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Guest Strip: Akba - 1 { November 13, 2004 }
34 comments so far | leave your own
Please use this commenting system wisely and sensibly. We will not tolerate spamming of the comments. We urge you to keep the comments on topic, namely giving your opinion on the comic. This is not the forum, if you have an unrelated discussion, please take it there instead. Sorry we have had to include this note but we have had several abuses of the comments system and don't want this behaviour to continue. Thanks, and we hope you enjoy the comics!
1 | vindicare says:
yay! first post!! - sorry i know i'm a forum whore ;-)
nice toon
2 | Mhaddy says:
LOL, love it.
3 | Morpheus says:
1st comment, BIATCH!!! Good comic btw.
4 | Morpheus says:
5 | mrsmiley says:
Well Morpheus, you now see the dangers of the whole "first post" claim! Nothing like 3 people posting at once! And vindicare, no ads please. *deleted*
6 | Halo Fan...natic says:
Heh... not the funniest joke I've ever seen but still kind of good.
And just for the sake of being non original... First Post!! W00T!!!
7 | Halo Fan...natic says:
Never mind... Wow... People type fast.
8 | eiii says:
I hope this is a story and not a 1- time thing.
9 | asd says:
10 | Xeroh says:
I dont get it.
I cant even see it!!!
11 | B|aZ says:
first! muahahah lol
very nice, and looking at one one se7en.. i'll applause this one, brings a smile to my face (i've seen this particular joke like.. how many time?)
12 | B|az says:
O.o 3 mins and boom.. everone's here -.-""
13 | ansomble28 says:
Sweet. GJ AKBA
14 | uberninja says:
funny, funny stuff.
w00t first post!
15 | Halo Fan...natic says:
The real joke here is that me and four other people posted at the same time and three of us all claimed to be the first poster. It took me thirty seconds to write that first post and in that time five other posts were made. Man... I need to go the computer lit again.
16 | the writer says:
I'm british, I understand, its ok.
17 | bob says:
this is funny every1 thinks they got first post but it was really me muahahahahaha! and the comic was great.
18 | Raptor Uniter says:
Well, chief had to know the s