A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!



100! | mrsmiley { August 26, 2005 }

Our 100th strip is up! Trust me guys, this strip will take you where you never thought Halo Babies would go! I can't stop looking at it, and I've had it in my hands for a week! I would like to personally congradulate Joel for his absolutely outstanding work over the past 2 years. It is an honor to run such a fine operation!

As a gift to you all for our 100th, I have updated the long neglected desktops section with 3 new wallpapers featuring art from the strip! (Read the strip before checking them out, though!) Enjoy all!

13 comments so far (leave your own)

1 | gruntsbane says:

While I'm here I might as well say thanks and great job to Smiley for the hard work and long hours that go into keeping this site going for 2+ years. Here's to many more strips down the road.

2 | Cheesemaster64 says:

You guys rock congratulygyaations.

3 | donut says:

WOOT! 100! OMG I cant believe it! congratulations...
3rd post yay!

4 | Skipper says:

Well I'm here to say thanks to Smiley, Gruntsbane, and Gholsbane for keeping up the most interesting site and best Halo comic strip on the net.

5 | luenatic says:

Good job guys, I hope that you make it to # 1000!

6 | baconbits says:

nice naruto spoof!
kage combo henge mane wonder twin banana-fana no jutsu! * tuns into banana*

7 | ash says:

respect,man , respect.peace

8 | syko says:

congrats on 100 yea nice!!!!!

9 | banana killa says:

woo hoo 100 no dout alot
nice job!!!!!

10 | firehawk12 says:

What happened to the other comments?:(
And what ever happened to art updates?
Either way great job guys;)

11 | Etoli says:

Awesome, GB, I love it! Happy 100th strip! Keep em comin.
I do miss the art updates, though.

12 | turok says:

I wonder who's gonna get the 100th comment...

13 | irish fighter92 says:

ok well mabey ill when but if not congrats to who ever does

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