A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Mr Magic says:

First Comment?

2 | Dirge says:

hahaha, that's the sad truth =)

3 | PlasmaFire says:

Heh...glad that HPC players don't get huge text floods all the time. We tend to face hog n00bs more often!

4 | trex238 says:

Haha, that's great! That's how I feel when I try XBL on my friend's name. BTW, not dead. :D

5 | the chief says:

hehehe, dats gud

6 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

hilarious! 6th post! it looks more like he lagged...

7 | gruntsbane says:

That thumbnail Smiley chose does not suprise me...

8 | Fox says:

That's a nice one *^___^*

9 | LiveLag says:

True True....

10 | Mr. Elite says:

LOL! So damn true...><...nice comic :D

11 | svelte says:

Hilarious, just like your one of your firsts, "Lag or Noob." Awesome work.

12 | darkzealot says:

Its so true, why why *sob* *Sob*

the dark zealot always wins. be afraid, very afraid.

13 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:

Good comic, but not that funny... you should use the elites more offen in you comic's.

14 | Albert Wesker says:


15 | Falcon says:

Awesome comic, Gruntsbane! Keep these comics coming!

Really? Do all of those text messages pop up THAT often on Xbox Live? I don't get XBOX Live.

On Halo PC, we encounter hog, scorpion, and even banshee noobs. Although, I will admit, I use banshees and tanks too much, hee hee... O_~

(F.y.i. my name here IS Falcon, so doesn't that give you the impression that I like to fly, particularly in banshees???)

16 | Synthmilk says:

Yea, we Halo PC players don't have that problem, we just have lag, but i think its a fair tradeoff :D

17 | Machinedog says:

The sad truth...

18 | Sparkie says:

LOL hehe that was funny! HAHA n00b!

19 | Jaxx says:

Amen. *nods*

20 | SIV3L says:

WTF are you all rambling about?

21 | Kanman-075 says:

True, so true. Great comic Gruntsbane!!!

22 | GOD says:

pretty funny, but that like, NEVER happens

23 | sgt dan says:

how did the flag carrier get behind the sniper...HOW!?

24 | RuntyLime says:

Good one,OF CORSE if I had the Sniper.......

25 | Yayap says:

What happened there??

I have never incountered that on Live.

26 | Dev says:

ROFL. Brilliance..

27 | Lord_Halo99 says:


28 | SuperDragonYoshi says:

I don't have Xbox Live, but things can get pretty hectic in a situation like that (Stupid Spam) I guess I should continue on Chaos Theory for now...YOSHI!

29 | Energy Sword Samurai says:

duuuuuuude, thats perty funny.
i wish i had xbox live........
...stupid high prices for high speed internet.... mumbles mumbles....

30 | Etol says:

Ha! That's great, Gruntsbane! Course, I'd probably be the sniper. . . lol.

31 | xenomorph64 says:

how frickin true. i get that every time i played halo pc...

32 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

oh jeese..... well i got something to look forward to on X-Box live. man, there should be an option to turn all that crap off...

33 | mooching sack of death says:

nicccccccce (or is that nissssse?)i'm confused now.

34 | Tryan Shootamee says:

Hate it when that happens

35 | Grizzled-Ancient says:

ha! never happened to me cause i'm the one who