{ 42. I'm Going Incognito | Comic List | 44. Hello, My Name Is Elly... }
43. Sheep in Wolf's Clothing { June 11, 2004 }
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1 | Kilted Fury says:
ROTFL, Ha maybe he should paint his armor purple BEFORE he goes out.
2 | Wolf says:
I was right, and Kilted Fury painting his armor purple thats gay. PS elits are females.
3 | Gruntsbane says:
Wolf, I don't know where you got the idea that all elites are females but it's simply not true. The books refer to them as "him" and "he". But let's not discuss that here please.
4 | Isna Noselee says:
COOL! The Master Chief can finally go undercover Medal of Honor style!
5 | agent_CDE says:
I don't know, but it looks like Cortana is trying to stifle a laugh.
Not that I blame her.
6 | evil guinea pig says:
hahahahahahahaha! that is so funny. i wonder what the grunts will say when they see him in elite armor.
7 | Random Halo Player says:
It's not the grunts that'll be the problem. What if he runs into an elite or a hunter? An elite would recognise that he's not one of them. Then it would be bye-bye MC.
How do elites identify each other anyway? They all look the same to me.
8 | Zornack says:
lol, great comic.
9 | Kanman-075 says:
Good comic, i was right in thinking the chief would use a Covenant disguise. Keep up the good work Gruntsbane!
10 | Claw says:
Boy, that looks wierdish.
11 | Xerro says:
He should have no problem walking by hunters and the grunts, and possibly the jackals. But the elites he's definitely screwed. Oh and Cortana in that second panel looks so cool.
12 | BioHazard Audio says:
Great :p finally an ending to the cliffhanger...
"no Master Chief... it actually looks BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
I think once one of the elites tells him to go back to his post or something, he's screwed, unles cortana translates for him, since I THINK cortana's figured out the covanent language...
also, different armor colors differentiate their rankings, which is actually stupid, as the commanding officers are completely different and stand out, thus making them nice, bright targets for snipers >:D
And Wolf, acutally painting his armor may be gay, but I'd rather be alive and looking fruity than dead and looking out of place.
13 | Thundero says:
I think he should been a grunt cause they will sooon take over the covenant I'm telling you I've seen it happen.
14 | haloelite says:
Unless he finds an active camo, he's a dead man walking.
15 | KnightWolfJK says:
Great stuff, keep 'em comin'. I really dig the new site design as well. It stinks that with your new user-friendly design, the critics are crawling out of the woodwork with attempts at realistic criticques (ie: 'how could an elite die from a dart? that's gay!'), but I guess it comes with the territory. Congrats again.
16 | Yayap and Zuka says:
Wow he sure fooled me
17 | Red8ball says:
nice work ya got there...hope he pulls this one off... i think he should follow the grunts cuz they're not to smartist things ever.. he should ask one of them for a gun to look more natural.. they would give him one too..HAHA..
18 | Armyofone says:
well one time in the game an elite accidentally killed two grunts and there was like five more and only one elite and the grunts turned on him man oyu should have seen it the elite was mauled(the best part was is that I snuck right past them)man that was funny.I can Imagine MC telling the grunts what to do
*okay grunts drop and give me one-thousand"we gave you are weapons now this AIE!"hehehehehehe grunts keep on going so I can sneek right past you all*JZR
19 | Hunter_Killer says:
Hahaha, I can honestly say I've never done that on Halo. And I'm glad...
First Elite he comes across: "Tsop ruoy ot troper, yeh nam." (That's Hey man, report to your post in English for you less educated out there).
Chief replies, "Huh?" In English. Ten seconds later, he walks back to the hill, armor charred, Cortana trailing with a MED-KIT.
That would be a great next strip.
Not telling you what to do; if I did that, this comic would SUCK lol
- H_K
20 | sQuEaK says:
where did u learn the elite language...
and yes that would be an awsome idea for a comic
21 | Rawnblade says:
The artwork in this one was outstanding. Cortana's poses and the MC in disguise really looked swell (haven't used that word forever...).
Good work [insert name of guy who does the comics here]!
22 | YOUR MOM says:
holy sh*t wtf happened to the chief? Looks like that guy just got something gay ass hybrid armor on.
23 | ansomble28 says:
Wow, this was worth the wait! Hilarious and great artwork. You really captured Cortana's stifled laugh! Somehow this moment reminds me of when Donut got his "light red" armor on RED VS. BLUE... LMAO
24 | ODST Guy says:
He should take off his armore and rip off the skin on the elite then put the elites armore on.He wood look more like an elite.
25 | halo boi says:
well chief you look...
smashing! they'll never know
*whispers:u'r done for chief
26 | wannabe Sgt. Johnson says:
Actually I'm glad he didn't rip the elite's skin off and....*ahem*....WEAR it. Becuase then it woudln't be Halo Babies anymore.......more like, Halo "Disturbed", no, no, no.....this comic was designed in such a way that it would be humoruos (almost always hilarious) and still have the "HALO" feel without being too rash or harsh......besides, he looks kinda cool like this!! Double the armor with double the sheilds!!
27 | Lasa 'Purudee says:
LMAO! I laugh so much when I saw last panel and mc in elite-armor. Hilarious stuff. But I think some people here take those comics too seriously..
28 | Spartan088 says: even threw in the act casual joke...its highly overused but its still hilrious...
29 | Admiral Athan says:
I hate to say it, but the HB comics are starting to get old. Then again, Gruntsbane is bound to come up with a "rofl" one.
Keep up the...good work.
30 | Invader ZIM says:
First off, Squeak, the Elite language that Hunter_Killer made up is typed backwards, DUH! Secondly, Elites die from darts in Halo Babies cuz, well, they are all babies hence the name. Geeeze. Gruntsbane Keep up the awesome kick @$$ work! =(>8 ^)
31 | Gruntish Elite says:
*blows on smoking shotgun barrel* Sorry, B/F troubles. But a really good comic! I can't wait to see what happens next!
32 | Death 2 Futerbotters says:
If I were a sniper I would have blown his head to pieces. Good god master chief what kind of idiot are you to try that. Good drawing though, but dang what a retard.
33 | deathcom says:
If Iseen that on the game i'd kill It((>)>-------------------> (>)>) see
34 | Chrisms says:
great comic guys!
35 | Lil pony says:
36 | David says:
lol very cute, but I hope they get on with their mission, and we see the inside of the ship before August.
37 | mekey says:
wow... that was the best desgise i've ever seen!!! omg was that MC or was it a new kind or purple eliet? hmmmmmmmm i wonder...
38 | clown_fish says:
wow!! what another awful comic... you can obviously tell that chief is in disguise. this looks like the end of chief..... but i still don't get it? why don't these comic's ever make sense?
39 | deathcom says:
he'll live
40 | jiimay says:
whow, chief in an elite suit. never thought i'd see the day that happened.
41 | Mr. Elite says:
ROFLMFAO I KNEW IT OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
42 | ace says:
You call that a disgiuse?!?!?! I've seen mailboxes disgiused better! Great comic!
43 | deathcom says:
I am the one who keeps impersonating you stupid dumb sons of bitches and hopefully there will be no more comment section because this site blows and it makes the game halo look like a piece of crap. i hope gruntsbane and mrsmiley and the rest of those dumbasses make a better site w/ some better comics.
44 | WhoEverDeathcomIs,Ther'reCrazzy says:
A am calling in da med.
45 | Tropical says:
haha thats actually funny.. congrats
46 | Elite Niatpac Kcaj Worraps says:
He could never pass as one of us, NEVER!!!
(by the way, the name means Elite Captain Jack Sparrow, I borrowed Hunter_Killer's elite language.)
47 | my ass says:
maybe they should make a nightmare elite armor too!!!
48 | InSaNe1024 says:
Hoo boy, Chief is toast.
If Nightmare Armor made Elite armor I'd sell my house for it.
49 | Elly Urgomee (aka wortwortworthog says:
i love all your comics and this 1! i think its funny! especially when Cortana says , "just, ya know, act casual" in some ways you cant tell who he is underneath, ya know what I mean?
50 | Cheddarbob117 says:
Great strip, I loved it! That outfit would make a great Halloween armor, costume,thing... you know what I mean!
51 | Elly Urgomee says:
who tha heck are you deathcom .... u must hate halo... cuz i mean dang amigo
52 | botch boy says:
dude u suck that wasnt funny at all. u probably dont like halo. he needed more armor
p.s. u suck very bad
53 | koreanboy86 says:
botch boy and deathcom ur the ones who really suck... besides.. whos website is this?its NOT urs.. its gruntsbanes web.btw gruntsbane nice comic
54 | Gold Elite says:
Elite: And they wonder why they are losing the war....
55 | 'Suka Rammamee says:
Just wait until he gets to a security checkpoint...SOLDIER!!! FRONT AND CENTER, NOW!!
Blackfoxx? Alright, maggot. REPORT TO THE KITCHEN AT 0900 HOURS TOMORROW ON THE DOUBLE!! You are now on Pots n' Pans duty for the remainder of the month.
MOVE IT, $#17BAG!!!
56 | carrot critic says:
HAHAHA!!!!! he looks funny! :P
57 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:
Nice!... It looks cool... almost as good as me... but i still look better, ha ha ha.
58 | Sebas says:
ROFLCUB (Coughing Up Blood)!!!!! they should do that in halo!!!!!
59 | The Commander says:
Wolf elites are men not sissy little girls. Would a plasma sword 2 yo face change your mind?! how bout a nicely thrown plasma gernade???!!!!
60 | Doubl3 H3lix says:
settle down commander...GB already showed Wolf whos boss!
61 | Cristy says:
hahaha... looks funny... hehehe... i want a disguise like that xD
62 | Espilon says:
Take off the helmet and it would'nt be so bad...TAKE OFF THE HELMET!!!
63 | Masterchief evil says:
64 | bungie says:
thats an elite cheif.
65 | QueenGhid says:
Well! I've just found a new icon! *grins*
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