A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Element says:

Loved it, Good work man. W00t first post!

2 | tom says:

hurah 2nd post

3 | md says:

damn that guy is a moron. there's a really good post about him on imdb from someone that worked with him. moron moron moron.

4 | Hawk7886 says:

I don't think I'll ever be able to express in words just how much I hate that man. Poking fun of him in a comic works pretty well, though. :)

I love the artwork.

5 | Gruntsbane says:

You'd better be careful there, Stuntmutt. BOLL will probably come up with a creative kind of revenge.

6 | SuperDragonYoshi says:

The Very Equation to a Good Halo Movie. NoArbiter?!?
(Yoshi's Cookie is better than this alright)

7 | Mista_B says:


OTOH, the only person worse than Uwe Boll for a Halo movie would be Lucas.

Meesa thinks so very muchsa.

8 | cooper says:

good but i cant see the last part of the strip.my computer cuts it off

9 | Falcon says:

Now that's funny!


Gosh, the library level (a.k.a. Quarantine Zone)is long and tedious!

Is there really going to be a Halo movie? If so, is Ridley Scott really going to direct it???

Altogether now, guys!

"We want the Arbiter!"
"We want the Arbiter!"
"We want the Arbiter!"

10 | Xerro says:

lol heh that's true that guy is just not meant to make games into movies. I'd rather play library forever than have what happened to house of the dead happen to halo

11 | MC_Elite says:

LOL! That was a very south park-esque strip there, and the message is also very true. If Uwe Boll gets his hands on HALO, he'll castrate everything the series was renowned for.

12 | Sparkie says:

LOL nice. Actually, I didn't mind The Library on Halo. I thought it was kind of fun to just run around and shoot a whole bunch of Flood. Nice strip though, and its nice to see you being active on the forums, GB!

13 | DancesWithSoda says:

Good strip, GB! As usual.

14 | Covie_Lover says:

ummmm... Have I missed something? I have no idea who this Uwe Boll is... And I'm worried about that.

Perhaps someone could explain?

15 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

unfortunately........Im not understanding this a whole lot..oh!! but he does have a beer!!! ME WANT THE BEER!!!! although I would take the movie offer no matter how bad...anythings better than The Library, let alone The Library for eternity. Even pounding ten inch long by 1 inch wide nails through your head is more fun. Though I can proudly say Im one of the few who beat Library on Legendary:D