A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!



Sorry for the wait... | mrsmiley { October 22, 2005 }

I just wanted to update you guys on the whole, er, art update situation. Just so you guys know, I've spent several hours viewing every Gallery submission from July 1 to August 31, and I will be sifting through the rest (8 pages worth) of the art soon! The featured art will appear in the first of 2 major art updates next week. I would post it now, but I'm heading out of town for the weekend, and won't have access to the internet.

I will also be doing a separate feature every week for our fan strip forum. There's a lot of great stuff in there, and I think it deserves a weekly update for all those artists who work hard.

Finally, after all the art updates are finished, I will be conducting a MASSIVE update to our on-site fan art database. If you have had your Halo Babies fan art featured in the past, expect to see it on the site soon!

Why am I telling you all this? Because it has been a LONG time coming, and you have all been more than patient. (Even though I can hear you whining behind my back! =P) So yes, we are almost there. Keep submitting your art, we're lookin' at it! =)

17 comments so far (leave your own)

1 | PlasmaFire says:

Thanks, mrsmiley. It's been a long time, but you've pulled through well!

2 | giddyboy says:

2nd post yahoo, oh, and thanks 4 workin' hard Smiley!

3 | the WWWAAAHHHHHH!!!! says:

ooookay......well good luck

4 | The Ancient says:

Whoowhee, I thought there were alot of good art pieces in the gallery but 8 whole pages?! Now thats one bucket-load of arty goodness. Thanks Smiley.

5 | A Lumberjack says:

This has been here for over a day with only for posts. And that guy's souped over getting second.

6 | master_chiefette says:


7 | nmac2005 says:

It's about gawd damn time to!.. Just kidding, we still love you smiley! :)

8 | WOOOOOOOOO! says:


9 | THEWaGoN117 says:

"POST" numnuts ur a loser, but good job for whatever u did and keep it up.

10 | Geeraff says:

Nice! Finally we get to see an art update for the first time in like... three months! YAY

11 | milkncereal says:

sweet.we can finally see some of the good stuff in the gallery.


12 | donut says:

Finally! damn thats a lot of art to seep through... cant wait for the updates.

13 | SinisterMonkey says:

Finally, art. Honestly, it really wasn't that long since the last one, only a measly FIVE MONTHS!!!

14 | turok says:

I cant get my art onto this website... :(

15 | la la says:

I cant draw

16 | mrsmiley says:

u guys it broke my comp... i cant send pics

17 | freek on a leash says:

u freeks get a life and stop being geeks u sad f**ks

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