A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!



MC's NY Adventure Mentioned in UK OXM! | mrsmiley { February 26, 2005 }

This is kinda late news, but I recently found out that our "famous" Master Chief's New York Adventure story got mentioned in UK's Official Xbox Magazine! The little blurb includes a picture and a paragraph about that dopey story! What is the world coming to? Check it out! (Thanks to MC_Elite for the pic and heads up!)

18 comments so far (leave your own)

1 | snowmanaxt says:

Woot, first post. Thats awesome that you got mentioned in the Mag.

2 | Xashe says:

lol the chief's no angel... heh

we got metioned in the xbox mag? WoW

3 | micko says:

woo hoo! in d xbox mag, get in!
good joke as wel! lol

4 | mr_igloo says:


yay 4th

5 | Shadw Hawk says:


6 | Dirge says:


7 | Jaxx says:

Wow.... O_O

8 | Ryley217 says:

LMAO that is awe-some!

9 | kaizer bun says:

w00t! top ten! i loved that story

10 | Sara aka bus_accident says:

Hahaha!! Every time I see it I laugh!

11 | Falcon says:

Oh, wow! The New York Story made it into the UK's Xbox Magazine! How did that happen mrsmiley?

Cool! :)

12 | Sparkie says:

o.O I just realized that the dude with the beanie that GB drew and that's next to the announcement for this thing is Mr Smiley..Dhur I'm Shtupid...>.< I always thought it was Kracka for some reason...

That's awesome tho! Hehe I loved that story...

13 | Donut says:

wow, cant believe i missed that... ill have to go and have another flick through the mag. nice job

14 | me says:

14th post i feel special

15 | Michael Marsh says:

Wow, one question thought. Did the Master Cheif come back to visit?

16 | shana says:

hex3 well ask DAVID BLAME...

17 | charles says:

Anybody have xbox live look for multch NO SHOOTING on COAGULATION see you their F******* YYYYAAAAAAAA you all are great

18 | charles says:

hi me agian its my bad but hay see you thier

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