A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Nick AVP says:

right.... if you want a funny comic go to penny arcade, far away from this site...

2 | Flash-Dance-Ass-Pants says:

This hysteria has to stop, monkey-wieght-sanil-bait does not consieve the trails this fortells. Beneth this there is something growing, fermenting if you will. Into a system of belief and teaching that not even a chimpanzee can desypher......cheero

3 | guns_n_cars says:

comics have been getting less funny since they started the whole storyline thing.

4 | [TN]_GODPEED says:

This was actually pretty funny. 343 Guilty Spark? I wonder why he came to the ship in the first place. I like the title and the way the grunts are shooting at him... "The Indestructable 8 ball o' DOOOM!" Yes thats 3 "O"s. I want to see what happens when they meet, Mr. Smiley!

5 | Elite3000 says:

Ha!Damn Guilty Spark is back and more annoying!

6 | Tonyski says:

I think it has been the best comic since they got on the calm and cooprative or whatever it is called. Ahh "That covenant ship that MC is on right now", thats the name of it.

7 | Red Loser says:

I like it!

I thought this whole series thing was a mistake when it first came out, but honestly, it's turned out fantastic! Great job, guys. :)

8 | Darth Vader with Elite Sword says:

Damned hes back!!!!
Poor elite en grunts Hes gonna bore them 2 death(en wat a waste of good ammo)

9 | ansomble28 says:

This was OKAY. The storyline comics are definitely not as funny as the originnals where the utter obvious hilarity of Halo was pointed out and joked on. Like the ones about the warthog jump and the one where Cortana is making a deduction on the "man-made structure". LOL Ahh... those were the days.

10 | n00bles says:

Heh, It's Funny Cause it's true :D

11 | Xeroh says:

Meh, No cheap puns?

12 | Spartan Chick says:

Nice one gruntsbane. Yeah, I agree. The covies are wasting there ammo.

I knew it was 343!

13 | Rawnblade says:

rofl, took me a while to get the joke, but I just burst out laughing in my tech class, haha...

Good artowrk, btw.

Keep up the good work!

14 | serpx says:

Some people like em, some people don't. Personally, I'd feel a tad empty without these!

This comic was great! But it that plasma or water? I'd perfer water. :[

I really wish these were animated cartoons instead, but otherwise, I love em!

15 | Sharkface217 says:

Only the title was funny....

16 | Xerro says:

heh. Everybody hates Guilty Spark!

17 | Slimby says:

Somehow the comics are less funny... I prefer the one liners. I think there's such an interval between comics its hard to remember the storyline. Good art at least.


18 | The_Eliminator says:


19 | whoa it me says:

nice nm armor.. NICE ARTWORK GRUNTSBANE!!~~ ^_^ OH and by the way.,, *ahem* DIE 343 GUILTY SPARK YOU PEICE OF SCRAP METAL!!!

20 | no-117 says: