A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | EliteDude says:

this whas funny as hell

2 | Xerro says:

I totally agree with Elite dude that was so FUNNY! I wonder how MC will get out

3 | kamikaze says:

hehe, that was great...gotta love that pair

4 | Isna Noselee says:

If it were possible, the MC could have try finding some active camo somewhere nearby; Those STUPID covies won't notice anything at all.

5 | Torque says:

SHEESH! Why couldn't Keyes just offer the MC some reinforcements at this rate?!

6 | moose says:

Muahaha! Foolish groveling humans are once again defeated by a superior race! If it weren't for the story line, I would wish they would suffer and be reduced to nothingness in that prison cell.

7 | says:

LoL i actually thought they were gonna make it :)

8 | Kanman-075 says:

Funny comic. That was not what i expected, but it was still a great comic, good work Gruntsbane!

9 | ansomble28 says:

LOL, that was off the meters! Lots of laughs! I wonder how the story will proceed now that they're in the cool PLASMA prison. If it were me, I would lick the walls to taste some PLASMA! I bet it tastes like gravy. Although if it were me, that gold elite would have felt the sticky BURN of a plasma grenade right on his forehead, but hey, beggers can't be choosers, right? LOL, Great Comic guys!!!

10 | grunt-gt says:

there grtting funny agian.
i loved this one. look in the bachground it looks like the grunts copying him.

11 | Alex says:

In the last comic were the yellow banshee was the marine was mean to take away the Banshee and then if Master Cheif had the Banshee then he can take all tose guys without even making a costume.Then he can fly it in the ship then bust in to save the Master Cheif I hope on the next comic it can show the marine with the banshee and come back to give it to him when Master cheif is in camo then he can just take all the marines

12 | ron says:

haha i like the dry sense of humor and how well MC blended in with the rest of the covanent WORT WORT WORT!

13 | Lasa 'Purudee says:

ROFL. "Wort wort and all that"

14 | Claw says:


15 | rabid08 says:

haha, this is prolly my favourite Halo strip so far...

16 | SPARTAN-117 says:

hahaha that is my favorite HB strip yet nice work

17 | Spartan088 says:

rofl...that is one of the funniest ones yet...

18 | agent_CDE says:

LoL! Great comic, as always.

19 | Scotum says:

Hahah that was a good 1

20 | Owm says:

Hehe :) Very funny. I like the expressions on Covies, especially the Hunter in the background.

21 | Mr. Elite says:

lol, very nice. the chief is such an idiot. "Wort Wort and all"? very funny.

22 | Nepu Apsadee says:

Wow, that sounds a lot like me...

23 | wort wort wort says:

this one is funny i also liked the one where there is a sign that says halo 2 pre-orders and it points to the buildig where the MC finds the flood

24 | Funkmon says:

Possibly my favorite comic! That's a great one! The grunts own. OWN.

25 | Gruntsbane says:

I'm glad everyone seems to like where this is going. As a funny sidenote, all of the Covenant in this strip were taken from other strips/drawings so I had less work to do. See if you can catch 'em all!

26 | Rawnblade says:

LMAO! Haha, the dialogue was perfect, it took the storyline farther than many people realize it, and it was just plain crap-your-pants funny! Nice work.

At least they're on the ship now, lol

27 | Guest #9999999... says:

I expected failure, but never to this degree! Awesomely funny! My gut hurts...

I hope that marine, Krakka, comes back with the Strategy Guide! MC's gonna need it!

28 | gecko says:

purple is not his color .I would say red armor

29 | Josh-kun says:

LOL!!! I love how MC just struts around, and the comments he makes are hilarious! 2 thumbs up!

30 | picard says:

probably the best and funniest i've seen yet

31 | Icefox McLeod says:

Great comic, as usual. But after reading the rules for posting i felt somewhat sad. Almost as if someone gave me a teddybear(the comment system) and then shot it in the head(the over done rules). BTW: I hope i didn't bread any rules when i criticized the rules! -_-


that was soooo freakin' funny! Especially the part with the wort wort wort and all that -o- hahaha

33 | mrsmiley says:

If anyone has comments or questions on the new rules, simply send me an a personal message in our forum!

34 | Riddick says:

I'm Hoping that the Chief & Cortana can make a daring escape from the prison, I would the same; Either that or KRACKA could come & save them.

P.S. I agree with Torque, the Chief NEEDS reinforcements in this mission, why would Keyes be so cruel to make him go alone not knowing that the Chief would be captured?

35 | Admiral Athan says:

Okay, I thought it was okay, but not as funny as "rofl". I don't get what was so funny about 'Wort, wort and all" Where did that come from? Yes, I have played and finished Halo. It was still worth a chuckle (when I just got 4 hours of sleep, that's not bad).

36 | Mr Fish says:

if the next is as good, then i'm laugh even more

37 | Vasheeth says:

Lol, that was one of the best halo babies comics ever. Wort wort and all that. And the hunter in the backround looks like he's making fun of him.

38 | The Man says:

Now Keys is probably going to have to save the MC.

39 | Hunter_Killer says:

I loved this strip, it was so F-in funny! (See Mr Smiley? I didn't say Fuckin =) lol whoops)

MC is such a dope, he would *have* to be captured. If I were MC, 1. I would fire Cortana (can he do that?) although that just might make it worse, or 2. he would hope that he were secrectly playing Co-Op and the other character (KRACKA?[sp?]) would come to save him.

- Hunter_Killer
From the HBO Forums

40 | Bio-Hazard Audio says:

Great... I kinda expected that MC would end up like that... perhapse Cortana should use MC's shields to cause an energy flare, thus disabling the shields for a second (Along with his own)

Congratz, keep it up, and it's good that you instituted the new rule system.

41 | Beuzer 0 says:

The chief joking to a Golden elite.... excellent

42 | Case says:

very funny.... I like the way you drew the Hunter and Grunts looking at Chief

43 | 00117 says:

lol, thats great, but the mc's helmet is fancier than the gold elite's. thats probly why hes in jail :p

44 | Ace says:

Great comic!

45 | No117 says:

That comic actually scard me for the fact that mc doesnt look so good in that Elite costume!

46 | eagles eye 01 says:

that guy who showed him the golden banshee will probably save them (srry i forget his name). Very nice comic, but what is that they are stuck in in the last panel?

47 | elitespeak says:

this is prob what the elites thinkin (hey who the good looking newcomer WHAT SHES A HUMAN darn my mom was right)

48 | Armyofone says:

1.why was he speaking to the covies in human, you know what was he thinking.you would think that, from his past experiance that he would not say anything..at all.2. it kinda seemed that he thought that elite was a girl or somethin' ("the stars are beautiful tonight").but anyway that one line "wort wort and all that", very funny indeed.I hope Kracka can save MC now.

49 | john gemmel says:

I thing i dont get is what does wort, wort, wort mean???

50 | tropical says:

john gemmel.. i take it you havnt played halo...

51 | Mr. Elite says:


52 | I am from Finland says:

Best ever! :DDDD

53 | Snake1715 says:

hey all! great comix , just thought u'd all like to know all elites are female... well... most of the ones in halo im guessing... whatever
\m/ rock hard

54 | Halo53 says:

Wait... which one was the chief? That disguise fooled me...

55 | Chel-kun says:

Poor Master chief =/ That was pretty funny though ^_^ (I remember watching Halo babies a long time ago...)

56 | bonfire says:

thats casual in my opinion...

57 | Mr.Bob says:

He's trying to hard!

58 | Peek-A-Boo says:

He fooled me!

59 | halo boi says:

where are the reinforcements when u need them?
secondly: whats with this KRACKA guy?
thirdly:is that the elite in episode 41's armour?
im curious gruntsbane.
verry curious

60 | David says:

Horay! My wish came true and we've seen the inside of the ship. I hope MC actually does some fighting now.

61 | Sarge says:

Ha!Very funny,ROTFLMAO, chief could get his final major award, according to The Fall Of Reach, chief has every major award except prisoner of war award, seems like the UNSC has to give it to him now.And once again, great comics!!!!

62 | botch boy says:

y did they put there own coventant friend with them that is mean

63 | Tunk says:

Heck yeah! 'Wort wort and all that'...Perfect.

64 | MAX PAYNE says:

U would be a freak to think thats an elite.Am i right??????????

65 | MAX PAYNE says:

IS halo babies a show chel cun says he remembers WATCHING halo babies =]

66 | Arthuris says:

best comic strip yet... "wort wort wort"

67 | Vigoorian says:

This got to be the funniest comic yet!

68 | No_117 says:

... NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

69 | cpl Harland says:

I think it was very funny and artistic. keep up the good work.

70 | no_117 says:


71 | Curious Grunt says:

\(^o^)/ FUNNIEST. COMIC. EVER. \(^o^)/

72 | Mr Grunt says:

I want that elite costume! Then I can show all of my grunt buddies that I transformed into a ELITE. It would be so cool... hi

73 | Shiro says:

Heh.. I love the simplicity of the characters espacially the roundness of the Gold Elite in this one. it kinda reminds me of a lizard. XD

Funny and yet artistically great at the same time. ^^
But that's just of my subjective frame.

74 | A Elite says:

WortWort! WORRRTITTY WORT WORT! translate: Ilove IT do not love chif

75 | Cloud says:

Good Would Have Been Better In Final Fantisy Form!!!=)

76 | Umbala says:

This reminds me of Jingo, a Discworld Novel.

77 | natasha henstridge ya know off species! says:

that was freakin funny! hahaha.

78 | tim says:


79 | 'Suka Ramamee says:


80 | Insane Master Chief says:

Great artwork and comic once again. "Wort, Wort and all that" An extremely funny moment, I think it sounded like a patronising colonial Englishman in Africa or somewhere like that, trying to fit in and seem "kind" to this dumbfuck (that's what he thinks) in front of him. And Gruntsbane, I found two already used characters in the first strip.
The Elite was from the second panel in the one where Master Chief is mocking him until his active camo fails and the scared grunt beside him is from "Here's one you won't see on HBO with the Elite trying to jump the ramp of Jackal shields over 4 grunts.
Also,'Suka, you should join www.zug.com/gab, it seems like a comedy chatroom you would like. I am on it, known as Crazy But Smart Scottish Boy.

81 | Hellsing says:

ahh yeah... thats like the best one.

82 | Mak_elite says:

Chief is so Stinky

83 | Anonomous grunt says:

XD That's AWESOME! I'm going to print out the mini-series and show it to my friends. GREAT work.

84 | carrot critic says:

LOL!!!!!! hes awesome! :P wort wort wort!

85 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:

This one is the best of all of the comics, hands down!... wort wort wort!

86 | boit says:

Best humor hands up and down!

That probably explains the Valentines Day heart shaped box of chocolates sent to Chief with the words "I wort wort wort you"

87 | The Commander says:

LOL I finnaly appear. Mrsmily, you made my armour gold & white!!!!! WORTWORTWORT!!!!!!!

88 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

that elite looks like an octopuss in armor!!

89 | Ryu says:

awsome comic i like the grunts in the second frame

90 | 'Kassamee says:

Ha Ha! Ha!! Dude that was hilarious! Wort wort and all that indeed.

91 | 008 says:

Yup, I think he did a really good job at fooling the blind ones.

92 | Elly urgomamee says:

ow demon cant act but he sure can shoot

93 | ArbiGal aka "Inda 'Nolamee" says:

The Demon is crafty! I loved it! One of my favs...to the Demon, I say "Wort wort wort"! ^_^

94 | ha! ha! you're jealous of me because I have the longest name here says:

I liked this one. This is the best one ever! Except for the one where the Chief got a Plasma Sword. Gosh! That was funny! Besides, this one's a classic. :D

95 | bungie says:

One of my favorits!!!! and its funny!!! To

96 | Masterchief evil says:


97 | Super chief691 says:

That was hilarious!!!

98 | silver elite says:

Great comic, and for all of you that don't know what wort wort wort means thats how the elites laugh

99 | ako says:

............... weird

100 | cabose says:

Why would master chief dress like that

101 | Zeka the Gold Elite says:

He was the least covincing Elite I had met when on Halo...

102 | cody vo says:


103 | THE CHARLES 2 says:

dude i could have taken em

104 | Half-Jaw and Zawaz says:

Half-Jaw: THAT WAS THE DEMON!!!???

Zawaz: Hahahahahahahahahahaha! He fooled you!

*punch noise*

105 | SPARTAN-022 says:

LOL. btw half-jaw, I killed ur brother.*BANG* *BANG* and Elites are MALES!!!

106 | Some Halo-Lover says:


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