cortana's face in the second panel is gonna give me nightmares though.. Did you have to make it so scary looking? meh... She almost looks like taht posessed doll thing.. Chucky? ionno.

Anyway, great comic, keep up the good work

13 | Cynap says:

Hehe, the profits started putting AI in our grunt repairators...Unfortunately, they take the form of elites...

14 | Xerro says:

Is it me or does Cortana look really scaryin the third panel. This was a good laugh although not as good as the last one.

15 | Gruntish elite says:

I lo