A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!



How Did You Do That? | mrsmiley { December 08, 2004 }

We have a lot of great artsits who frequent this site. Recently, 2 of them have decided to give us an in-depth guid to their methods! v2 gives a step-by-step of his methods for drawing an Elite. Meanwhile, akba shows us how to "vector" a pencil drawing using Adobe Photoshop. Both of these guides are very detailed, and contain plenty of helpful pictures. Check them out!

12 comments so far (leave your own)

1 | Jay says:

wow, that was helpful(no sarcasm)
first post

2 | jimaay says:

yeah that was pretty sweet

3 | master_hujhan says:

definetly helpful

4 | dr evil says:

hahhahah i kill u

5 | fyre lord says:

man these plano isd school pc,s suck... they wont let me do anything!! im lucky i got this far.... o yea i got post 1 in baby chatter :) :P

6 | fyre lord says:

mr. smilie is cool!! ... that was very random

7 | untuchable says:

I like the rockit loncher!!!1

8 | untuchable says:

I like rockit lonchers, halo2 online s the best and that's because I'm good at it.

9 | untuchable says:

I kill you dead boy, that's with a rockit loncher of corse!!!!!!!!

10 | Helljumper says:

I kick ass with the anti-son of a bitch stick!!!!!(a.k.a plasma sword) Always comes in handy after u blow up someones vehicle with a rocket loncher

11 | joseph says:

i beat halo2 its so easy did you???

12 | bounty hunter says:


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