A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | kat says:

this rocked! all these comics do...even my parents like them, and they don't like anything.

2 | Leo-Ke Luana says:

Man, I love these halo babie's things!! AHAHA. Grunts club? Is there a Spartan club that I could join? If so contact me. my aim sn: xX El Kevo Xx or my email: :)

3 | Xerro says:

I remember trying to do the grenade jump, i was always the one who had the plasma grenade getting stuck to my face though. (never did work either)

4 | justin says:

Maybe ill try it.....

5 | TheCheif says:

It took me a while but i eventually mastered all forms of grenade jump. Warthog launch, oversheild jump, normal, you name it.

6 | Stalker1 says:

LMAO! nice comic

7 | Rinon says:

that would leave two dead bodies though...I don't want to have to clean up that kinda mess!

8 | Zorkan says:

Never tried that. I've only done the rocket launcher. Course that leaves you dead but hey, still fun to watch the body fly.

9 | karol says:

Is it just me or are they standing too close together? Looks like the one at the back is gay.

10 | HaloChicka says:

lmao! the maser cheif isnt gay!!

11 | A dude that plays halo..... says:

it actually work me and my friend tryed we got to the top of The Silent Coutgrapher this way!

12 | Tyler Infinger says:

How do u think of this stuff? Awesome cartoon! I am definently a fan!

13 | Jason P says:


14 | the suckiest halo player alive says:

i wonder what it would be like if a pair of elites tried this?..hmmm...

15 | Dumb Grunt says:

Ha! Stupid Spartans! The only REAL way to do the grenade jump is to do it off of a banshee in mid air. Of course none of my relatives who tried ever made it but... ummmm... OK bye!

16 | Halo fan...natic says:

man, that IS a dumb grunt.

anyways. Keep it up Halobabies!

17 | Major Elite says:

yes, he is dumb. sadly he is in my platoon. i think he needs some Smaties or something...

18 | Dumb Grunt says:

All right! Smarties! Everyone says I should eat lots of these this year. I don't really know why they say that though... (cricket, cricket)... uhhhhh... Trick or Treat!!

19 | Halo fan...natic says:

here's a stunt for you Dumb Grunt. why don't you cover yourself in gasoline and then juggle some Plasma Grenades.

20 | Dumb Grunt says:

OK! I'll start right now!

(everyone counts down: 3...2...1...)

Owwwww!! My chin!

21 | Isna Noselee says:

That sure is one dumb grunt.

22 | Spartan_117/John says:

sounds like me playing Halo (original on the comp) once on Heroric, throwing a grenade a pack of Grunts and fogetting that the Chief throws with his left hand...the grenade (which happened to be a plasma grenade) bounced off the column i was standing behind and stuck to the MC's helmet...-.-

23 | Bite me says:

whoa there, D. Grunt! Stop taking-that-line-about-smarties-off-of-Homestarrunner-dot-com!

24 | Death Vomit says:

yay i love plasma grenades on my face

25 | halo boi says:

ummm... can we please have a vote on that? people who wanna blow up thief heads line up here.

26 | some guy says:

once i flew, like 60 feet up in assault on the contrl room. i was dead, but it was fun to watch

27 | Trevor K. says:

I was on mutiplayer at "PRISONER" with my uncle Cody and I did the rocket launcer thing, i stood on the top of him and i shot down with the rocket launcher and BOOM! went flyin' and i even survived the explostion!

28 | Halo_Jackass says:

I was on campaign and I play Keyes and you know the big hole to the begining,I throw a plasma grenade and I jump to the other side,so I take a look but they were nothing...

29 | the no one says:


30 | 'Suka Ramamee says:

No, no, no, no, no. You need a concussion grenade, not a plasmafaust. Three times the demolition force, with none of the burns or the mess (available at your nearest armory for only 4 human skulls a crate).

31 | Yuzzi says:

He he... looks like my friend would be the left one, but... he wouldn't tell me what he's up to :D

32 | yagyllaersisiht says:

i choose you pickachu

33 | The worter says:

lol, that was funny

34 | yo mama says:

i always wanted to know how to get up there. Now i know.

35 | BlackElite says:

Lolz to funny for me! hahaha (very nice)

36 | MstrCheif117 says:

HA HA!!!!!!!!!!! This is the BEST one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

37 | d3ad n00b says:

did that

38 | Masterchief evil says:

they were using a gave lift, i think?

39 | gruntisniper says:

youd think that if ya got lotsa grenades in one place like a warthog jump it would work.

40 | plasma_101 says:


41 | ber Grunt says:

Elites feed us plasma grenades and warthog debris. We jump by stacking up 10 grunts and then we all pull out plasma grenades and we fly to the moon.

42 | ako says:

yea i like it, but the first and last scenes are the same

43 | Spartan 104 says:

Partner jump, get on person on another, the bottom crouch-jumps and at the peak of the jump the top person crouch-jumps, therefore the top person gets 3x higher than a normal jump, no nades... funy comic

44 | Spartan 178 says:

I tried to,it's pretty funny when one player flys and the other survives.

45 | Spartan-B292 "Tom" says:

Unfortunatly, grenade jumpings involve someone dying. That's why I use my friend as a "Grenade Dummy" to help me get into inaccessable places! (like my crack...) ahem... yes...

46 | Spartan-B292 "Tom" says:

I don't understand what Comment number 46 us saying. Why do people do that? ;(

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