A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Dirge says:

haha, good one :3

2 | milkncereal says:

hahaha siiick. 2nd post wooT!

3 | blake says:

woot 3rd post great comic

4 | The Arbitress says:

Even though the service is free, you had better hope for compensation. Especially when the Master Chief is cutting your hair with an energy sword.

5 | Skorpio UK says:

great comic, and 5th post


6 | donut says:

pretty funny, maybe he could use an over heated plasma pistol as a hair dryer or needler ammo as curlers.

7 | mrsmiley says:

That's not a brute in the backgroun, my friend. You WOULD know if you were a real Bungie fan (or just got lucky...).

8 | Dork Force One says:

Sweet I love it.

9 | Dork Force One says:

I know what is in the background because im a true Bungie fan, Its the Bungie Webmaster Drunk Gorilla

10 | Uberninja says:

HAahaha. That was awesome!

11 | evilguineapig says:

good one. i like the monkey in the backround. very bungie-ish. and yes it is the webmaster gorilla. you make me proud.

12 | Legendarythunder says:

Since when has johnson had a fro?

13 | Eggbert says:

lol thats funny....is that the monkey dude in the bg? i like this one....as always

14 | Caboose0 says:

That is so funny, lol webmaster in the backgrounds.

15 | Menace says:

lol, I saw some guy on Real Tv cutting hair with fire that remined me of this.

16 | soadfreak says:

that's some funny crap! XD

17 | Keyes says:

LOL, I guess its a good thing I got my hair cut yesterday. Great ob, guys. Keep it up.

18 | Spartan058-HaloGeeky says:

Chief's retirement job eh?...Make Sarge Have a Fro! do it! do it!

19 | Zareus says:

lol nice

20 | Grizzled-Ancient says:

Why don't you call this site "Bungie Babies" instead. The reason we're all here is cause it has to do with HALO! not Bungie...I have no problem with the little bungie querks, but don't rub it in YOUR fans faces when they don't get it...cause they're here for halo. and there are no "real bungie fans" hey if we like the game, we're considered "fans"...duh! Halobabies is making me more upset everyday...OH by the way, nice comic!

21 | DancesWithSoda says:

How does this comic not have to do with Halo? It's about noobs in HALO complaining about the Sword in HALO being unblanaced.

I loved it.

22 | Tryan Shootamee says:

haha! nice...very funny. not as funny as some of the other ones, but it made me chuckle...

I agree with Grizzled-Ancient...That's not fair. I'm sick of playin "who's the real fan" Give us a break. if we don't understand something you guys jump all over it, and treat us like we're "unworthy" We're here cause we're halogeeks. and if we happen to know somethin bout bungie JOY! but don't kill us for not knowin

23 | Some Stupid random person says:

Why is halobaby comics always complaining bout halo 2? the the pistol, plasma sword, the spam...it's not funny. I like it the way it is.

24 | Cahh! says:

CAHHHHH!!!! nice comic...

DancesWithSoda: They're talking bout what the famous mrsmiley said and Dork Force One said i think.

Ouch...poor mr smiley, the pressure you must feel right now...

25 | Sparkie says:

DUUUDE! It's the bungie guy thingie....*scrolls up* Yeah! HAHA I was right. That's A n0ice comic!

26 | a nicer opinion says:

55 - you corespond with yourself and you tell others to get a life? if you dont like the site, go look at somthing you do like.

27 | hockyoo says:

this comic holds a special place in my heart.

28 | lysergic says:

Lol, good one

29 | Gruntsbane says:

It seems like some of you think you need some inside knowledge to get this joke, but you don't. Yes the Bungie webmaster is in the background , but that's why it's the BACKGROUND. He has nothing to do with the comic. Just something funny for those who recognise it.

Oh yeah, and the comic isn't complaining about the sword'